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Everything posted by paisley

  1. hope just Sunday isn't 40 bones... if I get my Slip fix Thursday might be up for the weekend (admittedly is tough to picture passing up a show right here in the city Saturday night) sundae fo sho tho
  2. likely indica kush waitin to be become a warehouse full of fine hashish a not so good Afghan hash story "Wasted: the Drought That Drugs Made" - too bad cause I like that hash a lot, not so much I want anyone to go hungry over it though... have to admit it looks pretty damn dry around those fields (like everywhere I've seen pics of in Afghanistan besides in the mountains) first story I put up was from 2002, a long time ago in Afghan history.... link above is 2007
  3. Craigslist just started up in Hamilton last year, and frankly sucked pretty bad for the first while (was disheartening at first as I love craiglist, been browsing other cities for years)... its improved a lot though and is actually worth checking out now hmm... just took a look and it looks pretty crappy again, sometimes there's a few cool jobs here's a few local job links to check over morning coffee Hamilton Craigslist Hamilton Craigslist - Jobs Section McMaster University Job Board Human Resources Canada Job Board - probably the broadest selection of local jobs online good lucks, am on the search myself... good time of year to be looking and seems to be quite a bit out there to consider
  4. I love the ghost town, recharges my batteries... can't beat the air and the stars... saloon looks sweet every night and always enjoy catching some new acts gonna catch some local Slip then hopin to get up there some point durin the weekend
  5. no worries... we were all 8 years old once
  6. have run out of shows tying to catch my sanity a couple of times over the years... cookies can definately give you a good kick "pfft... I could eat 3 of those." can be famous last words depending on who's doing the baking
  7. #228 - Theme: The Frist song you can remember because your parents owned the Album and played it when you were a kid. 1. CCR - Who'll Stop the Rain 2. The Band - Up On Cripple Creek 3. The Who - Boris the Spider 4. Pink Floyd - Time (i LOVE my mom!) 5. Hair (the musical) - (only non-50's album in my house as a kid... great song/album/movie)6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  8. watched a documentary last night on TVO called Jimmy Rosenberg: The Father, the Son and the Talent... basically about this guy who has been playing amazing gypsy guitar since he was a kid, a seriously unbelievable player... the tale was a lot about his drug issues, sad at times, but every time this guy got a guitar in his hands I was fallin off my seat... check 'im out YouTube: some footage from the film... starts with him about one minute after walking out of jail still in the parking lot, some friends of the family show up and hand him a new guitar... goes into other scenes from the film another brief clip of him as a kid Jimmy Rosenberg bio on Refined Records
  9. sounds like cop-talk to me... though must admit I sometimes let it fly too, when I'm feeling particularly groovy
  10. holy Taurii! Cheers & Happy Birthday!!
  11. hey hey! wishin ya great times from here! Happy Birthday!!
  12. tis 8 well spent dollars @ the door Wordman Z is also on the bill (opening the show) and as I haven't heard otherwise am assuming things'll start up around 10/10:30
  13. cheers to ya Jared... hope your birthday was/is the rockin time
  14. viva les internet! The Bathroom Diaries
  15. The Return of Ponderoo is going to be a great show tomorrow night Bill Becker knows how to put on a great rock show still loving the listings Llama
  16. Golden Lake Diner are one of the sweetest bands who've ever been spawned by the Hamiltron IMHO... pretty much my intro to the genres of math/prog rock... parted ways almost a decade back to travel and pursue seperate music directions CA Smith (Mayor McCa) started practicing his one-man-band act back at the old La Luna (now lives and plays in London, England)... looking forward to seeing how far he's come, put on a hell of a show from the get-go (kinda/sorta like BA Johnston with some more instruments going at once) pretty psyched, original line-up of Golden Lake Diner (Greyham Peaceful, Joey Balducci, Mark Raymond and Alex Gumbert) is something I didn't think I'd see again both bands play together tonight at pepperjacks... smells like fine patio weather Spectator write-up MAYOR MCCA Greyham and Joey (of GOLDEN LAKE DINER)
  17. thanks for keeping us up to date Pete first words through my mind originally were "Don't drop the soap!" more writing, less fighting sounds like good strategy... pretty easy to say from here though... best of wishes Luke
  18. perfect example of a class act cheers to the shainhouse
  19. those 2 pictures are awesome... bet Ann Coulter thinks Bush is hotter than Tom Selleck last night on The Daily Show he showed a clip from the Republican convention where 10 candidates vying to take over the party leadership were being asked a series of questions about their politics when one of the questions was asked "How many of you here do not believe in evolution?" 3 or 4 hands (out of 10) immediately shot up
  20. when I was 15 I had a guitar teacher who told me The Beatles had written all the greatest rock songs that could be written and though another great song might pop up here or there it was all over I'll take the improv kidding... the Beatles Apple rooftop session that floats around out there in torrent land is a particular favorite... my theory on how they got to be so good is mainly they didn't have to answer to anyone cause no one really knew what they were doing, they caught everyone off guard... found it interesting in "The Long and Winding Road" documentary it was insinuated that the band did lots of speed pills (a little old lady sold from one of the men's room stalls in The Cavern) and very little sleeping during their early formative stint in Germany... I think the little old lady should've been compensated
  21. somebody finally spelled my name right. i love you! :laugh: I thought that was a silent "e"
  22. this was brought up on The Hour last night... George quipped it was maybe the first time in history someone was horrified to hear they didn't have cancer agree he should be compensated, pretty low blow... what if the guy had've killed himself to avoid the imminent pain to come also think the guy should be able to get his job back, if I ran a company I'd understand someone quitting under those circumstances and be able to empathize
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