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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Wait until the housing bust, buy a house or loft for cheap and just wait for it to mature... I hear that more north in BC along the coast there's more movement to develop quite like the sunshine coast but you fly instead of drive...snow in the winter, doesn't get too cold (-20 at the coldest) and the summers are hot...close to the water, in mountains...not expensive to buy but4 there's really only a goldmine close for industry and it's shut down due to native land disputes. now would be the best time to buy but it's probably about 15-20 years before it ramps up price so you're probably good for time.
  2. get a case and give them out with all of your radio show giveaways DJMT
  3. Convince us to move? Why not convince you to get the hell outside and make the most of where you live? You're a drive away from Georgian bay, Lake Huron, The Niagara Escarpment, GREAT LIVE MUSIC, Friends, the good 'ol USA...Loads of travel possibilities, Montreal and Quebec City, loads of high paying jobs, loads of low paying jobs if you want more time off...Move? That's a significant investment with possibly little return if you're just frustrated. Ottawa and Collingwood are close but still...finding a place, packing, moving, frustration, expenses, damages... What's wrong with where you live?
  4. SaggyBalls

    Shout Box

    where's the 'this website is less credible' box? I miss seeing who was wasted and online.
  5. It takes away from the concert experience...al those screens are ultimitely distracting. like mini screens by the stage... As far as cell phones while driving, they give us someone and something to blame since we've replaced 'accident' with 'collision' this world of logic is destroying the world of chancce and magic that is the incluseive force that we all deserve. Making decisions and judgements based on mathematical chance, predisposition, and probabilities gives us an opportunity to set the scene without having to fully understand the moment or even care about it. It's a cop out and most people are fine with that. If it's your time it's your time. But when you're in a concert it's time for you to be at the concert paying attention, as when you're driving it's time to be driving and not mindlessly talking on your phone or drinking a six pack. Cause if it's your time and you weren't paying attention you're gonna look like a real fool...and if it's the other guy's time you're gonna be a real asshole.
  6. I entirely suggest looking at Parlour Guitars. Al the ones I've played have made me so happy. They've got a full sound but still sound like it's a shorter scale. They're loud and smaller... It's a nice thought to want totally solid guitars, but still PLAY other guitars. You might want to get a guitar with a ply top or sides. If you find a guitar you really really love, to not buy it because it's got plywood in it would be altruistic and silly.
  7. there's trout fishing around here? I never saw one in Eastern Ontario. I need to get my fishing license again.
  8. How bout Gnasher, Eddie, or Fati?
  9. the union should pay out their pensions early when the shit hits the fan. ridiculous all around. this should never have been allowed to happen.
  10. wow! she wasn't imposed into the running! Well my conspiracy-theory fuelled thoughts can calm down a bit... We'll just have to see which position she'll get in 2009...
  11. Of course they should fight but distractionary tactics aren't fighting and really do quite a bit to remove faith in unions. Labour unions are important, but I haven't seen positive action on their behalf to get consumers demanding change and bringing any work they've done to light. We'll have to see how it all pans out in the end. It shouldn't have to be up to the CAW to push for mass transit, electric and other green vehicles, bicicle infrastructure, and more focus on supporting local economies...but with such a large worker population in this and other affiliates the breadth of major labour unions could realistically be greater. Unions should be more than insurance. They should leave their workers and the communites in which they live assured that there's support from all angles. Perhaps that's what government's role ultimitely is, but it's obvious that we need more effort and support from more directions and perspectives. All I can do is say 'waah' about it and give an opinion where it's really not going to accomplish much than circumventing the issue at hand since the issue at hand is ridiculous and shouldn't be happening anyway. Greed on the part of GM Myopia on the part of the unions and GM ignorance on the part of consumers for far too long disease on the part of the government for not having the best interests of its people at hand over partisan politics...mass transit, green technologies, and domestic industry as a whole have been left behind to foster international trade and a global economy. It's left us energy-rich and banker-rich. With all of these out of work factory employees, Canada has an ample workforce to produce wind turbines, hydroelectric power generation, and electric vehicle production. I'd hate for them all to wind up working at call centres when we could have a great legacy to leave for our children and their children.
  12. Awesome! Nomo is a great band. Michigan's got some super talent and this is a great example!
  13. Signed contracts don't guide the market or pressure their employers to take the steps to ensure that the contract isn't breakable. That's hiding behind the law and using it unfairly and unjustly. Say your buddy got married...and with that signed contract presumed she'd be there through thick and thin and stopped changing and evolving with the relationship and current economic times. So she finds a reason to divorce him instead of finding new ways for you to make it work because he didn't make the effort to be entirely needed in her life. Would all of his friends park in front of her driveway to keep her from going to her job cause she's a bitch, or would he suck it up and stand up for himself more in the future? Logic can only go so far. then lawyers step in and impose clever legalese to justify whatever they want. The CAW's contract probably wasn't as detailed as it could have been and mustn't have allowed for a huge change in the economic and political landscape. saying 'they can't do this' is a pretty pussy thing to do when they obviously did do that. Unions are great in theory but events like this prove that they're not effective in preventing horrible things to happen. The dues our workers pay should go to salaries of officials and executives that can actually ensure that they can uphold job security instead of seeking retribution for sour deals. waaaah.
  14. makes me want to get a bunch of songs and a vehicle to tour...
  15. In these days of increasong isolation (condo lifestyle, home shopping, media on demand, fear-based-society, martial law etc.) there will be an ever-demanding need for people to get out and be involved in their communities or events. Until we have effective civic and poliical leadership the focus will be more entertainment and less helping IMO(bleak for now...just for now, people) And in that, we are seeing more people going out to Pay Per View sporting events, supporting their favourite team in Euro 2008, Mixed Martial Arts/UFC, and more and more big music festivals around the country. Although our schedules at work (if we're fortunate enough (in one perspective) to be gainfully employed) may be increasing and our time at home may be tighening up, the advantages that maNY PEOPLE have to focus their media experiences (your tube, myspace, messageboards, etc.) also allow us to effectively plan and manage our experiences to do the things we want even more effectively. From the comfort of our own living room we can plan trips around the globe or our own back yard...if of course we want to make sure to get into the show, have dinner reservations, and a room at the hotel after show for the big party. All this scrutiny also leads many of us to try to get people onvolved and attending events with us, or at least the information to...you can of course select 'maybe' when you RSVP on Facebook. And what does all of this do for touring? It implants our weekend getaways into solid plans rather than whimsical happenings. As we as a society evolve with these tools, we will see that the potential isolation that we can succumb to will leave us craving community and meeting in person more and more. On the flip side of that, the human experience demands inclusion and interaction. People want to be a part of something, and we're seeing this more and more with the Obama Campaign, summer tours, Facebook and other online tools, and even things like Prince's Fan Club. Touring is entirely important to foster that side of the human condition and to give us a real band to see at our local bar. It's totally crucial if a band is really good at using these medial tools to network and have enough money to pay for their promotion and album production instead of touring. But we're in a strange spot here in Canada. The country is huuuge and touring is costly and difficult...so that essentially turns a tour into a tax shelter holiday. If a band can tour and play parties across the country, then breaking even isn't probably very tricky, but most musicians want to play credible venues that they can list on their myspace page and not worry about retribution from the DEA... But if an act can get financial backing and some credibility, then touring is a bit easier. With more great musicians getting local notoriety around the globe, touring can be seen as more difficult...why see the guy coming in from Hamilton when we can support the awesome local talent? So in a short answer - touring is not essential It is appreciated and a great tool to bring people together and get us together, moving forward for a positive purpose.
  16. Sad? Come on. Not sad but a bit unfortunate that we won't see any more shows...but how often did people talk about aNC tour around here? I have a feeling that the players will have something up their sleeves at least individually in the enxt few years. I expect to hear more amazing music on CBC from these folks and with Canadaian music solidifying as a world presence, there's probably a chance that aNC would work with younger artists touring Europe or Asia or South America in the coming years. Chin up, Skanks!
  17. Toronto IS close. not walking or transit close. It's about $30 round trip gas close is it not?
  18. It's easy to blame GM when more could have been done by the auto unions to pressure the automakers to make more efficient vehicles, securing their jobs and security. Sure they killed the Electric Car...but the people that could have put the push on them failed to do so miserably. Every interview I've heard with Hargrove has left a bad taste in my mouth. If I were in the union I'd have been damanding that guy show my BEST interests in mind and not just complain about unfair trade tactics when North American vehicles generally miss the mark. 35MPG isn't very good fuel economy and it's the number I see all the time advertising efficiency. The CAW is nearsighted and if those workers weren't strong enough to fight for job security in a proactive, objective way then it's obvious to me that it's not my place to say 'told ya so' it's their families' and their communities' place to say it. I think that with all the time they're gonna have that they should start flossing more regularly. Financial security is a major cause of heart attack and significantly shortens peoples' lives. Regular flossing is apparently good for your heart. It's a good start. And that's a good start. Although the manufacture of vehicles is entirely wasteful and taxing on the planet, efficient vehicles to sell on our own soil is entirely crucial as a first step to ween us off oil and to help our air quality. But until we stop whining about events that we didn't do anything to prevent we'll continue to get fucked over as a society by those above us.
  19. Well there's a reason to go to Waterloo.
  20. Hey Northern Wish! That place in fredericton was a 'Brazilian Pizza' joint...it woulda been funny if i found a hair in my pizza (the only time that would have been funny) great idea...I've siggested it many times to other pizza places. It had a slightly sweet crust and cream cheese in the crust.
  21. So you're watching TV or at a movie or listening to the radio and hear a song under a commercial. Perhaps by some strange stretch of fate, the commercial got your attention with the image from the get go...then the music would be entirely unimportant, but the focus of this thread is the sound - the music - the SONG. It caught your attention. It was the magic in the mix and for that hideous amount of generated revenue from advertising the artist must be paid. To make a great sounding piece of audio, there is much work - audio engineers, producers, executives to get it to the ad company that are all paid based of the revenues that are paid to the Artist. It's one thing for Feist to have her song on an Apple commercial, but it's another thing entirely for her to write, tour, and produce FOR Apple. Selling out is different than making money back from an artist's endeavours. With our fragmented attention, advertisers need to grab our attention. I think a bigger question would be why do you care about the song/sellout if you're watching the commercial? If it offends you then why not just get a netFlix membership and avoid the advertising? Well there's music licencing in movies too. Every time you hear a song in a movie the artist has to be paid for THAT too, as that's another form of advertising. Strategic product placement and other corporate interests are at play all around us in the media. The artists that keep our attention either in the forefront of our consciousness or help distract us to identifying with a subtle atmosphere and relax a little are both at work to control our media experiences. It is entirely necessary that artists be paid for their work and that new artists be given a chance to keep our attention and distract us long enough to help their careers. Or...you can just go read a book and not succumb to advertising whatsoever and have nothing to squak about, WITW. thanks for the discussion all the same.
  22. It always does well in Vancouver... But there's a nude beach and people don't mind doing what they please even if other people are there watching and grumbling about how it's 'not proper' You wussies should go. Apply the sunscreen in public. Just don't try to shake everybody's hand afterward...unless you're just trying to be friendly.
  23. If you're going to be around wireless internet service you might want to get an iPod Touch and set it up with internet phone... Then you can just use your home phone on the road and have a cool ipod...I've been told that it's possible but I have a cellphone with a contract and don't entirely need it...although I have loads of LD and Roadside assistance which I have used, it's not really giving me the value i need at this very moment. My plan's pretty good but still... Do I need it? Not particularly unless I'm driving somewhere and my car breaks and nobody's helpful. It helps at the grocery store and for getting directions on the fly...and it's a walkman phone. I wouldn't really miss it if it were gone and I had an mp3 player that was also a camera and alarm clock. I really wish I could stick the thing on vibrate for those long bus and plane rides I take every so often. I'd at least get some pleasure out of the fucker. Until they invent that, feel free to call me randomly just in case I'm feeling lonely for technology. 778.999.3897
  24. No no no...I NEED the bong ollie. I was just about to come on here to say something to the effect of 'I'm just not into them but thousands are' but really...they're a pretty good band that doesn't completely do it for me. Jazz Funk Fusion virtuosos aren't known for being entertainers. They're players. They know how to say a lot with their jazziness...sometimes less is more and sometimes jazz virtuosos let peoples' ears stumble ver their verbosity. Sometimes it's magnificent. Not always and never never. PASS me the bong.
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