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Everything posted by paisley

  1. "psst. hey doorguy. ya you. here's $20 and you never saw me." as you hand him an old Kim Mitchell or something Copps ticket realistically if you just head down there I'm sure there's gotta be someone who can hook ya up if not, call the mayor, seems to currently have the disposition of desperately trying to find ways to make the people happy... nothing says happy like a brother citizen hooked up with Slayer tickets!
  2. paisley

    TPB Torrent

    french watermark id only up through the opening credits, then it disappears (was happy) guess it might come back in later, haven't actually watched it all the way through yet (savin it for a special time) watched the first 10 min and it was french watermark clear
  3. that'll be unreal... by all accounts of anyone who does New Orleans periodically, jazz fest is the best time of the year down there... have a blast! use the force... luke
  4. 1 SLAYER TICKET FOR FEB 8, COPPS COLISEUM - SECTION 110, AMAZING VIEW! - $40 found on craigslist below face ($42.50 on ticketmaster, $52 after service charges)... seat is located in the first stands directly to the right of the stage ( Copps seat chart ) if ya live in Mississagua (where the ticket is) or Toronto and wish you were goin... could be your in maybe I'll try and talk my way in later show up loaded and say I'm Grant Rockingham, lol
  5. might be through with jambands.ca just found the Slayer page on last.fm there's even their own "morco" in beside "perked_up" and "lordabortioncof"
  6. Hamilton stillepost Slayer thread didn't even know they were playin (sadly, boo for broke) View Magazine Slayer article - good read
  7. I will retract the as shole comment... some people are just ill informed or too uptight and make bad judgements borderline criminal I stand by, that sort of major league diss will make some of those girls sad enough to get sick I grew up hearing constantly how "thats just how the world is"... older now and don't believe those words anymore... look at it as thats how the world will stay if people don't stand up for whats just
  8. don't know what sort of major sponsor would be publicly willing to pull their money due to $6000 from a group who lost a friend to the disease... talk about bad PR and if they would pull their money out over that, in my eyes they're the ones who's money is dirty far too much uncalled for finger pointing in this world
  9. sad and yays marco, for some people the worst drug of all is the need for the public eye, getting attention... hopefully she had honestly good times in amongst so much changing herself for the world
  10. paisley

    TPB Torrent

    the multiple rar file version runs almost perfect thanks a lot for postin
  11. thats a great url nojazzfest.com gotta love the new orleans sense of humour holy crap... I'd start at Dr. John (first on the list and a new orleans necessity) then just let the circumstances dictate it from there... bring money, listen to the inner you that knows all... there'll be a flow to things you can't read on paper (or webpages) thats a daunting list... bring money
  12. stress is often linked to cancer... telling any particular demographic who operate within the laws of society that their money is too dirty to go towards a cause they honestly care about is borderline criminal in my mind... what a low blow
  13. yeah, turning down well intentioned money is definately a PR nightmare... whatever as shole made that decision has no place working for the breast cancer society and should be forced to resign immediately
  14. this is a photograph (click to enlarge in Firefox) taken by the Hubble telescope... makes our corner of space look like the duldrums
  15. (((Trevor))) better late than never =)
  16. we've met briefly a couple of times round hamilton welcome to the Canader, as well as the friendly neighbourhood community discussion board!
  17. awesome pics fistyannie and tilt (beautiful slideshow there too) greatest picture ever. =)
  18. the single greatest "404 error - page not available" image on the the internet (from an Ozzy website years back)
  19. goods to hear... now to just stay off the Oxys 10 minutes ago had a carpet shoot right out from under me taking a sharp corner on a hardwood floor, went down fairly hard on 2 unusual landing points (running to turn down boiling soup) managed to roll or flip or twist or something and luckily most of the pain subsided along with the cursing... nothing like spending your youth falling down the side of the niagara escarpment
  20. hows bouts make some money for yourself you can be proud of, deborah koons quit stomping jerry's legacy of gallant integrity well, guess I'm actually a million miles away from it all and therefore have no important input... but hate these embarrassing squabbles would love to just read "Widow Koons joins surviving members of Grateful Dead to release unheard Garcia recordings... proceeds to [ insert thoroughly researched and ultimately perfect charity here ]" or at the very least something decided without the necessity of lawyers (besides to hammer out the paperwork)
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