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Everything posted by bONES

  1. I made a post about this a couple days before it started asking if any folks on here were going. check here I really wanted to attend as I LOVE Jamaica and I still have yet to see the Biscuits live. Wasn't in the cards for me this year. Good to hear it was awesome times! hey Ike...where are you staying? If you don't already have something booked I would HIGHLY recommend Ital Rest Cottages in Great Bay (next to Treasure Beach). Frank and Jeanne Genus own the place. They are wonderful, kind rastas that let me stay in their yard for 5 months back in 92. Awesome little cabanas. here's a pic of Frankie Ital Rest
  2. [color:purple]those are beautiful
  3. Who wants to bet that starhead's house smells farty? that's a given
  4. are you kidding me! parsnips are my absolute FAVOURITE vegetable I could eat those suckers 3 times a day, 7 days a week mmmmmmmmm....parsnips
  5. I bet POG and Mellie are having a blast in NYC
  6. man I love craigslist anyone looking for a free grand piano?
  7. All the best in 2008 folks! Enjoy
  8. has anyone watched this film? Newbold >> I hope you meant your comment to be in purple I own property not far from the 5000 acres that is scheduled for exploration in the next couple weeks. The Irondale River runs right through the proposed site. Water knows no boundaries, so this effects us all whether we think so or NOT We're all going to Hell In A Bucket and some people are enjoying the ride! And it's not just in the Haliburton/Bancroft area..
  9. This has me feeling pretty disgusted in our government and their idea of green energy. Why can't we learn from our mistakes! If you feel uranium mining is a step backwards, please join me in writing letters. Who we are FIGHT URANIUM MINING AND EXPLORATION (FUME) FUME Bancroft Uranium Bancroft Uranium Inc. Closes $3.0 Million Financing for Development of Monmouth Uranium Project in Canada watch this documentary on uranium by the NFB
  10. to heck with New Rider, on we go.. The [color:blue]skank who introduced me to some of my fave music these days is... 1. YearsAlongTheSea - Bright Eyes (a close second would be Jaimoe - TSOOL)
  11. every tune off Kala especially Bird Flu
  12. 92%DRUNKARD Find a Ultrasound school near you I think I'll go have another beer
  13. well...still waiting on New Rider, so I'm going to add to the first 6. Ol'Hickster (starhead)
  14. I really liked Catch A Fire Neil & Me and I want to read this one...
  15. to each their own... I owned a 1975 F250 that was AWESOME! I still own a 1975 Ford Econoline camper van that has toured all over the United States and Canada..again AWESOME My Ford T-Bird was powerful, but I wouldn't buy another some folk like apples..I prefer oranges..no body likes lemons though
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