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Everything posted by ollie

  1. People with passes are going to bitch about this. Please report back.
  2. Here is today's contribution.
  3. When you're always looking for Harper slams you'll see them everywhere.
  4. Here's a picture I took just after I put in the cheese.
  5. I made this last night and it turned out pretty good! I made it with Stilton which is juuust a little too strong for me so I'll probably go with an old cheddar next time. Thanks for the recipe!
  6. Since when has that been out of place around here?
  7. I just got tickets 3 and 4! We're beside each other!! So who all's coming from out of town?
  8. I hate to be this cynical but it's almost like they got off for being white, if ya know what I mean.
  9. I also thought it was a reference to his image makeover but upon deeper reflection maybe SS thinks KK is comparing SH with the nazis?
  10. Thanks Sharon! I held out until week 6 before trying Vanelli's. Never again! I have found one very good spot further south on St. Joseph called 5 Sens Cafe but it's a 40 minute return trip (by foot) just to get something to go.
  11. Mrs. Vanelli's lasagne is the second worst lasagne I've ever had. East Side Mario's is still the winner.
  12. Stop the press! We know have final proof that there is such a thing as a "dumb question". Show me how that's a dumb question.
  13. When did MLB get so lax on letting games go during the rain? I seem to remember games being delayed at the slightest hint of sprinkle and last night was pretty raging for a good few innings before they put a stop to things.
  14. The Sens are 1-0 on the NHL Network!
  15. The flyer says $15. Does that mean there's a service charge at Vertigo? How much will tix be at the door?
  16. It's not up as of this morning. The only shows listed have already happened.
  17. Best 3rd period ever. Looking forward to the PM Hal.
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