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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Yea Ive deffinatly heard tremendous thing about this movie as well and am sooooooo looking forward to seeing it. DDL is such an amazing actor aswell deffinatly one of my favourites of all time
  2. The golden road or whatever its called
  3. Perhaps I dont think its a very popular beer here in ontario, But as soon as I go home for holidays and evolve and what not I get a case of Alpine and Schooner!! I love the stuff!
  4. Yea I went and checked it out today at the beer store here in clarkson and the dude said he never heard of it and said I should search the site, perhaps it would be at a bigger store location but when I searched it said no results Bummer!
  5. Your just jelous that your not a CC kid yourself
  6. In stead of Sanctuary you could call it Skank-tuary
  7. Yea, I wanted to add some photos aswell, knowing there not professional but I dig them, but wasnt able
  8. Good vibes on the board and being a stone Mason myself I give good vibes !!
  9. Better than the dirty John or expecially Bloomsfeild
  10. Hye Gra8ful nothing wrong with a good scooner and nothing wrong with grownin up in Charlottle county hahahah Thanks for the luck though, Hopefully I will!
  11. Hey Skanks I would absolutly die for a flat of Scooner right now ! And yea I know there is the food and beer threads on here but this get noticed much more. Any Skanks know if you can Get a nice cod Scooner around TO? It will be another several months before im home and was wondering if they sell anywhere else besides the maritimes?? Any info will help!
  12. Yea I just found out I wont be able to make it but If I win Tickets are Tiggers!!! Happy B day dude!!
  13. Dear work, Yea kick ass and are fun but sometime you can get very very dusty!!
  14. Yea thast what my buddy said at work aswell he said they deffinatly sound english lol but once yea get past that hes says it rocks!
  15. I deffinatly think im goin to try to hit this one!!!
  16. Sweet! I havent ever seen it before so im excited to see it a guy I work with has seen it and he says its awesome aswell
  17. Hows does that saying about women go ?? " Beauty is only a light switch away" haha
  18. Elwoods is a okay venue, but its small I found when Sloco played on friday the 22nd it was soo packed that you could hardly move at all, and they let a tonne of minors in haha The liqure inspector was standing behind the bar inspecting ids that night aswell The Gothic Arches was also a Wicked Venue to see shows at but unfortunitly thast all over with, I guess they lost there liqure license cause of noise and other complaints from the people that lived around the area
  19. Im pumped for this, Ive been watching Rome week like Crazy !!
  20. haha Instead of "Ask Jeeves" we should start a "ASK BRADM.com" hahaha
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