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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Well im only have a dozen of so beer and thats is because I got to go back to work at 1 AM this morning, so cant have too much fun, And Have a Blast Fishing buddy, Im right jelous, but only a couple months till im back home for a visit and we will have a fishin trip then you can show me how you kings county folk do it, haha But atleast it wont be hard to remember your name since mine is Josh too haha
  2. Nothing is better than a good home cooked Salt fish Dinner! im favoutite meal, ahhh some delicious salt cod or haddok, with creamy mashed patatoes with peices of salt pork mixed in and top it off with some fresh cut onions and drench it all in the salt pork fat a gravey!!
  3. Ol'Hickster


    Up at 4:30 am Check the E mails, Jambands, Weather network then I leave to work, When I get home its winamp, E mails, Jambands, facebook, then the randoms sites which usually consit of sports new, flash cartoons, general intrest Oh yea and cant forget the porn
  4. Oh yea and a other thing to remember is that Gra8Ful Secretly desires nothing else in life but to be from Charlotte County, NB!
  5. Oh my man, dont you guys get that excited when you color? I know I do !
  6. Loooks like I know what im pickin up after work tommorow~ Cant wait!
  7. Wicked! good thing i had the weekend off and didnt need to use TTC, but deffinatly glad to see they will be back in action for work tommorow!
  8. I seen a trolly on the go today, does that mean there back running? If so is it back to full service or somekinda work to rule?
  9. Looks like a rockin Show Jay! No Evolve for you this year?
  10. Deffinatly sucky! Evolve was pretty wet last year! but not this wet
  11. Ummmmmmm, I cant remember 100% but I think it was wither Grand Theft Bus in Fredricton or Matt Mayes and ElTorpedo at the 3 mile in Sinat John
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