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Everything posted by Booche

  1. This thread should be renamed The Life And Times Of A Short, Stocky, Slow-witted, Bald Man.
  2. Maybe its the beer talking because DaveyBoy2.0 has a butt that wont quit but I am digging on this.
  3. That is really cool although I think my stomach had a seizure at one point.
  4. Ironically, a floppy bottle is what caused Catphish to get knocked up in the first place.
  5. August 24 | Elmdale House | Ottawa, Ontario Hello. I just took the Thursday off. Gonna be an expensive few days for me. Smart move not booking this during Folkfest.
  6. Oooooooooooooh. That is gorgeous Freeker.
  7. I love the shit out of all you kiiiaaand streamymotherfuckers. Not that this has to be said but please try not to read the reviews prior to listening. I cant believe I am doing this during Bluesfest, on a Friday no less. I have been purposely not looking at the acts. I got the Po'Man Bloose but cheers to you MarcustGretzky for making this a Grateful Dead day for me. That's all my house has played today, aside from Phish's secret set of attempted mystical chaos at Superball but that sorta adds to it as far as I am concerned.
  8. Simple solution 'ersh. Make it an all acoustic affair and spark 8 BOMBERS and pass them out to the crowd before each set. Who will need booze? That place will be dripping with ambiance.
  9. This might be the 2 pints I had at lunch but it is SOOOO FUCKING ON! I cant wait to get home. It's officially a GD night at my place. You rock Marcust. ::masterbates furiously::
  10. Forbin's? Is POG still alive?
  11. I know I am highandall right now but this is some fuckedupshit.
  12. We really enjoyed the first set run on couch terr from Divided Sky up to and including Monkey Man (killer cover choice, loved the Page parts) but then we were off to Jazzfest. Boogie On Reggae Woman Camel Walk Cities boom
  13. Booche

    Jaga Jazzist

    Ho.Lee.Fuck. New favorite band. That one guitar player shouldnt be as talented as he is. Saxamaphones as well? And the drummer? Forgetaboutit. Killer fucking band. I jizzed in my pants their entire set and this was after meeting Bela Fleck. True story.
  14. Alex 'Big Bald' Auld almost stole Price's job last year which is why the Habs chose not to resign him. They didnt want to deal with another goaltender controversy.
  15. Clearly he is uninformed with the subject matter.
  16. Soundcheck thanks to Duanebase. He's so the man.
  17. I wish I could answer for you but: 1 - I dont know very much when it comes to the sax but I recall the alto and would say it was the dominant one, if I was forced to. Please refer to Velvet, my brother or www.prince.org for a more accurate answer. 2 - I havent had my eyes closed that much at a concert since Phish on 08-12-98. 3 - I still havent wiped the glow or the shit eating grin off my face.
  18. Dont worry Mr Slippery. I laughed too and then started thinking about the hilarious posters I would create if I could only draw. I mean, is there a more perfect theme than Wilco At The Wang? On their The Whole Love tour no less? This shit writes itself. In the end, triple YES. The wife and I are going to make the MTL show an anniversary date. Her mom is retiring at the end of July and we are already booking her free time. Haha. I kinda feel guilty. Kinda.
  19. DB prefers I Cant Believe It's Not Butter, in case that becomes a determining factor for you.
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