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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Request (for "Shapes And Patterns") sent. Aloha, Brad
  2. Without knowing exactly, definitely, what would be a time for you to join the military, that statement lacks context. Aloha, Brad
  3. Happy Day, backbacon! Aloha, Brad
  4. The fuck? From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Siberry#Issa Aloha, Brad
  5. Justin Townes Earle is at The Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto on April 22. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251402/ He's also playing at The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, Quebec on April 23. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251403/ Aloha, Brad
  6. http://www.archive.org/details/dd2007-05-05.oktava.shnf Diesel Dog with David Lauzon and Mark Crissinger sitting in. Aloha, Brad
  7. The fact that the last time they played Ottawa was almost two years ago. Aloha, Brad
  8. These guys are going about it all wrong. Instead of trying to discourage the purchase and enjoyment of material created by homosexuals or with homesexual connotations (or whatever), they should be tyring to encourage the purchase of materal created by heterosexuals or with hetersexual connotations (or whatever). For them not to publish a complementary list of Straight Bands is not only journalistically irresponsible, I think it's less effective, especially for their target demographic. Aloha, Brad
  9. Eagles/Wittet, 2009-02-27, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Aloha, Brad
  10. bradm


    Mick Taylor lists in his tour dates. He also lists Aloha, Brad
  11. The Friday, March 6, 2009 show by Acres at Cafe Dekcuf in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/acres2009-03-06.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  12. Toronto, I think. http://www.notmydog.ca Aloha, Brad
  13. How about a mixing console and tape splicer? George Martin was important to the sound of The Beatles, too. Aloha, Brad
  14. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/250747/ I'm planning on being there. Is anyone else going to be showing up for this? Aloha, Brad
  15. If you use WinAmp, the ShnAmp plug-in will make it play .shn files. Aloha, Brad
  16. Oops, sorry, that's a Windows-only program. I'm not sure about which program to use on a Mac. Some googling led to this, which might work. Aloha, Brad
  17. "rar" is a compression/archive format, in the same league as "zip"; the WinRar program (which you can try for free) will handle .rar files. Aloha, Brad
  18. (I have no comment to add; I just did some minor reformatting to make the URL clickable.) Aloha, Brad
  19. Have two mixtures: one with helium and nitrous, and the other with and nitrous. Sulphur hexafluoride is non-toxic, but is heavier than air, so when you inhale it, it makes your voice deeper. With that and the nitrous mixture, we could get a high vs. low chorus thing going.Aloha, Brad
  20. Bring the MarcO show to Ottawa. Aloha, Brad
  21. There are loads of live Lettuce recordings at: http://www.archive.org/details/Lettuce Aloha, Brad
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