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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Hee hee. Are Garaj Mahal tickets availabe yet?
  2. She had me at "...before you were tapped."
  3. Low Roller isn't being a fag.
  4. I already kicked that babyface off my fantasy team last week.
  5. The double quarter pounder? [color:#CCCCCC]Pounder? I didn't even know her.
  6. I'm still baffled by that transfer.
  7. Way to raise the bar over the McDonald's ad! I'm lovin' it.
  8. I'm about 2/3rds through now and thinking... is this a fucking joke?
  9. Mike Fisher is a 2nd line centre.
  10. Habs will win the cup this year!
  11. What's the difference between a swear and an affirmation? Just to be a dick, Elections Canada does go out of its way to give a lot of advance warning about voter registration. Just like anything, if you leave it to the last minute then expect roadblocks.
  12. Not specifically but they talked about his house being foreclosed and that he's unemployed. He was also served with lawsuit papers at one point during the show. Sounds like a mess. I wasn't sympathetic to him for being screwed by baseball or anything like that, although he probably was, but more on a human level. He comes across as a guy who just never fit in and always made the wrong choice in trying to fit in. I think we all know guys like that, they say the right things but with zero sincerity. The only thing I saw going for him was his 11 year old daughter who seemed wise behind her years, beyond his too.
  13. I was just gonna ask if anyone else saw that. I was getting my weekly dose of Intervention when it came on after. I didn't think I'd watch but I could not pull myself away. I found myself sympathizing with him at points but then he'd turn around and do something repulsive in the next segment. I hope he does turn his life around but I don't know if he has the strengh of character to do it. Sad.
  14. That looks good AD. What alternatives to Stilton can you suggest?
  15. Exactly. [color:purple]Then we can get back to discussing the goalie controversy.
  16. What were you doing to keep tabs on the Penguins game?
  17. The Musical Box - 2008.10.10 Nijmegen, Holland
  18. ollie


    Who's the woman now?
  19. First I've ever heard of this guy. He obviously doesn't have the natual business savvy to market himself properly. I'm sure the article will help.
  20. I'm on my 2nd Red Bull and vodka! GO SENS GO!!
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