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Everything posted by paisley

  1. and will throw those movies onto the another disc for ya
  2. yays, have a copy of What The Bleep/Down the Rabbit Hole... someone got me to sit down in front of it a while back... good film, definately covers a lot of ground I tend to ponder anyways (didn't realize what a quantum physicist I was until I saw it great synopsis of whats layed out in the movie Edger... sounds like you're really feeling it... actually have a collection of companion books for the film on my other computer, and some unrelated but really killer quantum physics books... will throw em onto a disc for you for some rainy day Edge
  3. right on Shain definately sounds like just the right step for ya all the best my friend
  4. from my obscure vantage point the planet seems to be experiencing a moment of acting and feeling cooler in general Obama runnin for first black president finishin up his not bad speech with perfectly timed motown music, then his wife runnng out to join him, all ecstatic doing the duck-head dance while waving and winking (pure soul train) was great to wake up to today
  5. When I look into your eyes I see the world cut down to size Baby don't apologize for taking me one step over the line When I touch your sacred skin Babe I know it ain't no sin I feel you starting to give in. Now let's go one step over the line I know it's just your daddy's car Your daddy never went this far Baby we know who we are Let's go one step over the live I could feel your driving wheels We could make those tires squeal Oo I like the way it feels Taking it one step over the line Bridge One step forward and two steps back Is for the birds I'm talking cake walking into the black I've crossed the little line and I don't mean maybe I hear they've buried lover's lane In a sea of tears and pain Let's you and me go up in flames Baby one step over the line They're drawing boxes on the ground (on the ground) Just to make us lookin down (Don't look down) All we got to do is look around (Look around) And take it one step over One step over the line One step over the line - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
  6. RCMP forum please cheers to gooder people who don't over worry it
  7. paisley


    Lifehacker been a near daily click for me for last last several years... soooo much cool info, could spend years tweaking your head with their archives and learning new practical and personal tricks occasionaly forget bout it in this busy world bringin it up in case anyone else's forgotten, or missed out while cruising YouTube morning til night
  8. paisley

    Eel Porn

    lots o' sausage... hope somebody remembers the buns
  9. in my mind you can only hurt said demographic by caring even less than they do ouch =) (meaning indie snobs... used to be one)
  10. hamilton has been experiencing a super cool cultural revolution this past year of having awesome house party events featuring a rising calibre of talent every few months a very likeable trend... more social and grass rootsy feeling than the bar scene (lots of room for both scenes)
  11. paisley

    Eel Porn

    this has jambands.ca first annual fetish party fundraiser written all over it
  12. you rock brother! nice!
  13. paisley

    Eel Porn

    thanks. I'm wearing pantyhose.
  14. paisley

    Eel Porn

    famous last words if ever I've heard
  15. congrats bro, nice work linux programs have saved my ass a couple of times (long forgotten windows admin passwords can be tough nuts to crack)... great how they cut out the crap and just get to work... user interfaces are highly over-rated chin chin
  16. Dr John at bonnaroo, I wouldn't go over the top for... couldn't pay me to go see him at a casino... but new orleans is like dr john's living room... he's a staple element of the city's noteriety, he'll be on... just keep screaming "Gris Gris... Gras Gras!!!" [edit to add: and wear a James Booker t-shirt ] neville bros rarely disappoint
  17. one of the biggest dickheads I ever met was in the "business" of copywriting and publishing music... a more soulless paper pusher I've yet to meet... horrorshow if I like your music, I'll buy your CD... if someone downloads your music off my website then buys your CD I'm not sure I should be paying you... the internet is a broader minded spectrum for showcasing any band's music than radio ever was... time for a new pecking order with new rules
  18. normally I'm squarely anti-SUV... in your case though am beginning to waiver... keep eating whatever you eat anyways... can't learn how to not break things when impacting with bumpers at speed through just any old school lol
  19. cool Cully you're the perfect guy for the job... a bigger hearted soul would be difficult to find (or a dude who more needs a job with good pay!) best of luck brother... will be rootin'
  20. happy belated Jay! hope you had (perhaps are still having) a fancy time!
  21. "So if there's intelligent life out there, why haven't they visited us." "Probably because our galaxy looks like a lot a trailer park."
  22. currently more concerned with cooking some dinner and grabbing a nap (soo old, lol... actually have had zip sleep all week) if I get motivated a little later on will give you a call though Bri... can't see many places that could keep the pair of us out if we had our minds on it if I don't call, beer first is the answer (actually, its pretty much the answer if I do too)... sadly I don't even have a $20 right now to easy up my hussle
  23. fantastic sound is out on my computer but I crack up every time the riot squad guy runs down the street with his shield raised (riot squad should just send Silverman in to deal with tense situations)
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