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Everything posted by paisley

  1. no worries not the first dark alley I've wandered down actually, if you glance around on "The Voice" there's actually a suprising amount of anti "war on drugs" talk being tossed around... like 80% are against current drug laws and only 20% are for stiffer penalties maybe its just most homes in the red states don't have computers yet (ouch!)
  2. am sure someone or other has posted about this before but... saw a bit on Banksy on tv recently and it got me interested in what he was about in looking around have found I really like a lot of his stuff also touched by the notion that he works anonymously, not only not wanting to be paid, but not wanting to be recognized... supposedly in an effort to keep the art pure BANKSY
  3. I'm never forgiving you for getting me hooked posting on "The Conservative Voice" Kanada Kev ever break I take I just can't keep away now how do you keep from saying anything when someone out there seems to actually believe that Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients is a perfectly sound idea?
  4. some people will do anything to get "high"
  5. June 8 in Hamilton (Casbah) nice... definately been jones'n for some live GTB
  6. good luck bro... my heady advice for making it to the top is: Don't Think.
  7. from Phil's site regarding Apr 9-10 shows in NYC: then there's a game you can play on his homepage called "The Reddy Stealth Game" "Ok guys, no taping out in the open. You have to sneak in your gear!" funny
  8. great to see lots o good folks out lettin loose, a great big happy (for the most part) gathering... pleasing to see so many kind familiar faces highlights of seeing NRPS for me were really mostly found in the jams... they create some truly beautiful spaces when they extend a song, can't beat the dreamy sounds of the pedal steel for that sort of thing... also hearing those old favorite tunes played by a band I never really thought I'd see was a real treat nice
  9. now thats a fine sunny afternoon story sure is nice out
  10. somehow a tank that's the responsibility of a military superpower killing schoolgirls, even accidentally, actually sounds more unsettling to me than an american-ized, though poorly adjusted, Korean guy loosing it and shooting people on purpose... which is probably strange... can see what you're saying though... suppose maybe its the Korean sense of responsibility that sounds so alien to north american ears
  11. heh, will slow down and read... thanks for the correction 4 20!
  12. whoa definately throws a wrench in my CTMF plans (found out anyways... Slip Forum ) guess friday night up in Durham will have to suffice
  13. #220: Songs you wish were never written, because they get into your head, and never leave ... 1. Britney Spears - Oops, I Did It Again 2. David Seville - Witch Doctor (Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  14. its not whether you win or lose... phfft, yeah it is congrats buddy CU2NITE
  15. I enjoyed the last episode much more than the first (though I'll forever have Julian's car burning out for a full minute while his dopey pizza delivery friend watches in complete grinning, nodding awe burnt into my brain)
  16. when I was in high school we used to always go clean up the forest around the bush party areas in spring... always a really good day out will take a garbage bag and a rake (for broken glass) down the side of the hill one day soon
  17. watched Cho Seung Hui's video confession he sent to NBC... basically pissed off at rejection and humiliation... sounds like he was targeted by some sort of physical abuse by his peers... pissed at the rich and injustices in general... felt persecuted strange Fox says he was possessed as he continually compares himself to Jesus on the cross and says he's being forced to die for our sins sad stuff
  18. as well you should be considerin your namesake!
  19. right ons Jay... sounds like good fun
  20. nice reads indeed excited about the show!
  21. sad they even think of anti-Korean backlash... Bush is from Texas but just because of that I don't automatically distrust Texans... america has come to be perceived as such a bully state
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