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Everything posted by bONES

  1. bONES

    Austin Trip

    maybe they have bbq shrimp or fish
  2. take care of number one (((Dave)))
  3. you know he hiked his pants down before he came into your house don't you?! it's how all the plumbers pick up the ladies
  4. (((((((Bob & Mellie))))))) those are some warm hugs for both of you you are one of my dearest friends Bob and I wish you all the best We aren't the 20 year olds we once were when we met so long ago (ok..you were like 17 or som'n), so it's ok to let go of our reckless youth. I know you can do it! You have impressed me in the past with your courage and determination. You have a beautiful wife and a family of friends that love you a lot, so keep that in mind. If it helps...take a look at me. Did you EVER think I would actually quit smokin' the herb!?! I'm on day 29 without and it's a clearer world out there The first few days (maybe even weeks) will be the hardest, but it WILL get easier. And now I can come out to Oshawa and hang out and not have the..I want to drink some beers, but can't because I have to drive..bullshit. It feels good to grow out of bad habits. Stay strong my brother :thumbup:
  5. bONES

    Austin Trip

    I really like Stubbs bbq for music & food
  6. that is very sad news 28 years old is much to young to die RIP Heath
  7. hey captain..did you take this pic yourself? It looks like Shoreline (Mountain View, CA) from May `92, I was there for those shows and took some pics and it looks a lot like one that I took! (well, except a lot better!!! haha) Those were the last Grateful Dead shows I saw before getting busted at the border a couple weeks later
  8. interesting they (David GAns, Mountain Girl, etc) were saying on Tales From The Golden Road, that Tom Wolfe wasn't even at the acid tests and yet he seems to have written a decent enough book on the events
  9. bONES


    so...has he responded yet ?
  10. hey captain ... hope your gloom turns to sunshine soon I thought I'd throw in some variety and add some pics of Kevin Rosen (knowing you are as big a starhead as I am) who also LOVES his short shorts! ...here's a few to get ya going
  11. listening to Tales From The Golden Road on The Grateful Dead channel on sirius, David Gans mentioned that Gus Van Sant owns the rights to The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test and it is rumoured that it will be his next movie!:crazy: cool ...so I did an allmovie.com search and found Gus Van Sant - Director Richard N. Gladstein - Producer Lance Black - Screenwriter Tom Wolfe - Book Author
  12. congrats! but I am REALLY surprised this doesn't say Jason Isbell
  13. bONES


    my folks brought me back a Longboat Double Chocolate Porter from Phillips Brewing Company, Victoria, BC when they were out at my brothers place last month. It was quite different than most beer (porters) I am used to..very chocolately after taste. I really enjoyed it, but it was a monster size bottle and doubt I could drink more than one at a time. Not sure if you can buy it here in Ontario.
  14. that's fvcking terrible! hope he recovers ok and the cops find his stuff and get it back to him ((((vibes)))) for Beau
  15. I'm STILL listening to The Grateful Dead channel on sirius at the moment it's Deal
  16. Schwa..have you gained weight? Not that you don't look great in your avatar pic, I'm just saying is all... I haven't seen ya in a while
  17. are you sure about that? I did a search on their website and couldn't find it there beer deals is cool
  18. you are comparing Roger to me (the GUY on the left) and not Nicole (the CHICK in the middle) aren't you?
  19. haha... nope, but I have been to Gaysport, Ohio A few times actually, as the old bus driver (and my pal) for DSO known only as Dude (he'd be the dude on the right) lives there with his family. Nice place actually. Very hilly like southwestern Pennsylvania or West Virginia side note: I look freakin' crazy in that pic :crazy:
  20. not a big Rush fan, but I dislike Kim Mitchell even more :thumbdown:
  21. Does anyone know what jazz Bobby played? it's being re-broadcast tonight for those who don't have sirius, there are 3 day trials available for free on their website free trial groovin' to Pigpen singin' It Hurts Me Too at the moment... :thumbup:
  22. right..thanks good times for sure! dude I was peekin' at 90% of the Dead shows I saw. (On the bright side we were able to catch the 1st set Rueben & Cerise :thumbup:) I had that enormous lip thing going on from being bit by a spider the night before while sleeping in Stefens dungeon of a basement :crazy: Hamilton `92 it was on shroomies though, and we styled in a wicked RV we rented.
  23. France was never played live so you can't even count that one can ya ? btw >>> Donna is AWESOME huh! Lazy Lightning > Supplication is fawking wicked! wicked GOOD !!
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