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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


    I'll take those.
  2. Booche

    NFL 2011

    Darren McAwesome is awesome.
  3. Mike Tyson could sell out MSG masterbating.
  4. During my First Song to Last Song Free Internet Kanada Kev Europe 72 Voyage, I have noticed a small pattern within the first three shows because each song is a fucking killer: Greatest Story Ever Told (holy shit!) Looks Like Rain Deal
  5. If only everyone sent in a buck a year......but I digress until I start with me. There are a few of you folks who blew my socks off when I heard what you donated. You guys know who you are and while this is gonna be hard I promise to not make fun of you in Rich Stadium until the NHL regular season starts. Most impressive.
  6. And from that same blog Kev has graciously offered comes this nonsense (I am 1 minute into Are You Experienced, groo-fucking-v): http://hungryears.tumblr.com/tagged/Jimi_Hendrix_Experience
  7. That was pretty much the only reason why I went in summer 2009! But really, my main point was the rise of couch terr. I have to pick my battles seeing live shows these days, especially when it comes to out of town, so I have zero complaints when I can stream a show and its of high audio quality.
  8. Why would I burn money on travelling to Phish nowadays?
  9. The BDunn Shakedown Spread Ingredients: 1 can of Spam, regular or low-salt 1/4 cup diced white onion 1/4 cup diced sweet or dill pickle 1 large hard boiled egg, diced 1/4 teaspoon celery seed Miracle Whip to taste Directions: Decan the Spam. Either grind or use a food processor to reduce it to consistency of coarse hamburger. Mix with other ingredients using enough Miracle Whip to get the spreading consistency you desire. Chill thoroughly. Serve as dip with chips or crackers or make into sandwiches. You can also replace the middle portion of Oreo cookies with BDunn Shakedown Spread. Cover a passedout drunk person's nutsack and watch his dog go to town.
  10. I caught the second set and enjoyed the Carini and Slave. On the other hand it was the most usuage out of the whammy pedal I have heard in some time.
  11. A guy at work bought a car out of the paper. Ten years later, Bam! Herpes.
  12. Fair enough. PT used to be a regular haunt for me due to its high hilarity quotient and well thought out Phish discussions but you are right and I shouldnt define a fanbase on that site alone. It just shocks me to see what that place has become.
  13. Those fucks didnt work for me either and thankgod there wasnt an entitled online community for me to get sick of. My rose coloured glasses were essentially knocked off my face that summer camping at Buckeye beside these fucktards from Philly. Whenever I hear of folks speak of the nitrous mafia, I picture that lot. The last shows I saw were Detroit in 1995 and the image of that lot scene which carried over to where we were staying will forever be etched in my memory. Fugly.
  14. I cannot stand modern day 3.0 Phish fans. From my perspective they are a horrible fanbase. They've done more than just ruin PT for me.
  15. I'm with Schwa and Sean on this one.
  16. Thanks for sharing that Roller. Lansberg has never been more right about anything I have ever heard from him: I know what you've wondered. And don't feel bad, we've all asked the question. You're thinking it right now. Well, I will ask it for you; how does any parent choose to leave his kids? How does a guy share with me the joy of hearing his five-year old at violin lessons, and then eight days later plug his ears forever? I don't know the answer, but I do know this; I pray that you and I won't ever figure it out. Some things you don't want to know. And some things you can't ever judge.
  17. Booche

    NFL 2011

    Raiders-Skins superbowl. Its 1983 all over again. Where we gonna watch it Sloth?
  18. Booche

    NFL 2011

    Sloth, I hope you had to get up to piss 8 times in the middle of the night.
  19. Booche

    Videos Forum

    Shit, I wish I read this earlier! Awfully kind of you none the less.
  20. ::masterbates furiously:: TORONTO - Keira Knightley risked rankling a Toronto audience by striding into a film festival press conference with a Montreal Canadiens jersey slung across her shoulders. The British movie star says she did so at the bidding of her "Dangerous Method" co-star Viggo Mortensen, who is a big Habs fan. Mortensen says he gave his co-star a "thorough coaching" on the politics of Canadian hockey before coming out. He proudly displayed a Habs jersey bearing the name Lafleur on the back, as well as a Scott Gomez sweater. Knightley says they thought it would get the ire of their Toronto-bred director, David Cronenberg, and it did. Cronenberg called the stunt "perverse" and expressed mock dismay that it didn't seem to bother Knightley.
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