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Everything posted by gentlemonkey

  1. YAHOOO! for seeing one your favourite bands ever, and a bunch of great friends kickin it in the sunshine on a tuesday!?! i love you bluesfest. I'm happy to hear whatever moe feels like playing!
  2. I've already had two cavity searches!!! clean as a whistle..
  3. Why dont you pick up a roasted chicken on the way down? I'll bring some paper towels, mayo and a loaf of wonder bread- and we'll have a nice little picnic!!
  4. Did any one else find it strange when Geroge Thorogoode finished his encore by playing 'Oh Canada' over the P.A with a Canadian flag waving on the big screens, then towards the end when the crowd was singing and cheering, emerging from side stage, arms raised as if he had written it or something...? Just seemed really weird.
  5. Ottawa has a bit of a problem with the cultture of entitlement of entitlement.
  6. Esentially, we've all paid the same amount, so we should all be entitled to the same amount of space. If there isnt enough space to allow a lawnchair's worth of grass for every person, they should not be permitted at all. Definitley not in front of the soundboard when 25000 people are squished along the sides trying to get a glimpse. Last night, I was picturing some disguntled music fan hotwiring one of those artillary tanks on display at the war museum, and bulldozing the chairs into the River. I wonder if they'd get out of their seats if they saw a machine of war coming at them.
  7. Maybe we should train the lawnchair douchebags in the same manner one might train a dog or cat. We could all use the psychology of Pavlov. We could all carry little spray bottles... if we encounter a brigade of chairs, surrounded by people sardined- we could just quietly and inconspicuously spray the offending spacehogs from behind. Only the people standing will see, the lawnchair people will soon have to stand to figure out why they are being sprayed. We'll need a lot of spray bottles.
  8. BAAAAPPP!!! Wishing you all the best on your birthday my friend!! Looking forward to sippin snoots with you at Bela ce soir!! J
  9. I'm going to ask your mum for a piggyback!! ......forcefully.
  10. It'll all be a lot quicker and easier when the other areas open tonight.. Cant wait to see the Black Sheep!
  11. I cant help picturing my elderly grampa watching the news, seeing me stroll by the camera double-fisting beers with a smoke in my mouth... "jaaaay....?"
  12. This could be a nice change for a while... MMMMMMMmmm... beefamato.
  13. wicked!! sounds like it was well worth the trip down.. thanks prost!
  14. I wish we could get a straight answer on this. Brad- thanks for looking into it.
  15. Happy Birthday Mike! Have a nice one!
  16. Great time for sure!! I found the show had some ups and downs- but overall it was great.
  17. I can't believe no one has mentioned the Ewok victory song from Return of the Jedi.. I want to celebrate just thinking about it. YUB NUB- CHe bOp CHUB NUB!!
  18. happy birthday pal! Hopefully I'll see you this weekend at some point.
  19. Yes!! This show definitley exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed most of the material I was unfamiliar with- although I have to agree 'Leaving Beirut' was pretty terrible musically. great frigging band he's got!! The backup chick kicked ass on 'Great Gig in the Sky' too!
  20. lol.. sweet blog dood! :wow:
  21. Are they going to let you tape there Brad? I know the bar operates on a 'pay the bands with a live recording' system..
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