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Everything posted by bONES

  1. I didn't know that. My other vehicle is moooses old Volvo DL wagon. I guess I like Ford more than I realized.
  2. so far so GREAT I'm happy I went for the 4X4
  3. bONES

    I'm married!

    big up to the married folk woot
  4. bONES

    fu ck you

    fuck America and their I-192 waivers (I may lose out on an awesome job because I can't cross the border) I'm off for my second interview for the position and I have no choice but to be honest with them before we go any further...fUck
  5. I just got back in and it's AWESOME out there...I LOVE it I really want to be a good samaritan and help out little old ladies by fetching groceries or something, but how does one do a good deed like that without coming off as a nutbar!?
  6. [color:purple]there's a bit of snow falling in Toronto
  7. well, I just bought a Mazda B4000 4X4 which is made by Ford, so I guess so..
  8. Steve Check your private topics brother I need your help/advice To anyone else reading this thread who may see him in the next few days, I know secondtube doesn't check in here as often as some of us and I am hoping one of you could ask him to log in and read a message I sent him. thanks skanks bones
  9. She didn't say that both were on her face
  10. ya, I know it's not until tomorrow but whatever... you sure are gettin' ancient ain't ya I miss hangin' with you you better be getting into some of this on the weekend
  11. thanks a lot! now I have coffee coming out of my nose..good cripes
  12. Dear Moosers Work If you send her to New Zealand she WILL need a chaperon so I suggest you send me too. I can sheer some sheeps while I am there. Think it over and get back to me. thanks
  13. Dear Work I feel much better today. I just rocked an interview with a company that will treat me sooooooo much better than you do. cheers
  14. haha...well, that's definitely the plan! In fact I have already sent him and the principal of the college an email asking about the posting and why i was told the program was shutting down if they are looking for another instructor.
  15. oh Dave...thank you! I was told by my boss (the director/owner) of the private college I teach at, that the Welding Program may be shutting down due to the lack of enrollment the last couple months. He suggested that I may want to look for another job. I thought, that's cool he's being honest with me and giving me a heads up before I'm suddenly out of a job there. Today, I am on the HRDC job bank and notice a posting for a full-time/permanent Welding Instructor at Stanford International College! WTF!?!? Aren't there laws about being dismissed from your job without justifiable reasons? I have done nothing wrong, never missed a day or been late, do a ton of work on my own time that I am NEVER paid for and this is what I get in return! Hey Stanford College...I WILL tell everyone and anyone who will listen NOT to go to your shitty f*cking school. I WILL contact unemployment and let them know how you charge E.I. $300 dollars for text books and give my students a photocopied version. I WILL let them know you charge E.I. $85 dollars for my students welding helmet and make me order ones that cost $18. I will NOT leave quietly without a fight. I will NOT go out of my way to do anything for you personally EVER again. FUCK YOU you fucking asswipe thanks (for nothing)
  16. anyone fortunate enough to be headed down to Jamaica in the next couple days for the Caribbean Holidaze? wish I was rich and unemployed I think this would be FUN! check it out
  17. the bass jokes are great, considering it's moooses instrument of choice..haha hang in there mooosey
  18. not sure if this has been posted yet.. 31-JAN-08 NORTH MISSISSIPPI ALL-STARS LEE'S 19+ $20.00
  19. hey...I've eaten gold leaf before but my poop didn't glitter! edit to add: not that I took a look :crazy:
  20. my favourite release this year (Cassadaga) was also my fave concert of the year...Bright Eyes I didn't catch the Conor Oberst buzz until I was fortunate enough to see Bright Eyes at Massey Hall (thanks Jakis!) back in May. From the moment I found my seat, I was out of it again in shear musical bliss! My runner-up live shows this year would have to be the TSOOL shows (I saw 2 out of 3)during the NXNE festival..fucking awesome! Stephen & Damian Marley was also a GREAT show! My biggest disappointment I guess was WEEN at The Docks. I also REALLY regret not getting my ass out to see Black Mountain when they were here in October
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