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Everything posted by paisley

  1. alright, thats one vote Ghost Town
  2. sounds like show-whore has commandeered the control room not that there's anything wrong with that
  3. we could stay up drinking wine in my folks garage! otherwise imagine Alexis will be partaking of The Slip one or both nights... might be able to sweet talk your way in (bringin beer and stuff usually gets my foot in the door) Esau's headin for the Ghost Town, get down, don't frown
  4. seein how my day goes... AWFUL NICE OUTSIDE... debating catching a lift to the ghost town if not... THERE! (torona. maybe hammerton, so un-decided!)
  5. English Pig! I fart in your general direction!
  6. Monty Python ruined it for all future generations of English comedians
  7. indeed... sounds awesome! to many happy tomorrows!
  8. lots of great Floyd imagery... guess the hammers (last) were basically their logo during the late 80s
  9. another great one
  10. what kind of books? if you like it and have the money, buy it... downloading books is great for try before you buy, or cases of you need to read half a sentance of a book to figure out how to do something but really don't need the book (simple computer fixes, etc.)
  11. no doubt... heard her stuff recently, was instantly hooked
  12. I tend to raise an eyebrow at Suzuki on that issue getting every trace of the heavy metals out of the water from the harbour here seems unlikely to me... have had water from a spring that made my body sing but water from certain sources located near heavy industry I just have trouble picturing as better than bottled (though admittedly would say half of bottled is likely just from another tap)
  13. I went looking for some particular footage of Jimmy Rosenberg playing as a kid and was met by "content removed at the request of artist" messages... it was old forgotten tv footage that had been recently been used in a documentary, at which point it was pulled off YouTube(after they were made aware of it)... imagine the problem is policing so much content... pull it off from here, up it pops over there... tough to stay on top of in any case, anyone with eyes can see this is all Metallica's fault (joking)
  14. indeed... not against high costs for fuel if it somehow came back into the common good... jacked prices so uber-rich corporations can get platinum-richer-than-rich is difficult to stomach... kudos to anyone who tries to make a difference
  15. all the other bands get to kick you in the nutz!
  16. am heading down that way shortly... lookin forward to it
  17. the board can be misleading at times... have seen shows where I thought it'd be packed because 30 people roll called and the show was actually not too busy, and seen the exact opposite loads of times (no interest online, jammed at the club)... there's always a few hundred people at the fests I don't know who've never heard of jambands.ca and many of the bands playing... just there for the good times... gonna be a beautiful weekend, sure there'll be lots of happy bodies party'n down
  18. the sickest! M rules when vibe'n the groove!
  19. Uncle Sam doesn't want you!
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