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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I think the real victims here are those loyal patrons who are missing out on the boobs and the blond hair and who are no longer able to give her thousands of dollars each week
  2. never mess with your woman's tupperware and you'll be fine
  3. We've got a verjaardag kalender, translation: birthday calendar. Very handy and most recommended, dig it (we don't have this particular one but you get the idea): you simply write in the person's name on their respective birthday and BOOM! tough to miss it
  4. there is no tone of voice that can smooth the sharp cutting jaggedness of "Get me a beer, bitch" even if you are totally joking
  5. "I don't care" is not an appropriate resopnse to "Do you want rice or potato with supper?"
  6. sounds like you're attracted to a certain type then, Mizz Hux
  7. holding your index finger and thumb 3 inches apart and saying "Yup that's about 8 inches" is the opposite of the point you're trying to make
  8. sex is not a race to the finish line, despite everything your body's telling you, also chicks can almost always tell when you fake it
  9. also make sure you know their name before having sex with them
  10. don't rearrange the pots and pans or the utensil drawer without prior consent
  11. slightly off topic but if you run into an ex on a city bus don't see it as an opportunity to rub into her face the fact that you are now in a band, as the dignified exit is almost impossible
  12. Haha, that's it, I was thinking "How Sweet it Is" but knew that wasn't quite right
  13. if you decide it will be fun to run around the house with her panties on your head while twirling your john thomas around like a propeller, make sure the doors are locked and the curtains drawn
  14. If you're going to steal lyrics from a song and pass them off as your own in a birthday card, don't play that song for her later on down the road
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