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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. yeah...like a b3 organ. foot pedals. I'm trying to make this feel a bit more like like this there's a lot in the playing but I'm thinking tone of rig. I should have my amp again in the next couple of weeks and it gives me a lot of options as it's a pretty ballsy amp with modelling, comp, gate and parametric EQ. I'll probably find something that comes close, but it's always nice to seek advice.
  2. I wasn't saying that religion and science are interchangeable - I was referring to the overlap of the 2 and being more inclusive. Is there a way to present metaphysics to kids that can be embraced by the public? (wasn't that easier?) is it safe to say that if children were exposed to aspects of astronomy, physics (vibrations, waves, matter etc.), and information about our planet, that young people might get a more positive example of learning about science? Anyhow... Can anybody think of anyone who is trying to bring people together on divisive issues, trying to get people past their own rhetoric-creating argumentative devices? (should I have waited for this thread to illustrate this point more effectively? feels like it was getting there on its own already)
  3. No, d_jango - Canadians are hesitant to change. They just don't know they want one yet.
  4. Anybody have any tips on how to get a deep phat tone like a B3? Compressor? Amp? EQ? Drive? Gate? Phase? Anybody doing this?
  5. I like it but my computer acts strangely since I installed it and a bunch of other google stuff. Anybody got tips to help me get better performance out of my PC?
  6. Anybody wanna try to get up to Alaska/Russia or down to San Francisco just before May 20th in 2012? the date of the eclipse is my birthday. I'll be 33. It'd be my birthday and I'd really dig a spring/summer trip that's not predominantly based around a music festival. Anybody into a little trip? West Coasters?? Anybody with a vehicle for some Convoy action? Apparently Solar Eclipses have been known to incite earthquakes, so maybe thinking about THAT might sway you to make it a short trip? The West Coast is due for a really big quake and all sorts of Mayan Calendar doomsday stuff points to the time leading up to 12.21.2012 as getting more and more hectic... so that's probably as good a time as any to start getting crazy...just before the olympics in London and a really big hurricane season again. and a good reason to think of other places to be and make an intense trip of it. Start down to Peru? Anyway, I thought somebody'd want to see this map.
  7. I guess constructive is a weighted term... [color:purple]I guess I'm trying to attract. 2 words come to mind - intentional community. now SS...you COULD cut me to shreds, but you also COULD tell me how I miss the mark (which is slightly different) while suggesting simpler, more attainable small goals to bring polarized social and cultural groups together. You could also try to direct this thread to reflect a general theme of approaching touchy while personal issues and maybe even keep in mind itse proponents' and opponents'potentially polarized emotions surrounding said issue if applicable. I'm thinking about ways one could incite a more communal atmosphere that transcends religion and politics while still appealing to those that want to have a reason to think about their personal alignments. One aspect of sustainable community. This is a discussion forum and I must say that I often don't feel entirely engaged by many other aspects of my media experience. I admit it's heavily personal opinion, but I was thinking of finding a way to bridge sensibilities...i should probably stop posting on the internet late at night, as too often I try to say too much with too little in places where less than what I have written is already more than people care to read.
  8. SaggyBalls

    Fall Election

    I really hope that the left doesn't make marijuana decrim a serious issue this time through. That's something best saved for a mid-term referrendum. Do you think that Canadians vote with the thought that their votes en masse could realign the attitudes of our country? If they do, how do you think the outcomes of this election might change the ideals and attitudes of our country? Do you think about the essence of democracy and the power of the vote? Could another Harper Government be just the thing to prove to the right clinging voters that their fear and insecurities do nobody any good? Could our fear and insecurity lead us to more dysfunction and polarization of the issue? Maybe it's just 4 more years. Maybe we could use the next 4 years to actually rally our communities and make a big difference in the world we choose to be a part of. Maybe we don't want to be a part of it and just like to natter about how we're right and they're wrong... Maybe there's just mildly wrong. Maybe we're just mildly right...or correct depending on your perspective. I'm curious - how do I make sure I'm registered? Anybody know about that?
  9. While this issue has continued to creep into our lives, I believe that much of this is a knee jerk reaction to the social ills of the world. I do not attest to knowing more about life than anyone else, or that i 'get' things that other people don't but I'm tired of going around and around and around again. I wish I were in a big old wooden carousel instead of this same old tired go-nowhere song and dance. so...What about sharing an understanding of the syntheses of creation and evolution? Although it can be a bit heavy; to think of science as an explanation of how the universe works and the universe being god - manifested from the unmanifest through resonance and harmonic vibrations. While to many it's a chicken/egg debate, to many it would be 'did the chicken intend to lay this egg?' Could it be blasphemous to suggest that we can decipher the true language of God or to liken it to a chicken/egg debate? Perhaps God is above this trite delusion. Either way, the true nature of creation has either been lost on or kept from so many in an attack on this as an issue. To accurately teach our children about the nature of the universe would be: difficult to measure with grades, difficult to introduce to most children with decreased attention spans, and difficult to overcome protests of weary parents. Although this shift in explanation and description could easily border religious doctrine in many peoples' eyes, I believe that hardline christians and muslims would protest before the Atheists, even though the underlying essence of the message would be that: 1. god/love/consciousness/life/energy is the universe 2. all is not necessarily as it seems 3. the absolute attainment of spirit matters only to - a)one's own experience and one's relationship with themselves c) and the world around them 4. call it God or love or energy or spirit or consciousness, Clapton or what you will or what you refuse to, life strives to exist even under the harshest of circumstances 5. the laws of science are our understanding and attempt to share and strengthen our deepest understandings and realizations of the workings of existence through the language of mathematics; This message and set of lessons could prove to ultimately be a useful tool for educators, parents, and childrens' imaginations everywhere. Now, to explain the universe accurately and in a pallatable way to small children would be a huge task but could bridge the secular and religious to get past all the petty squabbles and differences that are holding our children and communities back. I understand that this would be very difficult to implement and that it may seem unpractical but I hope that someone has some ideas about how we can break our entirely self-serving, negative cycles of egoism and stubbornness on at least this issue. While I am no theist, political scientist, or expert in education, I am trying to think and communicate constructively and I hope that I'm not the only one on this. Maybe this isn't the best forum for this kind of discussion, but maybe it is at this time for you or someone you know to take a break from gooing about how cool the garaj mahal run or the ryan adams concert's gonna be. :susel:
  10. I bet they could have. Politics and religion are all in the creative writing anyhow. Copywriters will someday rule the masses.
  11. I might be able to hit up all 3 shows depending on where I am at the end of the month. If anybody's going to hamilton/toronto and then to Ottawa I'd love to score a ride back Eastward if I find myself in SoOn at the end of the month.
  12. SaggyBalls

    Fall Election

    So many people see a minority government as something bad, but I believe that is incredibly important, as Parliament hasn't been able to approach minority with an air of 'coalition' Years more of minority government might drive our current system to recognize a need for the parties to work together to find the underlying faults in plans - not to send a bill to its demise, but to make it infallible and powerful legislation that pushes our country forward.. There are a lot of problems that are not going to be tackled effectively with the approaches shown to us by the major parties - emissions, economics, healthcare, law and justice, and immigration and economic development to name a few. This country is rich and diverse and as it stands, the parties that are sure to get the most votes don't have the best answers to the questions or best solutions to our problems. This isn't to say that they're all a waste of our time, but it is entirely crucial that we look at every party to get a good perspective on where the leaders and our local constituents stand. I'm glad that Birdy is taking a really difficult role as right wing pusher on this board, as it's not appreciated for the most part - but it's intensely important, as the divide between left and right really leads so many people to stay in the middle... ...which has left everyone unfulfilled for so long as an alternative to knee-jerk conservatism. I am more and more impressed with the Green Party and hope that more people take a look, because the more people that vote with their needs and desires, the more voters will approach voting truly democratically instead of strategically - and will lead to more people feeling empowered and fulfilled with the democratic process. One thing that is absolutely certain is that Canada has a great opportunity to make strong foundations on which to build a bright and prosperous future for ourselves and our children. I hope for our sake and those around us, these foundations aren't built from fear and nearsighted positioning.
  13. well! looks like it's jazzfest in Peterborough?
  14. Shouldn't this be in the politics forum?
  15. Canada Holds 40th Undemocratic Federal Election -- Canadians Will Elect Yet Another Undemocratic and Unaccountable Federal Government OTTAWA - Today, Democracy Watch highlighted the many loopholes and flaws in Canada's federal election system that make the current election, Canada's 40th federal election, though better than in the past, unfortunately still undemocratic. Democracy Watch also highlighted the 90 undemocratic and accountability loopholes in the federal government system that ensure no matter what political party wins, the next federal government will be undemocratic and unaccountable in key ways. "It is very insulting to voters that federal political parties have left a dozen undemocratic loopholes and flaws in Canada's federal election system for the past 141 years, and as a result we are now holding Canada's 40th undemocratic federal election," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. In addition to the election call very likely being illegal (given the new fixed election date law), the following undemocratic loopholes and flaws in Canada's federal election system continue to undermine the legitimacy of elections: See the list of election loopholes and flaws at: http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html'>http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html As a result of the following undemocratic and accountability loopholes and flaws in Canada's federal government, everyone in the federal government is still effectively allowed to act dishonestly, unethically, secretively, unrepresentatively and wastefully: See the list of federal government loopholes and flaws at: http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html'>http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html "Until dozens of accountability loopholes are closed, any federal election will result in yet another dishonest, unethical, secretive, unrepresentative and wasteful federal government," said Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch. "Will the federal parties pledge to make the changes needed to ensure the next election will be democratic and will produce a democratic, accountable federal government?" - 30 - FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch Tel: (613) 241-5179 See this news release and links to all key documents at: http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html'>http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/RelsSep1208.html See Democracy Watch's Federal Election 2008 campaign page at: http://www.dwatch.ca/Federal_Election_2008.html'>http://www.dwatch.ca/Federal_Election_2008.html ********* Democracy Watch P.O. Box 821, Stn. B Ottawa, Canada K1P 5P9 Tel: (613) 241-5179 Fax: (613) 241-4758 Email: dwatch@web.net Internet: http://www.dwatch.ca
  16. Right now that elephant seems to have a gas problem. gurgle gurgle.
  17. I half expected to see a photo of an angry mob demonstrating with placards and megaphones.
  18. I tend to lean green but I also lean CAP, as I believe that this country's workforce is worth more than they are paid, and although our unemployment rates are generally low there is a lot of underemployment that isn't counted. Canada used to be one of the most amazing countries in the world. I hope that we find a government that truly reflects our ideals and aspirations.
  19. I think that I'm probably the opposite equivalent to Bokonon. so I'm a dude but am less of a pussy than some women. I think there are other word options that work just as well, but I think only Bokonon has the balls to use them freely online. oh.hells.yeah
  20. none of the band is less than awesome, but I understand he's not so jazz/fusion which IMO can be distracting for an outfit that is heavy world/funk. I bet they'll bring it up north real hard.
  21. Last GM Show I was at I finally started really liking this band. I think that with the new drummer it's gonna be a killer hallowe'en.
  22. thanks, SS. I like ron paul too - glad to see a few votes stand out last night at the RNC.
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