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Everything posted by paisley

  1. hey hey!! right on brah-guy! hope your appreciatin yourself wherever you're at... had no idea, figured you were born somewhere within the 365 day span cheers buddy, have yourself a truly fine day!
  2. webcam + roommate bum massage sounds like wintering in rio or spain to me
  3. Freek By Night said he did (above) waited a few nights for the cloud cover to break but it didn't, and kind of lost interest... enjoyed the pics though... didn't seem like north america really got a lot of great chances here's a bunch more Comet McNaught pics like to try and get out to catch the Leonids every year... always seem to find them about when I'm just ready to give up... have seen some pretty neat skies during said meteor showers ball lightening is damn cool too
  4. yeah man, get well... pneumonia sucks, take real good care of yourself (or someone make sure someone is)
  5. ouch indeed Buffy! (note to self: remove college books from banana boxes:)
  6. really hope crazykorey caught the Friday show... he was prayin he'd catch them in Alberta
  7. too bad I didn't actually make it back up saturday but great to see team throwdown later Friday eve really enjoyed the nostalgia of Ty on the keys, Cats were soundin great the Lanc is fun... as are the lot of you
  8. yup sweet uber bonus fireworks show at the beach in Perth, Ausie
  9. the australian people watching it all from on the beach remind me of cavemen somehow.
  10. get well soon! (hot baths, sweets and candles go nicely with bad days) might as well watch The Slip on Conan at 12:30 as well
  11. fireworks + comet + lightening storm = one sweet visual think we're running out of McNaught Comet posts... check out the pic full size... pretty amazing
  12. can't undo the past... accept yourself, behave how you feel is correct... some will continue to knock (generally the insecure propping themselves up by putting you down) but most will take today's face value... honesty is the right way so long as its main intention isn't to cause upset any slag falls flat when it generates no emotion... if it does generate emotion then figure out why then as Bob Newhart used to say to troubled patients seeking therapy for a broad cross section of unfavourable compulsions and behaviors: "STOP IT!"
  13. tryin to kill me!@ (ouch... sigh)
  14. if I had coin no amount would be too much soon as my eyes saw the pic I was overwhelmed with awe rather have that keyboard than any type of car on the planet (and regardless of how easy to repair, whoever put the poster on the Brent's leslie has a lot of karma to make up for)
  15. paisley

    web browser

    use Firefox and don't personlly like tabs so I just turned that feature off IE 7 kept screwing up on installation on my machine a while back so I just stuck with 6 (need both browsers to survey web layout/design stuff)... have to give it another shot, its currently half installed so a pain to get going or remove (I love you microsoft) personally like Firefox a whole lot better, took a week or 2 for me to get it though
  16. felonies in the states are where the "three strikes and your out" law comes into play... as in get 3 of them and you go away for life not good, but hopefully something a well funded legal team can beat or at least get reduced back to a misdemeaner on a plea or something... first sensible legal move would be to hold up the trial until the democrats get elected in, though its good they already control the senate
  17. isn't that the same B3 player as played at the Ray Charles Tribute? nice to see Jesse sitting in with some fresh faces to rip it up with and Alfie Smith is cool... the big bellowing barroom bear
  18. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: MoMack, Edger, Cully, Kanada Kev, Hal, Tigger, Jaydawg, CJamson, BradM, Phil, Trey, ABB :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: :crazy: :thumbdown: MarcO, Booche :thumbdown: :crazy:
  19. paisley


    Democrammunism Fries
  20. paisley


    americans are pretty desperately exhausted from supporting said crazy administration and looking the fool if Iran doesn't set off a test nuke I can't see it... even then I still couldn't actually... focus on Afghanistan, sneak out of Iraq, think smarter in the future or China will eat you whole
  21. cool pairing of artists to be sure love live avante-garde
  22. yeah, went and saw Bri play last night and he mentioned the club wanted to change the booking to saturday, for no apperent reason... good thing they waited until after it was listed in all the local papers and such... I miss Lou at the helm anyways, see ya's at slainte's!
  23. where the plan began I believe got a call from her people, inspiring said announcement
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