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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. My neighbour just gave me his old Electro Harmonix 'Polyphase'- it's a sweet envelope following phase - the attack dictates amount and scope of phase - but the problem is that it needs an old power adapter. I used to have an old microsynth with the same problem. Anybody have any suggestions on where I can find someone to help me get it restored to full lustre? I absolutely manifested this pedal as I've been realizing that I only really need a phaser to make my synth shine. (there's no oscillator on my synth pedal) I also need a NEW power cable for my synth pedal. both 24v 100mA, one male one female. What a bunch of assholes to make those pedals need their own power supply. They are in fact the bomb when there aren't too many in a chain.
  2. Breathe in all that shit stink, luke. Let it rot your lungs like ripe guano in a hot cave. the miracles of modern day medecine should be able to take care of that in due time.
  3. I'm hittin it this weekend. My weekend starts Friday night and I don't have a telephone to get things going. If you're so inclined, drop me a line at work this week 877.631.2845x2304
  4. any sweaty broad riding a hot piece of steel and rubber that gets allison riled up needs to be photographed.
  5. I know I shoulda saved that madman's rant for those times I'm out on the street destitute and alone because my life was ruined by the man (read: crack)
  6. Weighed out pound for pound it's like the difference between fillet mignion and chicken cordon bleu. Both are awesome, but when i'm at home listening there's only so much raging funky jam i can take while when I'm there I'm glad to have the best time. I also do like genuine real deal reggae... I wouldn't trade those in the fest keither, but as far as what perks my ears up when I'm at home in front of my itunes is what I'm going to remark about when i'm on a messageboard. looking forward to seeing raq and being present for garaj.
  7. Now maybe you can chock this up to me being full of shit, but as tasty as soy mils is on cereal, and useful as tofu is in fleshing out a stir fry (and is deep fried with pepper salt at so good in Ottawa) it always makes me feel strangely ethereal...like you could fly a paper airplane through my head. Never truly felt it was as great as people say it is... another reason to eat REAL FOOD (as soy proteins are highly processed) but taking into account the fact that othe than brunch today I've eaten nothing but frozen pizzas, I have been known to be a hypocrite. Glad it's really only when it comes to eating and rage-fuelled littering.
  8. amazing! I've been watching clips here and there on you tube ever since I got the internet again. Easily one of my all time favourite tv shows, let alone cartoons. I'm sure that explains quite a bit.
  9. Amazing. You are some truly remarkable people - and together are absolutely a force to be reckoned with. Congratulations!
  10. i find it so amazing that so many lefties are amazed and impressed by movies that support our ideals, while none of them are challenged. now, that's really my own perspoective, but none of the environmental and political programs and movies have at all been suprising to me. perhaps well done, but aIT was a well produced seminar - nothing more. the greenland bit was pretty cool. it's going to be amazing to see this all unfold. definitely a nice head's up but not so challenging. Maybe I just haven't had my head up my ass about these sorts of things - i haven't really studied the topic but I'm expecting the worst. now - nuclear power - there are 2 sides of every coin. Until we can do something relatively useful with the waste it's not a very viable option, but what's the convenient alternative? fossil fuels?? growing rapeseed and hemp to make fuel for our cars and electricity? flooding forests and wetlands to make way for hydroelectric dams? wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal energy are obviously the best alterntives. We could easily harness the bay of fundy. what would the environmental ramifications of that be anyway?
  11. there are plenty of movies that focus on beauty. it helps us not ignore evil - to actually see it and understand that it happens everywhere, as we must be vigilant. you're such a fucking hippy.
  12. trade raq for sly and robbie and trade garaj for sarah harmer and corb lund... I'm going to enjoy the sets as much as i bellyache about jambands but do envy the music lovers lovin' up the island for those 3 hours.
  13. Their show at Elements was the most well-attended. Earplugs were given out. LOUD.
  14. hey - you don't fuck around. I suggest kevlar or finding old leather garments from thrift stores to start off with...unless that conflicts with your ideals.
  15. Thank you very much Mooose. After I wrote that ridiculous post I figured you would post this much sooner. You're really the one vegan thatapplied the best perspective to me back when you were starting your dairy cleanse back in the Patch. I'm personally not ready for that increased personal sensitivity and dietary responsibility. I'm glad that you were finally able to write this.
  16. 'blown away' no. impressed? yes.
  17. I was just plucking hairs from my beard in an attempt to shape my chin line and I stopped, realizing that i've again been immortalized by one the o-town crew. I bet those prehistoric salmon decayed to leave a much more pleasant stench than Paris, her twat dry and stagnant like a tadpole pond. Let's hope in the rest of her days she finds her prince charming hoppng out and resting long enough so she can try to plant those often airbrushed lips to a last hasty miserable wish for freedom and simple life of true royalty. An heiress, failing mistress, feels distress.
  18. I was going to keep this private but I figured that it is worth stating here: It's very easy to focus on the focal points of the film - the main character and the specifics of the plot. It's pretty stark and simple and doesn't really meander in the foreground, while all the really meaty content and commentary is in the background - happening as it may while the movie moves forward (focusing on what is ultimately the most important thing - working to preserve life and humanity). it's a pretty strong message and definitely helps me identify and side with the path of the plot and the focus on the protagonist. All the CGI is used to show things we wouldn't typically be able to see like a guy already blown in half, a birth, a newborn on camera, digital billboards and hints of technological advances. the cinematography is really challenging and subtle while the actual advances in filmmaking are pretty strong. I did happen to watch the bonus features and they really didn't add much more than I took from the film as it was mostly apparent while a different experience of this movie would probably lend itself to really needing those extras on the DVD in order to really understand it more than a relatively empty bleak future. The importance of film as a medium to display social commentary has really been lost as many topics addressed by movies lately seem to pale in comparison - as far as the movies I've seen anyhow. Personally, fewer movies have been so sharp as to slice through my personal sensibilities. this movie is quite elegant and simplistic while upholding the grace, power, and beauty of humanity replenishing itself. I can understand how someone might not quite like it or it might make people feel uncomfortable but I don't quite understand how the term 'bad' could really apply here.
  19. I guess people are disgusting...I for one would've realized how incredibly fortunate those ducks were to not get hit. that last one sure was a 'lucky duck' I think Stoney could really use a bong hit. All those long hours lawyering and moderating the west coast board and dealing with Toronto Rushhour. Miss the coast yet buddy?
  20. How do the scientists know if the mice can't tell the difference? perhaps their reactions are just more easily predetermined... i think it's a load of crap.
  21. absolutely...ottawa's better because of a sandwich joint? christ. anyhow, this is about Jared's great big melmac cock and his undying love for a piss poor hockey team that I happen to like watch play. too bad we had to see WITW come out for this one. I think we've seen more praise for Kung/Zero than we have for jared around here and he's blatantly enraged people for months on end. but Jared sure is one helluva bong salesman.
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