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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. in contrast to other parties? Birdy, the majority of Canadians don't want Conservatives as their major party. That being said, the majority of Canadians don't want any of the parties to be in charge. We'll see after this election if this trend continues, and if it does the only viable option to get anything to work best will be for coalitions to form. Look at the Bloc Quebecois: What's their purpose in supporting the nation of Canada? Their existence in itself is entirely supportive of coalition government ideal, as they're really just a tool for other parties to align with for stronger voting. If we had an 'ontario has more people than any other province' party I bet they'd take more seats than the bloc and ndp combined. What real good would they be to Canada as a whole? they'd support our upcoming coalition government on certain votes. the whole idea that green/lib/ndp would band together as a new coalition and become something other than what they were voted in for is silly. It's not so black and white. Some votes would lean this way, some would lean that way. If anything it would mean that the conservatives wouldn't have the pull they had before and each party would stand much better on their own merits. More individual initiatives would see the light of day and much more would be accomplished. To boil it down to partisan politics and policy does a real injustice to Canadian voters and comparing voter ignorance to political accomplishment isn't fair to anyone.
  2. it was the first I'd heard. There's a PC candidate in my riding.
  3. So I guess the right is split a bit... Questions for Canadians: Are you as proud of being Canadian in 2007 as we all were in 1967 when launched confidently onto the world stage? How about in 1987, when we were fighting acid rain and working to free Nelson Mandela? How about in 1997 when we led the world into the historic Kyoto Accord? Do you feel more secure now or less? There is nowhere to hide from terror except freedom. Terror grows in poverty, failed wars and greed. You can’t beat terror in a war – you beat terror with the firm stance of a peacemaker. With fairness and justice. And with compassion and assistance. What are Canadian values? What is the essence of Canada? Is it found in the historic compromise of private and public enterprise? In the diversity we all share and admire? In the natural beauty and wonderful environment we have been blessed with. Or is it as simple as keeping your promises? Do you really feel that any political party represents those values? Directions: Good Business – Sustainable Prosperity Economic growth is not the only measure of human achievement but the creation of wealth makes it possible for us to do many things. We seek to create a sustainable economy with true competition and a level playing field. Balance in the economy is crucial. If any one player has too much power, be they big business, big government or big unions – then the balance is lost. We are, at heart, a party that supports small business. There is a role for government in the economy, but it must support and not compete with small business. We support the “100 mile challenge†which encourages purchasing from local enterprises. It’s environmentally sound because it uses far less resources. It’s economically sound because local businesses return far greater amounts to the economy. It fits with our belief that small business is the engine of our economy. We will restore income trust legislation to it’s previous state and work with all key stakeholders to develop legislation that makes sense for Canadians. For more information on our policy, click here. Agriculture We consider family farms to be one of the great examples of small business. Our “100 mile challenge†would support family farms and innovative agricultural businesses We completely support the Wheat Board but we need more. We need the equivalent of the CMHC for farmers. We guarantee mortgages to facilitate the housing market. We need a solution of a similar nature for farmers to once and for all relieve the terrible pressures that are driving them off the farms. Our Place in the Global Community A well equipped, highly motivated military is the key to our sovereignty and our place in the world. We are peacekeepers and diplomats – both of which take exceptional courage and determination. We need to find our own voice in the world and set our own policy – friendly, but independent of the dominance of any other nation. We need to find the .7 percent solution and make a contribution towards world peace by ending the scourge of world hunger and disease in our lifetime. We have a plan to get out of Afghanistan with dignity and to rethink our role as peacekeepers and protectors of our own sovereignty. People in poor nations take desperate measures due to extremes of poverty. Economic aid and justice are the best weapons against terror. Investing in Education: Our education system needs to be set to meet our future needs. In a country where we are chronically short of doctors, and where the population is aging does it make sense that we can only find 5 students to enter geriatric medicine? Does it make sense that a student should have to go more than 60 and perhaps even as high as 100 thousand in debt to fill these important needs? Our education policy is about equal opportunity for all. We will provide a program of economic support for every student in post secondary education to ensure that education is accessible for all. Over a period of years we will phase in a tax based program to relieve students of the burden of debt. Providing the graduate stays in Canada for a period of years, and providing the student participates in the tax system, Canadian students will no longer carry debt. We will renew funding to post secondary institutions for operations and not just capital projects. This program will cover all post secondary education from trade schools to universities. Our program will feature a “head start†to ensure that young children are given an equal opportunity by recognizing some of the challenges in early years that must be addressed Health Care We believe in a One-Tier health care system – BUT - we believe that small business has a key role in the public system. Doctors are one type of small business that already supplies the public system. If it is more cost effective to utilize business in our health care system that is what we should do, providing that health care is still available to all at no cost and that payment will not put someone at the front of the line. Through our education program we will have more trained medical staff staying in Canada to relieve the severe shortage. Democratic Deficit, Accountability and Intergrity Keeping promises is essential to faith in democracy. We propose a Contract with Constituents – we will be clear on what we will promise versus what we will make up our minds on with the facts at some future date. To keep from keeping his promises, Mr. Harper has started a campaign of disinformation on all of these areas. We need to set the records straight Government needs accountability and an end to patronage. There are too many examples of senior officials and agency appointees who have been “fired†with colossal severance. We need to reward great performance but not poor or substandard performance. Ensuring that accountability is in place is the best way to restore pride in civil service and encourage those who work hard We need to start keeping our promises by honouring the Kelowna Accord with First Nations; we need to continue what we started by meeting Kyoto Commitments; we must keep our promises with Provincial governments; Environment We need to end the culture of defeat on the environment. This is the country that won at Vimy Ridge. We helped with the only battle that Churchill feared to lose – the battle of the Atlantic. We invented peacekeeping. Canada as a nation is at its best when confronted by “impossible†challenges. Our natural environment is not only a treasure, it is an asset. Water is the oil of the next century…our natural resources have to be protected as they will be our currency on the world stage in the next hundred years. Kyoto is an opportunity to transform our economy, retrofit our infrastructure (especially in cities), clean up our air and water and make this the “wealthiest†country in the world. Sadly, we have to prepare for the impact of global warming while we try to minimize it. Equality is Not Entitlement but Equality of Opportunity We need to end some of the shames of aboriginal and child poverty in our country. If we cannot convince Canadians to do this because it’s the right thing to do, we have to make the economic and safety arguments. A dollar invested in crime prevention is equal to seven or more spent on criminal justice systems. Financial Responsibility We need to schedule paying off our real debt over the next 25 years. The current government has increased spending at a rate of 8% -- the highest in years. We spend approximately 25% of our national tax revenues on social programs such as health and education, yet these programs are not federally audited to ensure that your tax dollars are being spent fairly and wisely. It is the duty of the Government of Canada to ensure that all tax dollars collected are spent in a manner that benefits every Canadian. We will institute a “Social Auditor†to track and measure spending in social programs. Support for Local Municipalities: Cities, particularly our major cities are a key to our economic prosperity. Aging infrastructure and archaic funding formulas threaten the ability of our cities to compete on a world stage. We support the 1 cent solution brought forward by the country’s mayors.
  4. Yes. And the voter wants their party to try to push their views as best they can to make positive changes on the hill and in turn across the country. Coalitions work in countries around the world, and although they wind up ending in compromise, this compromise is key in the act of negotiating position and for holding onto clout. It's safe to assume that politicians will go back on their promises - even the promises that mean the difference between people having a retirement and not having one (hmmm...I wonder who thought it was a good idea to tax income trusts after promising they would be safe...gee...) What's wrong with ruling out working together to bring about positive and needed change for this country? You look a bit scared, Birdy.
  5. If the conservatives get elected again Canadians are going to have to answer to a potentially numbing decision, as we all have an opportunity to aim as high as we deserve. Does it feel as though Canada votes like it doesn't deserve to be better? Are we just a bunch of greedy, cheap, wussies or do we just vote to impress our grandparents but still don't admit for voting blue?
  6. now we know your angle. Do your bags have stash pouches?
  7. but it would be nice to say who gets our 2nd and 3rd and 4th choices would be.
  8. Only if they tally the number of spoiled ballots.
  9. Even more confusing than talking in 3rd person.
  10. how important is Fox News anyway? How many americans get their news from Fox?
  11. I liked your amp. Basic, loud, solid...I don't know when I'll be around again but I'd love to play around with that big Yorkville... ...wait...lessons? We could have a session together and play a bunch of stuff. Got a mic for your computer? It could be a really fun day with You, Me, and Andre Michelle. Thanks for that link to his audiotools you posted months and months ago. Awesome tool for a rhythm track.
  12. Birdy, the major urban centres yes, but don't discount the small and large cities that make up most of the rest of the populace. The undenyable truth about the childcare spending is that the increased productivity from both childrens' families from being able to work, and the immense value of quality early childhood education, these childcare promises will MORE THAN pay for themselves. Say only 10 million people paid taxes...let's say the richest people in the whole country....and they were to bear the burden of a 2 billion dollar childcare increase. Their $200 a year would pay for everything...but we have far more than 10 million taxpayers and the new daycare plans will open parents up to contribute to their communities and also work which most do. With the spending of the curtrent government, the next government (if it's a change of party) will most likely have giant surpluses that will go to all new programs with much to spare... I think though that if the libs or NDP had a plan to reward parents for staying at home and taking care of their children (basically what they'd pay a daycare) then we wouldn't HAVE to spend money opening up spaces. The general consensus from Right wingers is that taxpayers shouldn't have to bear the burden of people that in their eyes don't deserve a handout. Anyhow, if there were more incentives for young ECE grads to start their own businesses and invest in facilities upgrades and construction then there would also be more money floating around the economy. the libs/ndp 's plans aren't the only answer but they're a necessary first step to this country being richer socially, ethically, and financially. I don't think that everyone that votes Conservative is a moron or an idiot, but most of them don't put themselves in a position where they can properly evaluate the reasons that they want to vote conservative and look at the current situation. It takes hours and hours and hours of one's life that would be better spent, say, working and raising kids. As well, this is pretty much a snap election so people have not been paying attention as much in the past 6 months... The conservative MP in my riding of Leeds Grenville has really kept his constituents happy and worked to improve the counties. There could undoubtedly be more ore better things that he could have done, but he's done a great job. I see PC signs and I see Green signs in my riding. Almost as many as PC - on peoples' lawns. I sure hope Julie Warnock gets elected here because I know she'd work incredibly hard for us. She'd have a lot to prove, as a first time Green MP and of the Green Candidates I've met - they all seem really into the job itself. I'm optimistic that this election will bring people to a new understanding of how this country would best be run... Get a new government in and we have new practices, elect the same and in 4 years we'll see our err in judgement. This country can do a helluva lot better and I think that this is slowly sinking in for Canadians.
  13. what do you like about the bass, tom foolery?
  14. the album I heard sounded a lot like MMJ - and that's not a bad thing. Big wet vocals, beautiful sounds. I dug 'em.
  15. Although under the guide of accountability and responsible government, many cuts and expenditures, bills and agreements have not been in the best interests of Canada. the Security and Prosperity Partnership is the big one that comes to mind, thus eliminating Canada's autonomy in favour of moving toward a North American Union. So just for that, Harper is an Enemy of Canada. Nobody got to vote on this agreement being passed into law. he's not on your side or mine. he's on his own trip with his own agenda.
  16. Best thing Eden ever did was break away from SWR. Great stuff - entirely popular gear. The big thing I notice about Eden rigs is their scooped out sound. More low end can push around fewer low mids. If you ever need to get a backup head and see a cheap SWR floating around the used market snap it up because all you need to do is turn down those low mids and you'll have something pretty close to what you've got. The SWR line seems pretty rugged. Anybody know anything about midi footswitches? I need to store more patches/settings than the 5 presets I have. Any help is huge.
  17. I love you Tungsten. i have a polyphase pedal that I need to get doctored up that works with envelope control, so I'll get to have that ramp up/down effect. Not so chorus, but still a mod. My amp has some drive and compression settings too so with the EQ I'll be able to get a lot going when the time comes to fart around with settings. no huge woofers, but easy to cart around. Just called Act 1 music in Langley and their price was $849. I'm generally glad to see new companies making impressive gear that players enjoy playing. Anybody else see anything both cool and useful these days?
  18. I remember playing a Phill Jones Bass Rig in Langley BC when my friend was trying out some Bogner guitar amps. Anybody heard of these amps? www.philjonesbass.com their deal is big clean power with lots of tiny speakers. Apparently Phil Jones has worked with Boston Acoustics Loudspeakers. I remember seeing his speakers before in magazines and online. Now he's making some impressive bass gear. Most of the PJB stuff I see is their briefcase combo amps but I played this through this but after I took the brochure home I saw this and wondered if anybody else was using high end loudspeaker cabinet designs with baffles to get a fuller, more propagated soundwave on stage. I really liked playing through that rig although it was far more of a hi-fi/full sound than I'd expected and didn't really rip into anything in the store. I saw this and thought that it was everything I was looking for in a gigging combo that I didn't have, but all I really need right now to get stage power is a 4 ohm cabinet, as my amp works 500W at 2 ohms. So far the cabinet that's impressed me the most has been this: but now after seeing the PJB catalogue again I can also use this Those speakers are 5"...don't be fooled into thinking that's a big speakerbox. the hartke and PJB are the only cabinets I've found that are both 4ohms the PJB has a low end down to 25hz with a top over 12k These cabinets are both under 75 lbs and have wheels, butthe Hartke isn't so portable the PJB is 54 lbs and the Hartke is 74 lbs...
  19. seems like that's where the left loses out. where the cons always have defined answers - directly addressing the question, their answers to the issues haven't fixed our problems...but andwer the questions and get a lot of traction with voters. Where the Left loses out is their desire to illustrate that the conservatives are failing, and that their solution is more widely scoped...and when the viewer starts to tune out the Left loses footing and the voter loses trust. people don't want to take chances with their votes. If they did we'd have had a Natural Law MP. I miss that party. What a great idea.
  20. Seems like the only catalist to solution-finding that's going to make any push to me. One thing that gets me is their stance on nuclear power. Plutonium can be recycled into uranium and used again and again...if the Greens shifted their stance on nuclear to mandate recycling of waste, we would see a new industry - thorium. mix thorium with plutonium, run it through the reactor and you get uranium... reading the platform now and there are a lot of great ideas that deserve a lot more attention than a silly argument on revenue neutral tax shifting. here are some of them: increasing the minumum wage, incentives to hire more workers, 3 week paid vactions, solutions to cutting debt, breaking away from the IMF, aid for family farms and incentives for geographical regions to be agriculturally self sufficient, more support for the canada organic standard, help for local infrastructure, commitments to national parks, reversing brain drain, recognizing environmental sensitivities as a health care issue, healthcare coverage to include basic preventative dental healthcare coverage to include complimentary medicine (chiropracty, naturopaths, dieticians) end the war on drugs move to end poverty and homelessness better management of arts funding and incentives for Canadian artists and independant media groups income tax relief and other incentives to artists SCRAP THE SECURITY AND PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP Make Government a leader in ethical purchasing
  21. It'll take awhile for polluters to actually curb their emissions. the measures taken to fix their systems will result in monies being spent to retrofit or bring in new consultants, thus spreading more taxable revenues around. Since the current system will mostly still be in place there will be little difference in the amount of incoming tax revenues otherwise. Just because it doesn't seem green to you doesn't mean it's not green, Birdy. You're just stuck looking at it from the point of view of argument to be objective. I remember when the GST was 7%. We lived with it then. We could live with it now. The Green Shift suggests that for each tonne of offset carbon emissions there would be a $100 benefit for payroll taxes. Would that then suggest to voters that small business startups could be a tax shelter option for Canadians? Start a business (buy a number) and buy carbon credits...offset your income tax?
  22. Beautiful 3:55 Hepcat No Cars Go 5:44 The Arcade Fire Reckoner 4:50 Radiohead Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Part 2 8:14 My Morning Jacket No Name #6 2:35 Elliott Smith Lazy Line Painter Jane 5:51 Belle & Sebastian Play Pause Stop 7:58 The Benevento/Russo Duo Repeater 3:01 Fugazi Who Are You 3:57 Tom Waits Rebellion (Lies) 5:11 The Arcade Fire Live On 5:24 Hepcat Bloodclot 2:45 Rancid All I Need 3:49 Radiohead Roman Candle 3:37 Elliott Smith Underwhelmed 4:45 Sloan I'm Amazed 4:35 My Morning Jacket Keep The Car Running 3:29 The Arcade Fire True Love Waits 5:03 Radiohead Division Day 3:10 Elliott Smith Life in Disguise 3:45 The Slip Something For Rockets 6:06 The Benevento/Russo Duo
  23. 1. Still looking for it 2. doesn't know what it is yet 3. am devilishly handsome 4. still posts on internet messageboards
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