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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. FLEET I think that subconsciously, Blane will be looking to go to some shows in Boston this week.
  2. Were you as delighted as the little schoolgirl that doesn't have to hike up her skirt around a bulging tummy or as the schoolgirl whose hometown doesn't have a huge incidence of single moms?
  3. the conservatives have sent mailouts about carbon taxes in the past month... and with people voting with monetary needs in mind it's probably best to let it blow over a bit before an election comes to pass.
  4. I think I identify with a few of the muppets but I can't help but dig animal and Gonzo. As for THe Electric Mayhem, I think the sax player's the one I dig the most. Quiet guy...
  5. I was just referring to how the french are ignorant of deodorant. sometimes a reason for fine perfume...sometimes a perfume all its own.
  6. I bet those doodies were his.
  7. I like the show but Strombo is no better than Jian...directs the interview with questions rather than opening up, relaxing, and having some poignant conversation. Saw one interview where he was called out on it and didn't even notice...John Cusack's the man.
  8. Speak up! It's about time you lurkers said something! Garaj finally has Ontario dates. You'd better stoke this one or everybody's gonna think all there is is Shambala.
  9. hahaha naw. If I were to do that I'd have to really bloat my post and that would be even more ridiculous. Sorry to pick and prod. Sometimes I like to rant, where I should really just say nothing. Now...I typed it once - I'm sure it won't be the last time I see it.
  10. I just got a fountain pen. It's fun to write with but is testy and messy. apparently they adapt to the way their owners write... Anybody else into their writing implements? Do people still use pens in place of computers?
  11. You say the war of the words is interesting, I say it's silly - while the underlying issue is easily interesting. Albums vs. songs. I've felt that, although hit material, Kid Rock falls short song for song, but seems to be the kind of artist that really shines if you put on the whole record... So - say that's Kid Rock's thing. He wants to cut a record, promote it, tour it, and sell it. iTunes sells singles. Although it's potential revenue, it's not full album revenue. So if you only want one song or say even 5 songs on the record... that's $3 to Kid Rock at the most... But if Kid sells the entire record he may stand to make the same royalties(maybe not, but maybe...don't know his contract) but he gets his album out to a fan which would then in theory support itself more, and give the fan more reason to buy the next record. If the fan buys a bunch of songs that don't connect with oneanother or with him/her as the record would then it's future revenue lost, it's future concert sales and tshirts lost - but more importantly, it's a fan lost. Sales or not, it's potentially lost fanbase and support. I'm a huge proponent of albums. I think that although some songs stand alone, artists don't often write and record songs entirely seperately and then compile them together for their albums... Rip the songs apart, the album and intentions are often lost. While that may not be important to many people, it is an aspect of recorded music that is entirely special and magical. Now...that's saying that it's an issue that demands polarity. Does it demand all or nothing? What of the people that don't care for albums? they'd probably never be a kid rock fan but may still go see a concert or buy more songs... Is it worth the friction to save the record album?
  12. I bet you could put on a killer Soulive show with ten grand.
  13. 'Posterity' - funny guy... Batman Begins looks HD, haven't seen Dark Knight...I don't see this franchise buying into the digital vs. film debate as Digital has more attributes that outweigh the tangibility of film. Does Batman drive the gallardo or was it Bruce Wayne?
  14. I'm glad it wasn't all shot in HD. Real film is the best way to go. Real chemical representations of the moment stopped in time are ideal. There's an arcade in Vancouver called movieland and they have some of the last 8mm peep show reels in existence. I don't know if you see Heath Leger's ass in the Dark Knight but there's something about seeing a real glint off a buttock that makes it worth going to see a movie in a dark room with strangers.
  15. Their ruling is entirely fair. Unfortunate but fair and just. Clothing is definitely an avenue of expression, and with the ever increasing islamophobia, it is an expression that does not lend itself to helping people tone down their ignorance. The Personal choice is hers. She can always choose to live somewhere else.
  16. Sometimes after a big steak it look like the little guy's kicking. I'm about ready to burst. I hope things don't get too messy when it comes time to break wind.
  17. Note From Connie Fogal: CAP often receives pained expressions of concern from our members and contacts that we send out so much really disturbing information. Even our highly informed people would prefer to hear happy stuff. So would I. But,CAP has been at the forefront in distributing significant but unpleasant information since day one. It is part of who and why we are. Most of what you will hear in the link below is information we have communicated to you before in bits and pieces as we have learned it.This is the first time I have listened to a full and complete disclosure. At this time let me repeat the message which I have tried to communicate over and over. Do not submit to fear. Recognize it as your enemy. Be strong. Stay steady. Personally ,I am absolutely convinced that information and knowledge are the tools for freedom. I hope you can recognize that more and more people are waking up and are exercising their courage and are spreading the information even further. I am convinced we will know the right steps to take as we open up to each other more and more. That is our power. There is an awakening, a consciousness happening. Keep it going. That is our source of survival. Youtube Audio link I realize that this has no reputed proof but if the Canadian Action Party is willing to debase itself then it's at least worth posting elsewhere online.
  18. I read Ender's Game in Highschool and it is still one of my favourite books. I liked the writing style and ideas Card brought to me. I have heard that neil gaiman is a good writer. Maybe that's another to look at?
  19. Maybe people thinks he likes cookies so much is because he bakes them so much...i bet he takes the apron off to go down the chimney.
  20. That's going to be a great weekend. Amazing.
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