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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. the price of eco-friendly problems?? cripes, look at the price of the harmful products! They are way too cheap. I think that's one of the inherent problems with the approach to green thinking. that the current prices are the status quo. They're not. Undervalued labour is overcompensated by big business large scale buying power to creat terrible products at rock bottom prices.
  2. I think the repealing there would be in the judgement of the act and of the crime. Stiffer penalties, different nuances of human psychology that comes to light etc. Now repealing the no right on red law in Quebec...I'm all for that.
  3. That question was entirely rhetorical. It's a split between wealth redistribution and economic growth. Hey...I'm just trying to get ya talking, Brad.
  4. If created properly, setting an environmental rights act could have the potential for the 'issue' of sustainable environmental practices be a cornerstone of major legislation and policy direction where important. I'm tired of this being an election issue where we should, having had a couple of decades of environmental awareness backed by top scientists and healthcare advocates, not be treating our environment so poorly and be in the midst of cleaning up once pristine tracts of wilderness. I guess my real point is that I don't feel Environmental Stewardship isn't of great enough importance in the development of this country's economic, social, and community growth which is shaped and in great part controlled by some level of Government. And after these years of ignorance the cost to change as required is prohibitive enough to inhibit the necessary steps to even begin working towards cleaning up past messes and preventing future ones. Perhaps i'm beating a dead horse here but that doesn't change the fact that it died of cancer and benzene poisoning. An Environmental Rights Act would demand a change in the way agencies and councils get their tasks accomplished. It would demand a lot from bureaucrats that some would see as a big waste of resources, but would be beneficial in the long run, as it would create very large numbers of Green Sector Jobs at desks, in boardrooms, and outside. How many university Graduates do we all know that are working in jobs unrelated to their interests and field? It could be one of the best opportunities for this country to boost a failing economy through well paying civil service jobs. It could be a great way to beef up remote outposts in review of industrial development...far north ports and communities that are to become of strong security importance in the coming years with a melting polar icecap... So people get jobs and start families or new careers and invest in property or the stock market, bonds etc...and pay taxes...trickle down and around these communities and give this country a great potential and necessity to develop infrastructure and inter-community trade. It could be a stellar opportunity to greatly improve our country, and as I'm not a Political Scientist or expert on this subject...or an expert in the tasks various levels of government work through specifically to make projects move forward, I do realize it could be incredibly difficult. So although I understand the drawbacks and the lack of appeal to most taxpayers for a longer term return than the next 2 terms... ...but... ...what positive spins on this idea do you (or anyone other than brad) pull from the notion of 'environmental rights'?? As I don't care to get into how I think it might be implemented or the workings of it specifically. Because I intend for this to be an optimistic discussion rather than a debate; because we could spend hours just proving how right we are; or how wrong I am which I am open to... Could my time be better spent directing the idea through realistic steps which would support hypothetical success, as the Environmental Rights Act's potential outcomes are both good and bad. Or could it be better spent sleeping? Anyone at all interested in any ideas surrounding this topic?
  5. Stephen Harper makes us want to watch vapid American Television?
  6. It would make more sense for a certain level of public outcry demand 3rd party investigation. 'we did a study'?? brad...
  7. If you can pay you can really play in the USA, whereas here it's pickup for everyone... ...I had to wait 3 months for a doctor that doesn't seem to have much interest in being my doctor and he tells me not to go to walk in clinics because every time I do he gets penalized for it. The guy hasn't sent any of my paperwork off that he's known about for weeks and now it's going to marginalize certain aspects of my care. I still prefer to be covered no matter what for what needs to be done. I don't see anything wrong with a 2 tier system with wage limits on private clinics.
  8. that's pretty honourable. I'm not voting liberal. the greens deserve my $2 vote and another chance to gain a seat from a tory.
  9. Harper really IS an enemy of Canada. Click here.
  10. In theory, communism works well. In practive, socialist democracy is what stuck here. the only hardline thing about our society is capitalism...and in some places, religion. I really wish we were in a position that Libertatianism could work. We would need the infrastructure and self-sustaining economy, communities, and agriculture that the Greens are in support of. the most libertarian party seems to be the Progressive Canadians. These Red Tories have a refreshing approach to the right, and if we are going to see more minority governments ahead of us they would be entirely necessary to flesh out the right wing and bridge the left and right, working with the Greens, Liberals, and hopefully in a few elections from now, the Canadian Action Party. HARPER BELIEVES IN... Personal Aggrandizement Autonomous Provinces Free Markets Smaller Government Tax Cuts (Help the Rich) Immediate Profits For Some Resisting Environmental Program Challenges Closer Links To The U.S.A. Privatization of Government Programs (i.e. Use Your Credit Cards) Private Ownership of Infrastructure P.C. PARTY STANDS FOR... Prosperity For All Stronger Canada Fair Markets Efficient Government Efficient Taxation (Create Wealth) Sustainability For All Accepting Environmental Program Challenges Broader World Links National Funding of Government Programs (i.e. Use Your Health Card) Public Ownership of Infrastructure
  11. How come it's always a 'yes, but we're kinda screwed so i'm not holding out' when a lefty answers a question like that? not a 'Given the enormous power of dirty capital like Oil and Transportation, it's something we will need to demand from our politicians. Given the difficulty to separate stewardship from virtually all other policies we must bridge these issues, an environmental bill of rights would demand accountability when making all policy decisions.' [color:purple]Pink is such a soft colour
  12. Quitters never win. Surrender to the flow. Our government has worked quite a bit like a coalition government but just hasn't said they were working as a coalition specifically. I don't see how it would work here but i also see how it could and I think it would have to be on an issue by issue basis.
  13. As there are pressing issues that affect us more politically and directly than the Environment? Would you as a voter like to have the Environment not have to be a voting issue anymore? Perhaps an Environmental Bill of Rights would bring us closer to having fewer big issues to direct our politicians with. I'm tired of the Conservatives being held accountable for their shitty environmental plan. Perhaps if they didn't have to put any time on the environment as they'd like they could put on a better show. Maybe then they could invest all of their compassionate energies into supporting Canada's Labour force. Happy taxpayers who have mandated environmental policies already? I know I'd be happier if Agriculture and economic & energy Self Sufficiency were a bigger election issue than the environment. I guess I think it shouldn't have to be an issue because we should be taking care of our environment.
  14. How does that have anything to do with the middle ground between the extreme situation of miscommunication. It's also a rash generalization that people 'like' the liberal party. Foresight isn't condescending. IT's essential and it's something that seems to be entirely missing from the right and I want to know what comes in its place. I'm tired of partisan politics and it's all I see - which is all i can expect in election times. Not invented?? The housing crisis in the states has been invented both directly and indirectly. It was 'allowed' to happen. If you were to watch who buys up the assets of failing banks and investments - and then look at who did the same in the 30's - and who called in their stocks in the big crash - and who got out early... ...You'll most likely see a lot of the same interests taking advantage of these dire times. And you could probably make a career out of the research needed to properly correlate the data. Especially if you were looking to prove that there were many large interests involved in keeping Government out of Wall Street. Lobbyists that distract government from the problems at hand or to embrace it get paid nicely. Many of those same interests will likely be seen when you look at who's going to buy up our failed banks when it trickles down to us. It's entirely sinister and unfortunate and we have an opportunity to put Canada in a position to not be tied so closely to American Interests. Why oh why is our debt held by the IMF and why is our government doing nothing to change this? There's no good reason that we don't borrow from the Bank of Canada other than it benefits Canada to do so and not the interests of big money abroad. Whether it's the Cons or Libs, it's big money interests that shouldn't have a place in a socialist democracy, which is still far from the borderline fascist democracy that we have right now. Green Energy, Mass Transportation home and abroad, initiatives to create and keep jobs in Canada, Environmental Rights, and Agriculture are all strong aspects of our potential economic strength that need to be addressed and supported. These really should be paramount to winning this election as they're all issues that need to be tackled if we intend on coming out on top. With these serious times ahead what kind of middle ground do you think could bring people together enough to actually communicate with other voters rather than acting smug and arrogant?
  15. I'm glad, Hux. this was the first election I thought about strategically voting. If everyone that voted NDP and Green voted Liberal the Tories would still likely get elected in my riding. It's a bit trickier in other ridings though. Glad to know you're able to do your job while posting on internet messageboards.
  16. Who's in the majority? Birdy, you're still failing to explain your point with this model, because you didn't break it down by male/female as that's the only way to see who's in majority. I think it's safer to be sexist than racist. there is no majority in your model. So then it would have to be examined by other models. 'mostly' and 'majority' are different. If say, whitey had all the jobs in town and took advantage of all of his workers unfortunate advantage of being in the MORE EXCEEDING minority then it would be safe to say that the employees should form a labour union to ensure they have a voice and work to common goals.
  17. I was lucky enough to sit beside Moe Berrigan on a bus from Ottawa to Peterborough this summer. I was enirely impressed by the conversation I had with her and seeing her up at front of the County Boys' set at the Folk Festival that weekend. From Macleans BTC: Behold, the child who will lead us By Aaron Wherry September 26th, 2008 at 3:28 pm CBC has a nice round-up of the young(er) candidates running in this election. Most worthy of your attention might be the Green party’s Emily Berrigan, who is, if nothing else, bravely quotable. A few of the highlights so far. On why she’s running. “Because parliament frankly needs me. I’m young, I’m a woman and I’m working class and I’m really not ashamed of that. In fact I’m pretty damn proud of that. The old parties in Ottawa have not been serving us well. We’ve been stuck with a backbencher for two years, who can only talk about two pie-in-the-sky ideas … that don’t even have shovels in the ground. I think Peterborough deserves to get noticed. Who is going to be noticed more? A backbencher? Or a young working class woman who gets it.†On Parliament. She remembers sitting in the House of Commons gallery with Ms May watching people run the country while acting like “buffoons.†â€It is completely disconnected. I don’t think I have to tell anybody that, I think everybody knows that it’s completely disconnected from real life,†she explains. On government plans for a train from Peterborough to Toronto. “It’s not enough to propose one rail line through three safe Tory ridings and think that’s all he has to do to show real leadership.†On Omar Khadr. “Omar was a child when he was put into Guantanamo Bay. Perhaps Mr. Del Mastro does not understand what a child soldier is.†On Del Mastro’s rejection of same-sex marriage on biblical grounds. “I grew up a Catholic too. It does not mean I am going to take everything at face value because it is biblical.†On government funding for the arts. “Any country that supports the arts is incredibly brave…it allows itself to be both celebrated and criticized. Arts and culture contributes to overall well-being. In a world of strip malls and parking lots, it provides relief to mediocrity. Arts and culture is not just a frill and shouldn’t be treated that way by government. It’s a whole range of things, each contributing in a big way to who we are as a people.†On Tory crime proposals. “Poverty begets violence. We need to focus on poverty and the reasons why some juveniles are acting out in such horrific manners. Don’t just throw them in jail, it’s not humane and not a long-term solution, either.â€
  18. Since perspectives on approaching issues differ so greatly, what kind of middle ground do you think could bring people together enough to actually communicate with other voters rather than acting smug and arrogant?
  19. Wanna know the current polls or results from the last election in your or any other riding?
  20. Better than what, Birdy? - Better by holding ourselves back? -By not making the opportunities in front of us into reality? -By not looking forward? -By scaring and controlling people with invented economic problems? I consider that right-wing voters think that they're voting for an solution to be better. I can't fathom how any of those voters could possibly look at it using the word 'opportunity' I think that the word 'consequence' resonates with a typical right wing voter in voting for anything that would be any kind of risk and 'risk' has been removed from the status quo. It is plain to see that 2/3 of Canadians have found the word 'risk' to resonate with them when thinking of the Conservatives. I don't think it's fair to presume that Conservative voters are stupid or shallow...but i don't think it's unfair to presume that most of these voters aren't thinking of what the country's going to need in 30 years, or even 5 years. It's a 'right now' mentality that comes across to me. Most older voters don't have to find a daycare spot for their non-existant newborns for example. How could it possibly be an opportunity to 'be better' - both on its own and better than the rest I've never had it spelled out to me as a voter - or a listener.
  21. Yeah! Let's see the numbers for all the ridings in Canada. At least point us to it. [color:purple]Maybe we'll be able to strategically vote smarter.
  22. now debate will hinge on changing beliefs? that is tricky... now...i am eating a tasty steak right now. I know how horrible livestock farms are for the environment and I truly appreciate the life lost for my dinner... In the upcoming years of environmental, economic, and resulting social decay, the big task would be to find a way to persuade me to change my beliefs and practices so that I'd be enjoying, say, a stuffed pepper or roasted eggplant. So aside from underhanded mindcontrol and dazzling media advertising, how do we get people to shift from one yum to another?
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