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Everything posted by paisley

  1. Songs about disasters. 1. Gordon Lightfoot - Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald 2. The Tragically Hip - Nautical Disaster 3. Stan Rogers - The Mary Ellen Carter 4. Tanglefoot - The Angel Of Long Point 5. Drive By Truckers - Tornadoes 6. Dylan - Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues 7. Grateful Dead - Here Comes Sunshine 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  2. Jackson Brown is going to live to be older than both Casey Kasem and Bob Barker combined
  3. Hunter S. Thompson interviewing Keith Richards they seem to get along very well NOTE: video starts off very rough but smooths out 10 seconds or so in... content is awesome
  4. yays, think this'll be a pretty interestin show
  5. great little selection of music there, like many of the 12 Song lists... stay away from these lists K-Tel!!
  6. bargain places, Giant Tiger or the like would be my call in Hamilton Walmart? its a ticket to hell but might get the job done
  7. think we just naturally are aware that there must be more involved in what surrounds us than simply what we see, taste, touch, feel and smell (or can prove mathematically)... we tend to call that god for simplicities sake... "neurotheology" would seem to step away from that simplicity, perhaps that area of the brain is like a radio receiver that gives us a glimpse of the all... maybe its a "CPS" - Cosmos Positioning System... personally, I blame the doses
  8. pic showing a volcano blowing on Jupiter's moon "Io" / is the blue smoke visible at the top of it... looks a lot more like a planet than our moon is for sure (life's gotta start somewhere) Link
  9. will try and make it Shain... definately sounds like a worthwhile benefit cheers buddy
  10. St. Catherines is an infamously strange town for shows, pretty rare to hear of more than a couple of good shows a year (odd considering its a pretty big town)... the Mansion House seems to be rectifying some of that though, very cool club
  11. lot of buzz about Bonde do Role (from Brazil) who're playin Pepperjacks Friday night... many of the returning SXSW crowd claimed they ruled down in Austin Rolling Stone story on the band
  12. It's official: Manitoba town gives plastic bags the boot great work... hope other towns follow suit (guess San Francisco actually started the ball rolling last month) 95% of things you buy you don't need a bag for, the other 5% you can easily use boxes or re-usable bags for
  13. yeah, definately announce it on upstream as well... westerners don't use the cavern as much as central/easterners have a wicked trip guys... excited for ya's all
  14. the guy who shot this was on The Hour last week 'long lines' catch everything, from starfish to dolphins, lots of sharks in the mix... elephants kill 200 people a year, sharks kill 5... they're one of the oldest creatures still living on the planet looking forward to seeing the film
  15. NoScript is a sweet Firefox extension
  16. glad you had good times Brad happy birthday! may ya have a great year!
  17. thats so awesome they finished the last encore with "Record Body Count" no doubt would've been serious tear time... I hate goodbyes, didn't go "Melville" is also a wonderful collection of music thanks for so much wicked music Rheostatics... n changing the face of the Canadian music scene... all the very best
  18. thought my mom was watching American Idol in the other room... and man, it must be early in the season if people still sound this rough... turns out she's watching the Junos... the Canadian Music Industry should be criminally charged for presenting such an onslaught of crap. (so far into the show anyways) later edit: only heard the first 45/hour of it or so, hoping it got better later
  19. Smiles everyone! Happy Birthday Mary!!
  20. wicked stuff kiddo... keep up the great work!
  21. try to sort of hypnotise yourself as you go to sleep picture something or somewhere you feel comfortable, happy to be at... count backwards from 10 and do something descending, like going down an escalator, repeatedly might help... if nothing above helps and you get more freaked out might want to see a friendly doc would avoid any drugs outside of herb... once took a(n over-the-counter) sleeping pill thinking it'd end my plight, woke up with a start 5 minutes after falling asleep and then was way awake, stupid pill
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