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Everything posted by paisley

  1. as I say, to me it sounds like he was excited, having a moment... I'm the king of over-stating things agree its worthy of debate, just not worthy of condemnation edit to add: I also lean heavily towards believing improvisation is the most important element of the music... grew up playing classical piano (grade 6 through the Royal Conservatory) and learned almost nothing... started sitting up at night banging away on the keys and started creating things and understanding a bit of how it all works always dig your input as well there Jaimoe for that matter I dig almost everyone's input around here why I get sensitive when it seems someone's getting unjustly dumped on... Doug's a great guy
  2. a musician expresses a passionate opinion that improvisation is the most important element in music (after he got to jam onstage with one of his favorite musicians) and gets the reply "I think I'm going to be sick." the guy was excited ... don't think he deserved to be shot down so passionately... people aren't entitled to opinions around here? just because we've been subjected to wanky empty jams doesn't mean improvised music sucks... same as just because we've heard wanky empty songs doesn't mean all songs suck the first time a song is written its "improvised"... without improvisation there would be no art
  3. 360-degree full-sky panorama of Death Valley at night (one of the darkest places to view the night sky left in north america... note the wind-blown rock to the right) http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  4. about 10 years back Mickey started showing up at local poetry nights and open mics relatively regularly... sipping tea and pulling out spoken word bits or acoustic tunes always a great suprise... ever the brilliant showman
  5. people don't generally appreciate those who paint the same picture the same way over and over again so much as those who continually paint different pictures... guess it all comes down to how well its done whichever approach is taken personally I'll take a musican who feels comfortable expressing the moment over someone committed to going through the motions of "the time they got it right" any day
  6. heady vibes from here to be sure... genuinely hope that things turn around and get better soon brother thanks for passing along the news weirdness
  7. Jerry was the junker, Phil liked his cola
  8. can't catch every show... and there's no certainly obligation involved... catching too many shows will burn ya out on it (or so I hear ) I don't go see a movie unless I wanna... apperently lots of time, money and effort goes into those that said, Diesel Dog really is in a beautiful place musically right now and its a little sad some folks who'd really have dug it missed out but the sun still came up today slow night at Ultra Magnus in Hammertown Sat night too... band played full out all night though and an awesome time had by all... win some lose some
  9. saw a recent B Boys concert film and after set break the boys came out all dressed like up a hipster mexican fiesta band and rocked it instrumental for a whole set very looking forward to the album long live the Beasties
  10. yays, seems you're right on that... well, most papers just say the quote is attributed to him but not actually confirmed (copied and pasted that out of a german science magazine) but his quote or not, fact remains that a vast majority of of plants rely on bees to get pollinated... no pollination, no plant, no plant to eat, no animals who eat that plant ect. worrisome (plus no more honey!)
  11. thanks for the tip AD, been wanting to grab a copy for some time *fingers crossed Hamilton Chapters has a copy
  12. back at you bro... pleasure to meet yourself as well whole band was sounding incredible last night, one of the best bands that graces the pepperjacks stage... such a sick groove you guys lay down need to coax a few more locals out next time, but was great to see the crowd that was assembled all getting down so hard [color:blue]GO SEE ULTRA MANGUS!!!
  13. Ultra Magnus are a truly killer act, headin that way now
  14. Franken and Davis was classic material off of the early days of Saturday Night Live... loved that part of the show as a kid both long standing fans and friends of the Grateful Dead... while they were still working as a duo they opened up for a number of GD shows
  15. voted against (joke) most painless voting process I've come across on les intenet go JSB! currently ahead by about 200 votes
  16. years back when I lived in Torona was just off Roncenvalles near High Park, up near Bloor... lived on Indian Trail Road, which cut across Indian Road and had a few more similarly named streets also in the immediate area very cheap compared to the rest of town, High Park a short walk away, Subway access close, lots of small shops and restaurants might have chosen somewhere closer to Queen or College (as thats where most of our friend's ended up living at) but all in all a good neighbourhood saw my first woodpecker in High Park, was pecking away at a tree at face level on a day I was pounding the pavement and generally hated life... walked up to within 5 feet of it (beautiful bird is a woodpecker)... turned around my day 180% was a nice area in any case, fairly quiet and tucked away but easy access to the city via walking or the subway
  17. never had much of a thing for soy, while vegan or not... didn't generally make me feel particularly healthy, sometimes made me feel downright gross... only way I really like it is disguised in a burger or something like that (and in Bragg's ! mmmm so damn good!) problem most people run into across switching diets is believing they can trade one thing for a "new brand" of the same thing the good you get from cow's milk isn't replaced by soy or rice milk (will say that I like rice milk a lot as a thirst quencher though)... its replaced by eating a bunch of different foods that cover your calcium and vitamin needs... things like chick peas, sesame paste or seeds, dark green vegetables etc. (in palatable forms like falafel, pita and humous, whatever makes green vegetables taste good to you, etc) stop eating meat and you need more beans, nuts, eggplant, grains, pastas etc. salad and fruit mostly do the same for you whether you're carnivore or veggie... good for you, and not a full diet veggie burgers and soy milk alone does not a healthy vegan make by any means, just looks appealing when you only know how to cook a limited number of meal choices bottom line, people should eat what their body tells them to eat... but in a country with growing obesity and diabeties issues you'd figure checking out some new non-animal based meals can't hurt... so many awesome african, south american, mid-eastern or asian dishes the majority of north americans have even heard of
  18. chin chin! Marge is in! sincere congrats kiddo
  19. the general premise with any vegans I've met is based on humans are built to live on their mother's milk at the beginning of life, roughly a year... its as natural as natural gets, we're designed for that cows milk is designed to pack a few hundred pounds on calves in their first year... makes for a very hearty dietary supplement in a busy world, but if you think about it what other animals drink another species milk? in any case bad parenting is bad parenting... a child's health comes first, if vegan isn't working obviously you try something else... too bad being vegan seems so bizarre and worthless to so many people... a very difficult diet to get sound information on without a lot of painstaking research (unless you live in india or somewhere its common place)... was way too much work for me, though I still lean heavily in that direction... milk and meat are big business
  20. nice work dude... anything that helps out the local music scene/community is awesome in my book looks like it'll be particularly useful for bands to self promote their shows... View is fine but adding the potential for bands to throw up their blurb or show details and a link to their site is ideal keep up the good work
  21. hopin ya have yourself a supa-fine day and one hell of a sweet year to come salute buddy!
  22. a big Hey Heys! from here too Gary know Delhead's a big fan... have heard nothing but good but haven't caught her firsthand either believe that Alexis, Large Marge and livingstoned are down catchin the show tonight... likely coax a lowdown out of em later
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