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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Totally stoked. I'm bringing an old neighbour who's down from the Yukon. Looking forward to my times. Pre party party?? (party party)
  2. (FWIW) Basic manners are expected? If I bump into someone and it's my fault or i knock them over and it puts them out then yes. I acknowledge it. If someone cuts me off and I keep walking it's their own fault and they need to learn to not do that. I really don't go out of my way to extend warm wishes when they're not deserved. Manners I have. I'm more outwardly friendly than most people and it's pretty obvious that when social norms are expected then it's more of a rule to have to follow than a genuine way of life. When it comes to DATING...I've been out of the loop for well over a year and am entirely happy about that - not just because I am in love (aww isn't that cute) but because single people can be entirely pathetic and when I'm single I'm genuinely uncomfortable. Mix that with being boxed into the most densely populated neighbourhood in Canada it makes me really not hold my tongue. Girls appreciate tact. how the hell did I manage keep her around for so long? I remember meeting people and being so impatient. Anxious, crazy, lonely, frustrated... Internet dating is really not the best way to approach women as such when you're in a hurry unless you have lots of money and cocaine. I think it's really fair to say that giving up on meeting people and getting into yourself is easily the best way to enjoy your time and attract the people you need to. Go have a beer with your friend. It's probably not goping to be that hard to meet someone new when you do
  3. "fred was oily and furious' thank you so much CJ.
  4. Are you serious? You say sorry for bumping into people in the city? Just keep walking. People bump into oneanother. Expect it to happen. It's not a big wide empty sidewalk you could have avoided them on. I find Vancouver to be very cool. People stick to themselves but are approachable...but yes what do you want from me, stranger? Toronto has a much stronger vibe. People aren't so much rude, but more not-specifically-polite (which is seen to be rude by most people (silly twits)) and some people are belligerent, if only to not show weakness or humility. I mean COME ON - How cordial are we supposed to be? Pardon me - thank you - i'm sorry - after you - no i insist - thank you very much...Bow and curtsey, kiss a hand, kiss my ass. Here I get ignored, in Toronto I get a remark. Everywhere I go I can meet the right people for me. Everyone else isn't worth the energy spent on meeting. It's really easy to talk to people on messageboards and dating sites and everything is pretty instantaneous but meeting people - really meeting people that you're going to get to know, is a long process. Be very thankful that you're not everybody's friend. It can be better to hang out by yourself than to spend time with a bunch of idiots that you just met and won't ever get to know.
  5. It's entirely unfortunate that the crack pipe program was canned. It's only a matter of time until those addicts start banging coke. that's going to be quite the sight. I've walked around the Lower East Side (van) a bit this week and it's very apparent that people are smoking crack. When I was in Ottawa the last couple fo times the street population was rough around the edges and I was pitched by both dealers and prostitutes ('you got 30 bucks'? Ottawa...what meagerly priced prostitutes you have) Vancouver has an entirely serious problem. Ottawa is a problem waiting to happen. If low rental units are kept out of a centralized location then these folks will stick to the burbs and cause an entirely different, under-the-surface problem. At ground zero (main and Hastings) there are white lines painted on the sidewalk. this is the corner where you can sell drugs...well not eactly, but for the most part, yes. It's pretty obvious all around that part of downtown that there's a whole lot of underground commerce and the Police seem to be far too reserved for the general public. We have a safe injection site that has really cleaned up the sidewalks and alleys. It's been months since I've seen a rig. I still see the wrappers and water units every so often (it still happens ALL AROUND TOWN) but nobody's strung out in a slump on the sidewalk. Ottawa is a friendly, pretty, pretty smelling city with a few rotting abcesses. It's like a supermodel with a meth sore. Great place to party and have a great chat. Somebody take her to the doctor though. eventually people won't want to look at her anymore and she isn't really saying that much that anybody's really listening to.
  6. Just don't eat the whole Pizza right there.
  7. candyman...if you're boycotting, then boycott. Shit or get off the pot. No more bob dylan, elvis, or iggy pop. No more Talking Heads. No more Television. No more NOFX or Sonic Youth. Say good bye to Run DMC or the Beastie Boys, Michael Jachson, or Government Mule. No More Herbie Hancock, Miles, Coltrane, Pat Benatar, or Norah Jones, Stone temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Phish, Grateful Dead, and Sublime. DMB? Ben Harper? That's a pretty wide array of acts that you're 'boycotting'... Why not just support independant music? They're the ones that can get your support anyway. Or are you just being more targetted Canadian? What if one were to cross the border with a Camera, Laptop, Wireless Modem and Vonage, Guitar, Bass, Power Suitcase, Camping gear, and a backpack? Hardcore tenters?? Winter Vacation in Southern Montana? How hard is it to get an American PO Box anyway? Printing @ Kinkos?? cyber Cafes? rent laptops? (all in America) Cheap van? Figure the cost of a new-to-you tranny as an added cost and put it aside..? time is money. It's easier - air it out. Of course it's entirely up to you...but as far as boycotts go it wold really be more of a punishment and makes you seem rather confused. A boycott of, say, chinese made goods is merely inconvenient. Now where there's a distinct blame to be laid, like mediocrity on everyone but you or on that butcher for making those sausages make me fart more; it can be understood to make the point to make a point.
  8. If it's part of the job, pregnant or not she's gotta be able to handle it. It may seem harsh but it's extremely FAIR. Also, some women become cranky and bitchy when with child. Perhaps she was a huge bitch. I think it's entirely possible that Sting just doesn't take shit from people.
  9. does anybody know if the innoculation for the parasite can harm the honeybees if they don't need it...or will they just become hopelessly addicted and try to raid the apiarian's shed for more doses?
  10. So after my camerabag/Backpack got ripped off a couple of weeks ago when my car broke down in Abbottsford (don't get your car towed to the canadian tire parking lot in abbotsford to park overnight if it has a bunch of stuff in it...words to live by) I decided to get a camera bag. This was my first choice when I was looking for bags a few months ago and I just got it at London Drugs...but it IS on sale at Blacks here in Vancouver. If anybody wants to buy this bag new for $99 then you've got a little bit of time left before it's not sale-priced. LowePro Slingshot 200AW I've fit all of my lenses, my day-to-day gear, and a few other things in. It's a great camera bag so far and it's pretty versatile. I have a feeling the all weather protection'll come in really handy if I ever get into the rainforest. This is a very comfortable bag to wear and can accomodate a basic photographer really well. Now I just have to grab my camera back from my friend Fez' place when I pick up my golf discs.
  11. And be extra nice to the bikers.
  12. 'broke' and 'poor' are 2 entirely different things. Poverty is very difficult to overcome while being 'broke' is possibly only temporary. I really came back because I thought I may have come off like I think I'm hot shit. I guess the point I just made now puts me in the 'poverty' line rather than the 'broke' line but I have options and CAN get help if I need it - I always have a place to live and know that I can always eat. My life isn't as hard as somebody that's ACTUALLY poor. I just have low flow. If you cannot afford to eat purely ethically then you are not doing wring, but if you have that option and choose not to take it to squander your riches on something that is wasting your time and is unhealthy down the line is that unethical? What do I do with that extra $75? Finally buy the book that tells me how to make houshold cleaners, cosmetics, home remedies, and fix my stuff, get the recycled TP and the Canadian made, high quality goods that will last me a long time...or do I buy a case of beer and a half ounce of mushrooms? how to decide? Life isn't so black and white, but if we at least take some necessary steps to make a difference in our worlds I think the dream is attainable - it's just not quite as easy to get there so quickly. My problem with the dream is that I keep waking up from it and then when i get back to sleep I'm dreaming of something else. Perhaps defining ore redefining the dream is a great place to start so you can see if there's anything you will have to keep in mind...eh?
  13. why not just download the opera browser and use it to navigate your bittorrent sites? seems like a pretty simple answer right there. browser that is a bittorrent downloader?
  14. John Coltrane wrote one of the most important records of all time after quitting junk. what a lame bit or fallable logic.
  15. My car broke down on the way to the MedicineWheel festival this weekend and got broken into. travel insurance doesn't resurrect a car though. you poor suckers.
  16. Aah dear bokonon... The truly righteous don't try to become rich, they are merely successful at being the best people they can be. Money is rarely the end goal. If you want to be truly 'conscious' you will see that it costs a lot of money to eat organic fair trade local, not own anything made from materials that are commodity market driven, or consume much energy. they also don't tend to advertise, or expend much energy so unless they happen to get noticed, they will be making their tiny sphere the best place on earth. Success is often self-serving and to truly have the 'american dream' one would have to work very hard and today people are not always hard-working and spirit-driven, nor are they willing to forgo luxury and convenience. I think you fail to understand the nature of what you seek. I feel like I'm on my way but I own very little and I'm pretty fucking poor. Not that it really matters - it's purely inconvenient. I would have to say that the people you're talking about own their own businesses. There are loads of those folk around that you could easily get in touch with. I believe that today is pretty fucking amazing and you're comparing it to yesterday or your projection of what you think the future should be. Lighten up and spend your energy trying to dream lucidly and make those daydreams tangible.
  17. So - we need vitamin d but getting it from the sun can be tricky with the risk of cancer... ...sunblock restricts vit.d and low vit.d increases the risk of skin cancer... read on and add what you can. Obese individuals may have lower levels of the circulating form of vitamin D, probably because of reduced bioavailability, and are at higher risk of deficiency. To maintain blood levels of calcium, therapeutic vitamin D doses are sometimes administered (up to 100,000 IU or 2.5 mg daily) to patients who have had their parathyroid glands removed (most commonly renal dialysis patients who have had tertiary hyperparathyroidism, but also to patients with primary hyperparathyroidism) or with hypoparathyroidism.[18] Patients with chronic liver disease or intestinal malabsorption disorders may also require larger doses of vitamin D (up to 40,000 IU or 1 mg (1000 micrograms) daily). The use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 8 inhibits more than 95% of vitamin D production in the skin.[10][19] Recent studies showed that, following the successful "Slip-Slop-Slap" health campaign encouraging Australians to cover up when exposed to sunlight to prevent skin cancer, an increased number of Australians and New Zealanders became vitamin D deficient.[12] Ironically, there are indications that vitamin D deficiency may lead to skin cancer.[20] To avoid vitamin D deficiency dermatologists recommend supplementation along with sunscreen use. The reduced pigmentation of light-skinned individuals tends to allow more sunlight to be absorbed even at higher latitudes, thereby reducing the risk of vitamin D deficiency.[16] However, at higher latitudes (above 30°) during the winter months, the decreased angle of the sun's rays, reduced daylight hours, protective clothing during cold weather, and fewer hours of outside activity, diminish absorption of sunlight and the production of vitamin D. Because melanin acts like a sun-block, prolonging the time required to generate vitamin D, dark-skinned individuals, in particular, may require extra vitamin D to avoid deficiency at higher latitudes.
  18. Somebody save me the toilet. I think I can piss on the fleur de lis with respect. If that's the option then so be it, right?
  19. I think it's high time you start drinking bloody marys becausethis solidifies my perspective that caesars taste like crap. why the clam? Check it out...you'll find the true potential of tomato and booze without that fishy taste. check it out - add your own clam juice if you must.
  20. Long live the LP Record. they take up so much space you don't have room for uselss crap like big screen TVs ad are an event to put on. there's eve a setbreak. They are intended to be taken care of and thus potentially outlast the careless compat disc. the Album Art is taken more seriously and more care is put into the packaging, necessitating intent and giving them a secondary se - as decoration or if it has a gatefold - rolling doobies. Digital music is convenient but how much can convenience remove intent and focus from our minds? Long live the LP Record. I wish i had my turntable out here.
  21. oh yeah...Derek trucks does not rip it up on the slide. Derek Trucks is FAST and EXACT on the slide. Kevin Breit rips it up on the slide.
  22. Last night It was affirmed that I, in fact, wasted my hard-earned money on a fucking Derek Trucks Ticket. I can't deny the band is good and I can't deny that there's virtuosity, but when I go to a packed show I expect it to be lively. What a lame vibe, lame crowd, and lack of push from a band that gets theatres rocking all over the USA. It took Susan Tedeschi to step it up and get the crowd to really cheer. She saved the show and got my attention back. I have to give it to Derek for pulling off a hot 'My Favorite Things' but other than that, I have to say the burrito on my way home was worth the entire night's aggravation. When a burrito is better than a $40 concert then it's safe to say I should have just eaten a burrito and watched a movie. Derek Trucks Band - awesome? Definitely on par with Ben Harper.
  23. I quite like nicotine and one thing I've said more than most others is 'I know a lot of non-smokers that could really use a cigarette' I just hate the nausea and poisoned feeling I get from 3/4 of a tailor-made smoke. Smoking IS cool but it stinks and it's an expensive habit and crazy addiction. It's not just the nicotine that keeps people coming back for more. Real tobacco IS a sacred plant and as long as these studies continue and are brought to light we'll probably see organic tobacco more readily available. I think it's a step toward more respect for the ways of our indiginous peoples, as even now many people have nothing to say about Canada's native population as they're very much apart. Perhaps this is one little way we could be brought together. I think it'd be great to get a native elder involved with WOOFing practices so our heady farmers could learn even more.
  24. Now I really hope she tanks. As the Democrats are 'the lesser of 2 evils' i think that we'd probably be better off with a republican in office to a weak democrat - and as for America's first woman president? this would just be too soon for the United States. Especially with Hillary. Bill was suave, Hillary not so much.
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