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Everything posted by mousepad

  1. Right on! Two of my most bestest favouritest dancingest bands! Like nuts & gum...together at last.
  2. Congrats again Rick! Not many jobs come with full benefits and a free Les Paul! Hugs and Smiles!
  3. hahaha or maybe those cream soda white popsicles...but try the 747 kind too.
  4. I'm really happy for you two! But Aww poo! You guys just keep moving further and further away! Looks like I'm going to have to extend my summer bike tour further south and east. Best wishes and happy travels to you beautiful people.
  5. Happy Birthday Carrie! A funtastic time with ya over the weekend. My head still aches....damn those Bee-otches!
  6. A very happy birthday! I'm so glad to have met you! Thanks for the into to Jägermeister!
  7. Ha! Thanks! But what I'd really like you to do is teach me to sand surf!
  8. Arriving three days before should give me lots of time to set up a hot tub and have a stage ready for Boss! The bike incident sucked. After riding 20,000km with no problems it gets pushed over by some whacko at CTMF an hour away from home! But I'm glad that was the only mean thing that happened.
  9. Hey Blurry! I'm planning to arrive a few days early again this year to snag that same sweet site. I'm hoping to fill it with all you happy folk again. Looking forward to lots more of those late nights jammin' around the campfire.
  10. Double that I won't be experiencing Gratefulfest with you again this year Mr. Tonin. But looking forward to at least celebrating our birthdays together once again!
  11. A big happy birthday to ya Tigger, ya bouncing bundle of happy! Hugs and Smiles!
  12. Happy Birthday! You're one in a bahjillion! Hugs & smiles, Joni
  13. Kaitlin is an awesome kid. With the Tonin smarts and good looks, she'll do great. I'm sure having dad so close is a relief for her (and you!) Best of luck to all of ya!
  14. Wonderful news! Congratulations to a most beautiful couple. Smiles & hugs!
  15. I couldn't have said it better! A wonderful time hanging out with you at Gratefulfest! You're a definate 10 on the Tonin scale! Hugs and Smiles, Joni
  16. Hey! Congratulations! Aaron, it was great talking with ya at PJC a couple weeks ago. So glad life is lookin' warm and sunny for ya! Hope to meet Mrs. NewRider someday soon. Hugs & Smiles
  17. Hey Karin! Hippiest Happiest Birthday to you and your beautiful purrfect pussy. Smiles and Hugs!
  18. Very sad circumstances but I'm glad to hear that Neil is doing better. Cyber hugs to you and Neil. Stay strong and be well.
  19. Hey y'all! Very sorry to hear of Tara's granny. Glad you made it down there safely. Hey! Is that the Rich that was camping with you at Gratefulfest? Give him a monster bear hug from me if ya see him again. Hugs and Smiles!
  20. Oh Karin, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you and your friend. Stay strong. Be well.
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