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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Yeah - my bad. I hadn't heard the new record yet very little of the show made me feel it was entirely different. I hope I can stop commenting on 'anything' wish me luck.
  2. 'one of the worst songs they've written' - keep in mind it's radiohead. it's not like we're talking about nickelback.
  3. Like a LED Baloon So glad to finally see Radiohead live. I could have gone without the popular tracks, as I feel that band really shine when their flow and mood are at the forefront rather than people singing along. I was happy to notice the crowd singing along from time to time though. Although it's not the set I was hoping for I have nothing to grumble about, as it was stellar from start to finish. I wasn't impressed with the crowd being less than obliging when I was trying to get to the soundboard to grab a spot, but I can only have compassion for those without. I was hoping to get a Blowout, but I don't know if they even play that song anymore. I was half expecting to hear it about halfway through to bridge a few new songs with some songs from the bends or my iron lung. I am glad we didn't get a creep. I was suprised it wasn't more of an album tour show. Anyhow, I'm glad to have gone. Perhaps I'll get to see them in a more intimite venue with more of an intimite focus with a more serious mood. I really did like the setlist, but can't expect much more until I start seeing them over and over. Perhaps I'll be in a position to see them again... Until then I'll be listening to the album. $10 at the merch tent.
  4. Whatever Brad - I'm an entrepreneur! Nothing wrong with being a self-starter.
  5. may need a ride back... ...talk at the show??
  6. Trying to make sure my ride happens, since I was without my charged phone and the internet all weekend until last night. 778.999.3897 Talk/text I have a meeting downtown Ottawa at 1:30 - it'll probably last about an hour.
  7. Trying to find NorthernWish... to make sure the carpool will happen
  8. why in tarnation does Peterborough call out for me so?
  9. I loike sitting more in front of my surround speakers. that way they're not just stereo in 2 parts. There's more of a spatial element. I presume more people are using the effect speakers on the sides is because most people like to sit against the wall instead of using their whole room as a really productive listening environment. I'd be going to surround speakers if it were myself and moving the sofa ahead 5-10 feet.
  10. Why not get speakers that are intended to be surround speakers instead of trying to mix and match? Aside from that, Do you sit right against the wall? If so you may not get as much as you want out of having surround sound. If you have a decent reciever/decoder for surround you should be able to adjust speaker size settings. If you cannot then you should probably consult the dealer where you purchased your receiver if you don't get much of a response here.
  11. Really? capital punishment? Why not find something to do with a living body? Couldn't they just switch part of his brain off and see how the rest of it works under stimulii? Wouldn't that be a useful prison? The story's nowhere near being over. there has to be more to it than what we've seen. the killer won't talk so to understand his affliction isn't possible at this time.
  12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4951448613711060908
  13. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    in lieu of a succinct word for 'the connection that holds the universe together that science intends to explain in its language' other than 'GOD', what else comes to play?
  14. CTMF needs some early afternoon indie folk and fingerpainting classes for adults.
  15. What is ridiculous is the fact that we have billions od dollars in anual budgetary surpluses and we still have to pay to ride the bus at all. Public Transit should be that - PUBLIC. Mass transit like inter-city buses and trains deserve to be helped along to grow their infrastructure to keep up with society's demands... ...like when gasoline costs $5 a litre and we can't afford to drive our cars at all and the government will have to put up for us. It's not difficult to set cities up to run trolley buses so we can just use hydroelectric power to get our people where they need without emissions. (i apologize for getting off topic here)
  16. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    What if the restaurant didn't serve halal?
  17. I don't think it's necessarily to be blamed on the bus or the route...but I am rethinking my openness to mass transit across the country. It's so easy to get hung up on what's wrong we often forget about what's right and how we fit into that side of the equation. What confuses me is how he got to saw the guy's head off and nobody did anything to stop him. So again...is it what's particularly wrong with people, or what isn't right? I wonder if I'd chance get stabbed to save a guy from being totally decapitated...
  18. I don't have a ticket but they seem to be floating around... I don't want to put my name on any unless I can make sure to get there (why have a spare floating in space only to fill out a ticketstub collection) Anybody got room for this fatty?
  19. Are you sure they're not just covering that crap up with more newspaper?
  20. Oh come on...cut the guy some slack. he wiki's almost everything else for almost everybody else...probably just said 'i think' after finding out. Probably doesn't miss scrabulous because of it.
  21. Removing reasons to check facebook is a good thing, no?
  22. When I see an interview with a young host that leads the guest with a series of questions while the guest talks about 'just going with it' doesn't really scream 'burn', but sometimes I don't want to put the time into finding the perfect way to describe what I see. I don't know how to really put that. It was subtle as it was intended, as I also thought Cusack was pretty comfortable for the most part. It made me laugh. at. That being said, I think Strombo's one of the best on TV...that's not to say there's nothing more I ask for of a national media personality. Hell, I think it's obvious I ask a lot more of everything...but one of the best on TV...on TV. I think that print can hide a lot of swagger, as can photoshoots, layout, and typesetting...especially nestled between strategically placed full page colour ads for high end fashion or big money music. Strombo does a great job and has breathed a bit more life back into the CBC. Cheesy cliche about the network with the most bad puns. I hope in time I stop feeling that he's not rushing through to be on time or in step with someone else's planning. I don't like to be reminded of the fact that there's a commercial on its way to try to sell me something. I like feeling respected as a viewer. CBC does that more than any other broadcast media brand, but it's still no perfect world.
  23. ever see the killers? I heard they were a great live act.
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