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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. It'll probably be with the Will Call tickets. Just print out all your shit and bring the music today phone numbers etc. Go early. It'll work out.
  2. A friend got escorted out last night for standing up and dancing during dark star... well, escorted out of their section anyways. Hope thats just a D.C. thing.
  3. Speak for yourself Garcia. I had such a good time listening to the show yesterday that I didn't even shave or put on deodorant today. It'll be tie-dye time soon - as long as I can find a good pair of guatamalan cargo pants to go with it. Who's got my miracle?
  4. Snider's 2nd last night was a BOMB! Watched most of the game. These guys can hit. Check out the box score as of today: 7 of 9 position players are hitting .300! And even Overbay smacked one last night. I know its only 8 games in but seriously. Cito knows hitting.
  5. I wonder how many people will spend their money on it' date=' though. They are clearly going for the same demographic that The Dead were looking for with their $100 ticket prices, and I dare say that that hasn't gone totally according to plan. Also, I second your idea for a Forrest Richard Betts box set.[/quote'] Not necessarily disagreeing. But here's a tought. Maybe the $100 Dead tix have gone as planned. ie. maybe they figured out how many they'd sell regardless and have come in around that number but for $100. Same with ABB. Maybe they know only however many will buy regardless of price and the rest will d/l. So they jack it and sell the same amount but cover the d/lers. Just a thought.
  6. SETLIST: (set 1) The Music Never Stopped> Jack Straw Estimated Prophet> He's Gone> Touch Of Grey> I Need A Miracle> Truckin' (set 2) Shakedown Street> All Along The Watchtower> Caution> Rhythm Devils> Space> Cosmic Charlie> New Potato Caboose> Help On The Way> Slipknot!> Franklin's Tower (encore) Samson And Delilah Looks perfect to me! Bobby being Bobby and not to too much Jerry to throw things off. One week to go!!!
  7. Well' date=' you certainly don't look up useless facts, or any facts for that matter. Ghomeshi claimed he was not instructed to avoid mention of his acting career. BBT's publicist backs up Ghomeshi's claim. Add another tick to the douche scorecard beside BBT's name.[/quote'] What - is that BBT the actor's publiciest or BBT the the Boxmaster's publicist???
  8. BBT said that they were told not to speak of acting. Thats all I was going on. What you think I spend all day in front of a computer looking up useless facts and typing on message boards? Geesh. Thats only Thursdays before a long weekend.
  9. We agree then. Q should have said "if we can't mention your acting then we don't need you". But they didn't.
  10. C'mon now? Who would think for a second that CBC, getting cut to shreds, would be looking for A list celebrities to put on the air? They're loving the publicicty they're getting right now I'm sure. Every extra hit on their website etc. etc. giving them more ammunition to seek funding / stay in business. Sure, they could put Neil Young on again. Or Randy Bachman. Or Wassabi Collective. All cool. Fulfills the mandate. Done it before. (maybe not Wassabi) CBC is a business. Different then most sure, but a business none the less and they're in the business of providing content. A list celerities are content. (or B- list or whatever the fuck he is) (and I am a CBC supporter and from that perspective the whole thing is great)
  11. But isn't his point that he doesn't want to use the pre-existing celebrity? And didn't his agent/managers handlers explain that to the CBC (as far as we know) before the interview? ie. if you want to do this because I'm an actor then we won't bother. If you want to do it because we're a band and opening for Willie and forget the other stuff then we will. CBC presumably agreed and then didn't live up to their end. I'll admit that Jian probably didn't realize he wasn't living up to it - but its still a fact. No mention of acting = no mention of acting. Should have been able to listen to it and say to yourself "I wonder if that's the same Billy Bob that was fucking Angelina?" or a different one (and I'm sure more then one Billy Bob out there has the southern accent...)
  12. Wait a minute. To bars sell booze on Good Friday?
  13. It cuts both ways. The band may have been doing CBC a favour because they needed content. And regardless of who was doing who a favour - if there were stipulations put on it then they should be followed no? Maybe they would have simply declined the favour.
  14. It was more then that - he did that and then directed his questions at BBT and didn't he also ask questions about how BBT got into music, implying that he moved from acting to music. I watched the whole thing and still no nothing about the rest of the band's backgrounds etc. It was supposed to be a band interview and Jian, possibly inadvertantly, made it a BBT interview - or tried - but BBT didn't cooperate. And for what its worth - the mashed potatoes no gravy comment was the perfect way to describe last nights crowd. Honestly.
  15. I didn't think he was as bad as y'all made out. Sure he may have got too offended when really he could have just let it go but it seems like he was trying to keep the focus on the band and made a point of saying that from the get go. When Ghomesi mentioned the acting thing and tried to turn it into a BBT interview instead of a Boxmasters interview he just said "I don't know" to get it back to the band and the band did a good job answering. If he would have left it like that it would have saved everyone some embarassment. I guess the 6am part probably caught up to him with the "would you ask Tom Petty" part. All in all, sounds like he was trying to be a band not BBT. He could have found a better way to get there though...
  16. What did he say on CBC? No volume here. And thanks for all the recommendations...
  17. Going to Willie tonight. Anyone got tips on where to go first? Its Beerbistro so far. But cheaper, and less crowded wouldn't be so bad...
  18. His last trip through really did blow me away. One of the best shows I've seen. Especially Peterborough where we could stand by the bar at the back of the rink - instead of having to sit down like everyone else
  19. eek. Did you tell them you lost it? That could be trouble. I know in the past people have had tickets not show up and its always easy to re-issue and get at will call. Go to teh music today portal and look at the bottom somewhere. There is an 800 or 888 number. They are friendly and helpful. Coran is a dead head. In fact, most of the time when I call they have the Dead as the hold music. g'luck
  20. I will say - its great that they announced it on opening day. And the little video ain't all bad...
  21. MoMack

    What fest...

    and? And I guess it falls within the 10-12 hour parameter set out in the first post of the thread. My first smile of this shitty rainy day has come at your expense. Thanks for being a good sport
  22. MoMack

    What fest...

    re: GOTV - and check out the photos on their site, kids everywhere. BRING the KIDS...Gathering of the Vibes is an all-ages event. Kids 12 and under, who are accompanied by a parent or guardian, are admitted free! If your child is close to the age of 12, please bring proper age verification (i.e. birth certificate). A parent or guardian must accompany those under the age of 18.
  23. MoMack

    What fest...

    I know Gathering of the Vibes is pretty kid friendly - talk to Ryan from Diesel Dog. There was a picture of him and his son on the GOTV website (he thinks he's famous).
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