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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. real poutine sauce is not really gravy. it's kinda like chicken gravy...like the st. hubert dipping sauce... but everybody says gravy which is the easiest way to describe it, so people just changed with it. too bad, but always tasty.
  2. I love opera but don't feel it works on PC as well as it did on mac. I'm gonna try it but make sure to be less 'creative' with chrome...
  3. Anybody going from Ottawa or east thereof?
  4. Do you log yourself out when you leave jambands.ca or do you stay logged in?
  5. Anybody have extras for Ottawa
  6. "Nice! Don't ever take that pathway for granite. " bruuuutal.
  7. Doesn't the dollar always come back right before serious international conflict?
  8. Are you looking for distractions, or tips to cope? Best of luck never smoking again.
  9. worst case scenario, buy a bus ticket to prescott and hitch the rest of the way. you'll make it work.
  10. hey - i was trying to do like 4 things at the same time. my apologies.
  11. It was amazing last year. Glad you two made it out. I'd have loved being there again. That venue is the home of some of the best bluegrass times in the NW - Glad those hippies keep it freaky at least one weekend a year.
  12. wish I could make it. But I still replied - I'll tell you where to mail the tickets...later...
  13. lefty looset righty tighty refers to using 2 socket wrenches while fixing your car...so you don't have to fuck around with the switch that's on them and work faster, and be more involved in the work and not the tools.
  14. I really like Hagen Dazs' caramel (has strange name) or the Mayan chocolate... ...but also like regular ice cream. Have realy liked the market central brand at price chopper...great cookies n cream. and PC makes great ice cream. Their ice cream bars are at least as good as the ben and jerry bars. easily the best ice cream deal is from Presidents' choice.
  15. I think that it's a great improvement on utility towels. There are other people whose heads could use a good slam. his ain't one of em.
  16. what do you mean exactly?
  17. OK I won't. If years of touring and trying to be ahead of the game tells you anything it should tell you to go to a Radiohead concert. Sound.Stage.Presence.Appreciation
  18. I don't plan on being anywhere near there either... I'd hate to win tickets and no tbe able to use them. Did that once before and the guilt just began to drip off me. it was greasy.
  19. You're presuming I'm scared. When reality presents a challenge, focusing on fear is a waste of time. I believe this will become a much bigger problem and those in power don't want to lose their grip on those they have power over. Not to approach it like a conspiracy theory, but money is a concept and system. It's not real and it is used to keep us distracted much of the time. That being said, I wish I had more of this imaginary thing called money. with all this time spent on this recession thread I bet d_jango could've written an award winning short story. I'm always impressed when I poke around this part of the board.
  20. SaggyBalls


    pissed off or marginalized? Nobody's stoking anymore. boooo.
  21. Who's impressing you these days? Anybody got any good ideas worth stoking?
  22. in a couple of years anyone with strong savings will be able to invest heavily in some great real estate. What a flip of a party!
  23. How come this thread still has a question mark in the title?
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