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Everything posted by paisley

  1. happy birthday brother hope you're having a great day for yourself
  2. doesn't seem to be anything going to havana from toronto (or hamilton) monday suggest figuring out where else she could fly into and seeing if theres flights going there if tuesday is ok there seems to be an air canada flight leaving toronto for havana then (flights to and from 4 days a week)
  3. generally plenty of elbow room on the return trip to Havana
  4. in no particular order (never used them but bookmarked them on other people's recommendation) http://farechase.yahoo.com/ http://www.hotwire.com/ http://www.priceline.com/ this one helps you get the most out of priceline and hotwire http://www.betterbidding.com/
  5. great to see you guys as well bro (you were one kick ass Master of Ceremonies I might add! a natural) we'll all have to hook up again someday sooner than later
  6. Picasso was never called an asshole look'n like I'm up for this Discobar
  7. salute to the punk and certainly to the punks as well what Saturdays were built for
  8. ate dinosaur once didn't go down very well
  9. think I may just have to pop in and pass along some best of wishes to Scotty and his lady
  10. ye mighty PJC website is back up (and up-to-date) for any and all interested http://www.pepperjackcafe.com/live.htm
  11. indeed a great band, probably wander down that way later tonight
  12. no wonder the outdoor cafes are so popular
  13. if I were you I'd call each place and ask how much and what they do for that price... if they know you're shopping around they'll give you a competitive rate only one I've ever gone to (as a kid) is up on the mountain on Concession so thats not much help to ya even if you need to drive over would say it worth it for the convenience of having you're bike in fine shape for the year... quality of the tune up would be first concern in my book
  14. nice find! is even more of them on the same server under Multimedia
  15. thats the spirit... salute to ya!
  16. Steve Wozniak has been fighting for DRM-free iTunes for the past year, good to see it coming about
  17. vs = not a good day for Ringo
  18. Garcia was one of the shorter members of the Dead at 5' 10" and personally I think he could've flattened the whole fab four with one arm (had such an occasion arisen) don't get me started about Phil "Bad Bad Dog" Lesh
  19. such a simple argument anywho Texas Cage Match: Grateful Dead vs. Beatles so stomped would be the brits
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