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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. oshawa people. the dirty shcwa is the armpit of ontario. sounds like it but not quite Jared's just sad he doesn't have any friends in ottawa to show him a great time.
  2. that made the festival worth attending. Most people are coming for Raq and Garaj Mahal. I'd make it out for Rory and the fact that it's a killer party in the woods. the slammin jack reunion and meltone and all that other stuff is kinda neat too. and the jackton party as well as the swimming and Sunshine Coast Splendour... With all of that, Raq and Garaj alone seem tepid and flaccid, only comparatively of course all things considered, it's definitely going to be a fully engorged party.
  3. bitchy and frustrated while still remaining seemingly fulfilled and forward-moving. Can't really complain - but it'd be a lot better if you came out here for a visit you wiry hunk of a man.
  4. 1. Live and work downtown in one of the world's most attractive urban destinations 2. I can fuck off and turn into a hermit and not feel like I'm missing out on anything 3. I see the mountains from my kitchen, can drive to them in 10 minutes or take a bus to get lost never to be seen again. 4. I can walk to the beach in less than 5 minutes...sorry...i can walk to 2 different beaches and parks in about 5 minutes, one of which is Stanley Park 5. I live in an old house in the midst of newer development, continuing the trend of me being just outside the norm in almost every facet of my existence. 6. I work 20 minutes from where I live on foot. 7. We get the best produce in the country in BC and eating world class cuisine is attainable albeit addictive. 8. Vancouver has a lot of new energy - it's a great place to network and get new initiatives up and running. If you think about building it you will meet people that will get onboard to help you put in home plate. 9. I can hit 3 pretty disc golf courses within a 20 minute drive or 45 minute bus from oneanother and that's just the 'vancouver' courses - and walk to little mountain in 10 minutes from my girlfriend's place 10. Bonfire Entertainment 11. Richard's on Richards (even with its mold infestation) 12. hawker's delight 13. Upstream Entertainment 14. the amazing friends I've made thus far 15. the personal growth I've had here is mindboggling and I don't feel I'd have been able to do it elsewhere 16. the view from my company's open concept penthouse office - the north shore, port, vancouver skyline, and Mt. Baker on a semi-clear day 17. 3 grocery stores, countless restaurants, and gads of shopping within a 5 block radius of my home. 18. all the friends that visit, new friends referred, and contacts rehashed since I've been here. 19. Commercial Drive in the summer 20 how the Art Gallery/Robson Square on Saturdays feels like recess in elementary school 21. my summer concert calendar so far and upcoming (sasquatch, jazzfest ($88 4 packs), hot buttered rum, bonfire festival, the masses and papa josh...and on) 22. Wheels, Deals, and Squeals. 23. the fact that I'm still not entirely satisfied and I live in the 3rd best city in the world (if you believe statistics), can pay my bills, have a beautiful girlfriend, amazing friends, have everything I need to satisfy my mind body and soul, and look damn fine. that's right. you just read it. beeyotch.
  5. now now...may god bless the heiress whores. they give the masses something to wank about.
  6. SaggyBalls


    I was using quotation marks to quote Bouchey. Love back atcha. Hurry up and win the lottery and come for a trip out west already. Bonfire Festival's soooo close I can almost smell the smoulder. They work hard all year round so we can miss bands to go swimming in the sunny afternoon. My bet is that Fishman shows up on the coast and sits in with Slammin' jack, only to be admitted into South Jackton.
  7. Too bad she went too far and is now going to be the target of many-an-inmate. that's hot.
  8. well, to understand it properly it woul dhelp for you to know I'm not really heavily into the dead and don't know all of the lineup changes and stories that most people on here do. but I could be wasted...
  9. "is it just me or the fact that a festival like moe.down starts at $80 while this starts at over $100 make no sense? any festival where raq is the top draw is worth no more than 50 bucks... TOPS and thats if the camping is fantastic." Dima lives in Toronto and thinks about ticket prices with costs and tangible value in mind. He doesn't have to take ferries anywhere and obviously hasn't tried to organize a grassroots jamband festival with strong world class talent on the west coast. I haven't either so I too think the ticket is steep but that also keeps those folks that will never be able to plan and save for a festival experience due to a lack of personal planning potential. I don't think Bonfire's trying to price anybody out but I know I sure would. Okay - think about it this way... 15 bands plus staff plus rentals plus insurance plus venue rental plus lost revenues from other shows throughout the year (if any) plus food and riders plus permits... 500x$100= $50,000 which wouldn't really pay much after all of those acts and people and rental companies and insurance companies. I do think it's interesting that I saw the whole 'you need perspective' thing pop out on this thread, cause a trip out west to hit bonfire and see the most breathtaking parts of this land sure would give me a lot to think about if I'd have done it like that. Last year was the best festival experience I've had yet even with the few minor hiccoughs and lack of planning on my part. True, moe.down has its good points, but I'm glad that there's much more to this fesival than just the music and venue.
  10. then give him something else to write about cause I know it's in him.
  11. SaggyBalls


    "What do you cats think the chances of Phish reuniting for this years Bonnaroo are? I think it is kind of funny that not one of there side projects have been announced for the festival. Mike Gorden always plays the festival in some capacity. Who agrees? " I agree that Mike usually plays and I think it's interesting that they've all stepped away from it this summer. Too bad nobody answered your question and called you a dumbass. or too bad you didn't mean to write it out properly.
  12. Since we haven't heard back it's probably safe to use PTs to save us from a horrendously annoying bitchy Jared thread.
  13. Okay...whenI read this I thought 'isn't he gone?' and then i read the date on a post and it was 6/06 and i ten questioned my reality and thetimecode online and then realized that he IS gone... I'm really smart aren't I? sad to hear about all this bullshit. He's in a different place now.
  14. nothing worth commenting about? We may not feel the need to comment, there being no void to fill as the glass would be neither half full or half empty. It would just be. And I would use it to drink some pernod. I have a feeling there would still be expression, mouse. Perhaps you find it hard to identify with having less to approach with your extensive Knowledge. (no i didn't intend to use purple there - this is a friendly thread) In that though there would likely be more focus on experiencing the subtle nuances of every moment rather than trying to include others in our own experiences in record or creation. That is just my (presumably) nearsighted, idealistic logic. but yes, hardline creationists and evolutionists both have their shortcomings and neither group is willing to look at both sides of the coin - they're just fighting over its currency when it could easily be money well spent.
  15. y'all had better make Dottie Feel at home.
  16. too bad we can't walk around with dinosaurs anymore.
  17. Don't hesitate to flatulate. After all it's time to let'er rip.
  18. No absinth for me. I just think it sucks that people have to take sides as duality is a big problem in the world.
  19. and don't worry about being timely dr. mouse. I may no be online for ages. I quite like seeing religious stories as I have no reason not specifically refute and renounce. We're a conduit for god - all sentient beings. Yes I eat some ofthose conduits for dinner so I am not without shortcomings but I also love every morsel. Especially salmon belly. So far the best Kama I've had is the block east of my work. I've felt so much vitality surge through me. I wanted to swim up a river fo some reason. I find it hard to blindly accept that God didn't go through a few rounds of testing to perfect that fish. I bet prehistoric salmon was a lot tougher. but something would've thought it was just as delicious. After all they don't make 'em quite like they used to.
  20. no i understand the situation that they're up in arms about everybody else being wrong and fight for the right to be wrong themselves while pushing ignorance inthe name of faith. but do you have to stoop to their level?
  21. I bet most of you are all suckers. Sucked into siding somewhere. How hard is it to draw the lines between eastern and western religion. 'the Old Testament - God's word through prophets' how is that so much different than the dalai lama, shamens, and other enlightened people? Is it the approach or the hard answers - or is it the fight that you have to resist? I think it's pretty silly to think it was one or the other. time is irrellevant and so is cultural bias. I do like the entire 'museum' (they can be for history y';know mouse...) feel though. the whole theme is 'look how you fucked this beautiful planet up. You are inherently greedy. You're spending too much time figuring out the history of your intricate bloodlines and neglecting how you should be taking care of your family and city and local environment.' Man started in the Jungle and spread out and was impure and doubted divinity. Humanity lessened itself. Is it such a stretch that the 3 wise men that came to bring gifts to Jesus were merely bringing him his belongings - something gold, some perfume from the east and incense from the temple. I believe that Jesus Christ could have been a buddha incarnate. I believe it may have all been intelligently designed - created. Created from existence in purity. The will to be - to grow, to have a specific intent even if it is sublime or elusively described. Perhaps that intent is harsh to some people that feel god's wrath. Bad karma. god smote him for being a fucker. Nature rained on his parade. It's so easy to personify that energy as aone of judgement but that energy is transferred around them, before or after its end. as Time is unimportant. Someone once said that Time exists to prevent everything from happening at once. Life intends to exist at any time and greed exists any time we try to direct our existence. Greed does not exist when we are focusing on existing purely. Why fight back? Just make a difference from your position. polluted air isn't just ruining the climate but it's just plain unhealthy. It's not natural. When people stop doing whatever they can 'because' or because it is possible or probable and do them with intent and integrity we will start making progress. Silly humans fucking the world up. Nothing changes. Eat that fruit. Eat it all up. You'll be nice and fat for a serpent. Relax...it will be far easier The ever vigilant Mouse constricted - choked out - Stopped and swallowed. Enjoy your seeds while you can - nourishing - plentiful. To be eaten. Prey - to God.
  22. SaggyBalls


    the island isn't too far to the gorge nice to see you again.
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