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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Why, brad? because they could? I'm suprised you haven't learned yet.
  2. i went home early yesterday cause I was nodding off at work. wanting to take a nap and nodding off. different? the same?
  3. Perhaps? they are Fond of Tigers May 17&18 at Guelph's eBar and toronto's Music Gallery, respectively.
  4. Upstream puts on the bigger jam shows during the year while Bonfire runs most smaller and medium sized Scene events to prepare for their annual Bonfire Festival. I suggest you come HERE and help start this board up. I know I wish I had something more to add here much of the time.
  5. The Bad Plus? Ridley Bent? Steve Dawson? Amon Tobin in Surround Sound!! FOND OF TIGERS!!! Hot Toddy?? Rabnett 5?? Almost all of the live music I want to see this summer is happening at the Jazz festival and the few other shows are happening around my birthday - and Willie Nelson late June... And of course there's Bonfire Festival. Aside from that Vancouver summer will be filled with Magic once again!
  6. How about Bebel Gilberto with Sekoya?? That'd be a super hot ticket.
  7. you should come out for it, Schwa!
  8. I'm not worried. It's one of the many steps we will go through in the death of our planet and existence. I'm disappointed that I have to see it so soon though. I was hoping at least another few lifetimes would transpire that I could enjoy flowers and fruit made naturally by real pollenation. Presuming I won't have it all figured out this time around I've got to really approach this chance to learn, without clinging to my sympathy with the planet. We did this and if we can't necessarily do anything to directly reverse it what do you suppose we're going to have to look forward to? What is in order to take it all in stride and push forward to help slow or stabilize this loss of earthly life? I would like to know because 'those greedy fuckers' already took it from her. Rape. It's not for ever now. Tainted. Deased. Deserving of all the love we have to give. We need to prepare her decline and either learn how to move on or how to survive without her and amongst ourselves. We don't have long left. Live life Alive.
  9. I don't mind the sweetness but would try making wormwood tea. Sounds pretty heavy. What about anise seed? would that make a decent tea??
  10. That's apparently their rule. Shitty I know but I'd move there for work if it were appropriate at the time. I wouldn't have to have much to do with anyone I didn't care much for and do what I wanted as long as I am not found to be breaking the law. I think it's an amazing place with unfortunate inadequeces.
  11. yeah...I have to correct you on this one. When a bass player brings a big rig it's not there to power the room. That's what the PA is for. THAT is the reason it is crucial to have a great sounding Mic or DI. Many amps have Direct Outs built in. Size makes a huge difference. It really does matter for Stage Volume - if you want the band to feel your lines then you will need an amp that is louder than you need. Don't play it louder than you need to mind you, but if YOU can play loudly then everyone else can and there's one less thing to hold you back onstage. Smaller combo amps are great for practicing and tiny jam spaces. They pretty much need quiet drummers and other musicians with small amps - You will never get a big full sound out of a lower wattage bass amp when playing with others unless you're all playing very quietly or have your stage sound worked out so as to not compete with anybody else's frequency spectrum, AND to support and thicken other folks' lines with sympathetic tones. This takes a lot of time for most musicians to really get. Low Wattage guitar amps can really kick out some sound and cut through a stage because the force needed to move ait at higher frequencies is much lower. think about it this way: a sound wave that is a low frequency can easily be 30 feet long - for one repetition of the sound wave. A bigger sound wave takes more energy to produce and push than a 5 foot midrange wave that your ear can actually hear more easily anyway. If you want a nasaly distortion/fuzz tone then a smaller amp may work but if you are at all into big full tone with a heavy bottom from time to time then save your money and get a bigger rig. I waited until I could get an amp that was at least 250 watts and I could gig with or take to a jamspace. I'm Glad to have waited. I almost bought a great big behringer head and cheap cabinet to be able to turn up my quiet, or gotten by with used gear but settling for used gear to save money just wouldn't be fair to myself. I will second the call to Fender. I've played a lot of basses and I still love the tone I get out of my 5 string mexican Jazz more than most basses up to the $2000 mark. It's what I learned on, they are built like tanks, and can be very attainable. there are a lot of copycats out there but don't be afraid to try them if they're seemingly expensive. Tokai used to make fenders better than fender...then got sued, so they changed their designs. Ibanez used to make gibsins better than Gibson, got sued, and then made guitars better than both...for a short time. The only full sized Neck Through Semi-Hollow body with fender scale I've ever seen was an old Ibanez...see? instruments can really get you off-topic. Amplifiers are ultimitely key. You can make a shitty bass stink no more with a great amp while a sweet bass through piddly tone will just feel nicer to play. If you have a bass already but need a biger amp then don't get carried away with a total rig overhaul. You might only need a tune-up to make your bass rattle a room with some fat lows and still kick out tight. If you can't go high-end just yet I have to recommend Yorkville. They're workhorses and not at all hard to find. not exactly. High-end gear costs a lot of money. Take your time, rent when you have to, and take advantage of financing if need be. I totally lucked out on my amp. It cost me $600. My bass was just more than that, and of course straps, cables, and cases... Good luck with your rig, dude. I hope you like your tone as much as I love mine.
  12. The more we analyze this to try to explain the best formula for artists to profit the less time we spend making music. If you don't want to give it away freely then don't. If you want to try to get more people out to see you by letting them try some milk before buying the cow and they just want to come back to get another glass of milk when it's around then charge them for that if it'll make your butter. Business efforts of any kind are still efforts, so your opinions matter, but every band has its own kind of audience. Having great sounding live recordings - shows that are nice and loud sound as good as a Studio CD will at louder volumes - that's how they were created, right? so that's why they're available on Archive.org - for free! Go check that place out and get something else while you're there...(cross promotion) If you can get people talking about you or shouting about you then the people want a piece of it. Sometimes it's easier to get rid of something if it's $2 or $10 rather than for free and to have it get taken seriously.
  13. I got my combo for about $600 and am totally glad that I did. It fills a little jamspace nicely and is really mobile (albeit heavy for a 1x10...but the speaker has a heavy magnet) and if you set yourself up with (rent for gigs?) a 4 ohm cabinet pluged in there it turns into a 500 watt amp. It is digital but not full of effects like some cheesy toy. EQ, Compressor, Noise Gate, Effects Loop, Balanced and Line outs, +4/-10 dB switch for proper voltage, and I think it was designed to be suitable for international gigging. It is endorsed by nathan east if that matters and it can be bi-amped nicely with another yamaha head. It's a totally useful little bass rig that sounds great and performs. You shouldn't have any trouble getting a good deal on it. Digital Amp however, 'ersh has a great point that there are a lot of sweet sounding old rigs that work really well for cheap. Acoustic stuff is fantastic, so are old traynor and garnet amps if they're beefy enough for you. here's a trick I sometimes use for trying out amps...when you're setting levels for playing loud turn your instrument volume down. then try the amp out playing quietly -- you can pump the instrument volume and see how much headroom there is for your dynamics. if you can make your quiet playing nice and full and also get a great loud rock tone then you've got something you can use for gigs and jamming alike.
  14. Apparently it's not the thujone that produces those effects, KevO. Since the Czech recipes often have higher thujone recipes, most of the Absinth that was produced had much lower levels but still gave people the tonic like effects. I am not so focused on that as I am curious about the taste and the louche. Either way a $80+ bottle of alcohol seems a bit excessive as staple.
  15. I just think he head's about to explode.
  16. I was curious why it was different than other alcohol. it definitely feels different but it's still Booze. Not quite a narcotic but definitely a drug at least as much as any other alcohol is.
  17. Entirely laughable that Luke would have the experience necessary to be a Sherriff. Get out yer 6 guns. We won't wait till noon.
  18. For someone that manages 500 relationships similtaneously this one is working out very poorly. Focus is the key. Perhaps whitlling it down to 200 or hell - 25 strong relationships would be a great start. Goodbye forever again then? I sure know that I wouldn't vote for this guy unless there was some proof he wouldn't melt into an oozing pool of self loathing and madness. Neurodiversity is not something that can easily be debated in a public political forum when it comes down to taxpayers paying this crazy fucker's salary.
  19. I feel great today. Absinth apparently has some 'hepatoprotective' properties which I would presume go out the window with serious habitual use, but I was drunk when i got home after watching the canucks get their asses kicked. I'd gone out with a bunch of folks from work and can't quite recall walking home but I know I did. Actually it was a beautiful night so I was more into the warm air than my 'long' 30 minute walk. I think I stopped at 4 drinks but it may have been 5. I'm about a third done my bottle and although it was the first thing I wanted to put in my body this morning I'm not nearly as worried as I could be. It's still capped and sitting on my desk. I suppose at 70% alcohol 4 drinks is more like 7...and I rarely drink. I think I'd have been more wasted if I'd have gotten into the port. And Davey Boy - it only partly explains that PM. the Absinth is the only reason I was sitting in the corner in front of my computer last night. I have to clean my apartment so I didn't want to clear off my sofa and I have the longest sightlines in my place without being in my kitchen and although I'm under a loft bed I don't feel as confined...the space seems bigger and I'm more comfortable...and I have a giant painting on my wall that is just to the right of my monitor and it's a really nice thing to see. Mix that with: 1) the spring being my least favourite time of year for incredibly deep personal reasons 2) me being absolutely sick of being distraught after all these years, and 3) habitually going over the wierdness and still not being able to make sense of it all, yet it slowly coming together in a very strange yet entirely uplifting picture I'm gearing up to get out of my apartment and play some Disc Golf. Still procrastinating...my apartment will be clean shortly.
  20. Well the only reason it was banned was the corellation between the active convulsant in wormwood 9thujone) was found to seriously mess up guinea pigs that thujone was administered to. that and some dude claimed it drove him to kill his wife.even after being drink already on other booze., I think it's cool how the stuff doesn't completely mix with the water.I thinkn i'll stop at four.
  21. I want to know about that fuggin jet fighter.
  22. Dude - there has never been enough thujone in absinth to significantly affect someone's nervous system. It's just very boozy. thanks though Jay. It's no crack, heroin, or Angel dust. It's no LSD It's no Burger King. I'm hungry and drunk.
  23. SaggyBalls


    the only Absinth I've found in Canada is the 'bohemian' or Czech style which is now only recently popular and does not 'louche' Does anybody know of Canadian distributors of 'bitters' or traditional Absinth/e? I'd mail order from overseas but am curious if anybody knows about this fine drink. My Green Tree Absinth is tasty and booze but other than the taste and patience I need to drink it over sugar and ice water it feels like a very clean natural alcoholic beverage. I really like its heterogeneous and hepatoprotective properties
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