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Everything posted by paisley

  1. yeah, sorry brother... was planning on it, really lookin forward actually but come the day lacked funds and company... had a local friends sister having a stag and doe that seemed more feasible (then I also ended up missin it) soon I'll be playin better hands... glad to hear everyone had good times (just downloaded your video and about to check it out, thanks buddy)
  2. actually, here's an online flv to pc converter http://vixy.net/
  3. try YouTube FLV to AVI Suite noticed it up on a tracker this week... seems like it'd do the trick (might then have to convert to AVI to DVD depending on what type of dvd player you have) here's the company homepage: http://www.easiestutils.com/
  4. bash ! bash ! ! bash ! ! ! bash happy birthday bsherman!!
  5. definately cause for concern "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." - Albert Einstein
  6. Rock Plaza Central indeed had some very cool material... reminded me of The Shins with a bunch more members, some great harmonies between the Casbah and Casbah lounge caught 5 excellent acts last night, a great night out (sorry to Rev and Kooky that it wasn't 6... heard Dan Griffin was really good as well)
  7. but were they ever really gone?
  8. Hey Hey Hey! awesome! Happy 30 Craig!! Salutations my friend!!
  9. paisley


    soon as I saw its being developed by the creator of Kazaa I tossed it in the same pile as Vista that is, if next year everybody is using it and loving it maybe try it out... until then I no trust
  10. so happy to have switched my service from Bell finally "I'm away from home for the first time and need a phone so I can keep in touch with my family." - "We'll require a $250.00 deposit. "I'm working at a local factory (making good money)." - "No we won't require any deposit. We'll have someone over to set up your service within the hour" turns out if you're well to do, or you simply lied, you'd avoid a hefty deposit... if you were honest and struggling, fuck you oh the hatred... sue them, stab them, drop them off a bridge... the personification of unfeeling, uncaring, faceless pocket gauging monopoly
  11. am mostly unfamiliar, wrote the jist of what I saw (while flipping channels) better yet if he's well paid! assumed the anonymousness made that unfeasable... thanks for the correction (will sleep better tonight!)
  12. just because I love the work Lou does helping spread the word
  13. its making me kind of crazy waiting for someone to attack the points I've raised over there... and that no one is "Damn you all! There's a LIBERAL IN YOUR MIDST!"
  14. sounds good Rev (and co.) keep up the fine musical work
  15. easy big fella... never a problem with honest observations round these parts
  16. listened to the United Steelworkers last night and was really impressed (didn't know what I was listening to, asked because I thought it was great) compared their sound to a cross between The Silver Hearts and The Cramps... seriously good stuff been wanting to catch Hammell on Trial for quite some time, love a few of his CDs AND... Lou Molinaro just posted this about The Tarbox Ramblers on stillepost (Lou used to manage The Corktown and brought Tony Levin, John Cale and a slew of other huge talents to the hammer)... definately one of the more authoratitive voices of what stands up as quality entertainment in my books am pretty damn in
  17. just saying only so many out of town weekends I can debate running away and joining the circus for... currently Bluesfest has the upper hand on one of those will definately make an appearance in Guelph for Le Slip
  18. yays, just poking fun... been lots of great Conservative thinkers in history... I'm a Joe Clark fan have to admit I was suprised to see so much rational thinking amongst the utter hogwash
  19. lots of photos of Banksy's work on Flickr
  20. have enjoyed Ani the couple of times I've seen her, certainly wouldn't split just because she was hitting the stage maybe Hillside, maybe not... agreed Ottawa Bluesfest seems to be packing a stronger line-up thus far... hows that no standing/dancing in front of the lawn chair nazis thing going up in O-Town? would I need a Phil Collins shirt to have good times?
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