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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. I know a camera man working on these gigs. He said tonight's Tengo show has 1500 names on the list with only 300 spots available. If you want to go, line-up early.
  2. Interesting bill, but I wonder how well Ryan will be received by the legions of assholes that go to Oasis concerts?
  3. Ooooohhh I do love Farscape I frelling love it better than BSG.
  4. Does Firefly not deserve to be on that list? Isn't it a western?
  5. I'm sure if you did a little digging, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland probably has tons of great folk tunes written for and about them in the 20's and 30's. I'm not sure the exact date of this Canadian classic: I's The B'y I's the b'y that builds the boat And I's the b'y that sails her I's the b'y that catches the fish And takes them home to Lizer. Chorus Hip yer partner, Sally Tibbo' Hip yer partner, Sally Brown Fogo, Twillingate, Morton's Harbour All around the circle! Sods and rinds to cover your flake Cake and tea for supper Codfish in the spring o' the year Fried in maggoty butter. I don't want your maggoty fish That's no good for winter I could buy as good as that Down in Bonavista. I took Lizer to a dance And faith, but she could travel And every step that she did take Was up to her knees in gravel. Susan White, she's out of sight Her petticoat wants a border Old Sam Oliver in the dark He kissed her in the corner.
  6. Robert Johnson or any of the early Delta blues players would do. Jelly Roll Morton is key link for Rag-time to jazz. As for Canadian music, do a quick Google search.
  7. Haaaa! Thanks Dave! I'm sick as a dog. I always get an effeminate Englishman mixed-up with that fat blowhard American entertainer.
  8. Heston is one of my favourite actors and was in some of my favourite movies off all time. I'm sad about this even though I don't like his NRA stance. Looking back at Michael Moore's staged ambush of a frail Alzheimer-laden Heston in Bowling for Columbine is cringe-inducing and embarrassing... for Michael. What gets overlooked (and it shouldn't) is that Heston was a trailblazer in the 50's and 60's for his stance on civil rights and his films often examined controversial socio-political themes, not to mention Planet of the Apes is one of the best films ever, not to mention somewhat boldly socio-political. R.I.P. Charleton. You are one of the greats.
  9. Even though your grammar is beyond suspect, I'd lay an argument down (and probably backed-up by closet geek badams) that both Babylon 5 and Farscape are every bit as good or better than the new BSG.
  10. Mike, 2.0 is the first half of Season II on DVD and 2.5 is the final half. In simpler, bouche terms: 2.0 + 2.5 = Season II. Season III just came out on DVD and for the last time, Razor is a one-off movie that is set after Season II, but you should watch it only after seeing Season III.
  11. Thanks! That's what you get when you drink pints after a funeral and respond to a geek wannabe.
  12. Mike, right now there's Season I, II and III on DVD (III was just released a month ago). Razor is the stand-alone movie that takes place betweeen II and III, but it was filmed and released after Season III. You can watch it after watching all of Season II or III: Razor focuses mainly on the Pegasus crew. The max TV HD broadcasts can output is 780i or p, but DVD would be in 1080i or p.
  13. You have to watch the shows in order from the mini-series pilot on to Season IV; it's one long story-arch. Tonight's episoded is new, kicking off Season IV (20 new episodes), the show's last.
  14. Mike, the Razor movie takes place between Season II and Season III, but you have to finish 2.5 before you watch Razor.
  15. Even though Season III was uneven, that stand-alone Razor movie that came out in the fall kicked major ass. I've heard that Season IV is similar in tone and action as Razor, so I can't fracking wait. One of the best shows on TV. There's a recap on at 9:30 tonight. Show starts at 10:00 on Space.
  16. I can see you've never taken an anthropology course either.
  17. I don't know what all that means, but it sure sounds like it's up my alley.
  18. So you've been in it for concerts since the retro-fit? I've been in the old Ricoh many time going back as far as the mid 70's, so I'm open-minded about the new version of the arena. I heard it works well for hockey, but I realize hockey arenas in general have inherent questionable acoustics for concerts. I don't think $42 is outrageous to see Jack White and company rip it up like the devils they are.
  19. Thanks for downloading all that free music everybody! Right on Booche!!!
  20. Is the Ricoh a bad venue? I haven't heard or read bad things about it other than being empty for Marlies games. I got my tickets for The Raconteurs. Can't wait!
  21. Jaimoe

    Nickleback News

    I hope he can go and fuck himself too.
  22. What's the motivation for environmental scientists to lie about global warming? Scientists that argue against global warming have a lot to gain from lying.
  23. I'm wondering where Fowl stands on over-population and urban sprawl? I don't think both of these problems were ever an issue in Earth's past... and they are only getting worse and more destructive, unless of course you can dig up a couple of "credible" scientists to prove that this is wrong too.
  24. Name some then. Word of mouth passed on from our elders? Our elders got us in this mess in the first place.
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