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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I thought all good foodies like eating gross looking stuff.
  3. Apples and oranges mon ami.
  4. Anyone seen this? Me and Christine watched the first episode last night (thanks to bit torrent). It's a really good teen comedy/drama. Just wondering what other people think of it. It was better than last night's 90210 for sure.
  5. That's what drives me crazy! Getting stuck behind one of these heroes.
  6. Seriously, I get total ADD when they go into song. I love the bits in between.
  7. Any word if she's in on the Jackson reunion tour?
  8. I'd like that show a lot more if there weren't so many stupid songs to get in the way of the dialogue.
  9. who will be thinking about the children?
  10. I'll be in the downtown core tomorrow at lunch and will probably hit up the German Town. Sadly Thursday is their weakest soup day (minestrone). I had a toasted ham and cheese sandwich with a small bowl of chili from mmmuffins today. It was good.
  11. I am resisting the urge to be juvenile right now.
  12. I can't help but think there's a colossal misunderstanding going on here. As such I am completely nonplussed by this entire thread.
  13. And really, how can you support the leader of a party that gives a home to Cheryl Gallant if "hate" bothers you that much?
  14. Didn't Stephen Harper bully his way to victory over "wimpy" Stephane Dion? I wish I'd read you criticizing him so vociferously for that during the election campaign. I always thought it was fear that hid behind hate, not the other way around.
  15. Her whole schtick was batshit crazy. I wonder if it's funny in retrospect.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. However... I was the first reply to Hal and I was back on topic. The next reply was from you and you're the one who went back to the Harper angle.
  17. I'm still confused. Can you list the bullies in this thread and what they typed that they should be feeling shame about? I'm not being facetious at all here. Seriously, who the hell is a hippie around here? What does that word even mean? I think you make too many assumptions.
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