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Everything posted by bradm

  1. "Passage," the new CD from The Mike Essoudry Octet. Aloha, Brad
  2. There were a couple of new tunes. Here's the full set list I've managed to piece together: Aloha, Brad
  3. It was the best one I've seen them do yet. :thumbup: Aloha, Brad
  4. Bump. I think they're doing two sets tonight, with no opening act. Aloha, Brad
  5. The DoneFors, 2009-02-13, Irene's Pub, Ottawa, ON. Aloha, Brad
  6. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251039/ I'm planning on being there. Who else is in? Aloha, Brad
  7. Slivered and then pan-fried, like carrots (and even better, with carrots), is nice, too. Aloha, Brad
  8. http://www.archive.org/details/tos2008-02-23.oktava.shnf I think this is one of my best-sounding (or maybe most-interesting-sounding) recordings. If you listen to one track, make it either their cover of Will Oldham's "No More Workhorse Blues" (which is not a blues), or their original "Blood From A Stone" (which is country music). Aloha, Brad
  9. Wayne Eagles and Bruce Wittet, 2009-02-27, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Aloha, Brad
  10. I think that's the Octave Theatre, part of le Centre culturel Frontenac; it's at 711 Dalton. http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=38527136&friendid=235692796 Aloha, Brad
  11. Happy Day, tigger! Aloha, Brad
  12. With or without that little tiny pebble wedged underneath the top layer of skin? Knowing would help us better understand what level of disapproval you're expressing. Aloha, Brad
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter Aloha, Brad
  14. I'm blah for Schwa. Aloha, Brad
  15. I found a torrent of a show from a couple of weeks ago by the Benevento/Mathis/Barr line-up, as well as a jambase review of the show. Aloha, Brad
  16. In the "Shows" part of http://www.marcobenevento.com/ is listed Aloha, Brad
  17. Is anybody else interested? Northern Wish also wants to get there early (by 8pm), and I think Kevin said he'd be starting at 9:30pm. Aloha, Brad
  18. The story continues: according to http://www.bnlmusic.com/news/ Aloha, Brad
  19. If anyone in Toronto is into (thinking about getting into) yogo, there's a notice about an interesting event posted on Mr. Something Something's website: Aloha, Brad
  20. http://www.cornmealinthekitchen.com/ http://www.archive.org/details/Cornmeal Aloha, Brad
  21. I think they're from Virginia. http://www.lostandfoundbluegrass.com/ http://www.myspace.com/lostandfoundbluegrass I assume "Waterloo, Quebec" is supposed to be "Waterloo, Ontario." Aloha, Brad
  22. bradm

    Skating Party

    The sammies were awesome. :thumbup: Aloha, Brad
  23. Yeah' date=' but who's listening to him?[/quote'] What's his taping policy when it comes to what he says? Aloha, Brad
  24. bradm


    I'm on David Lindley's mailing list, and he just sent around the latest additions to his tour dates, including Aloha, Brad
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