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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Now that The Souljazz Orchestra won't be doing its Thursday night weekly show at Babylon in Ottawa, here's what the club will have in its place: Apparently there also won't be a cover charge for it. I can't say I'm exactly thrilled by this. Aloha, Brad
  2. bradm

    Teaching Classes

    Brilliant! My Mom used to make manicotti, but (back in the 1970s) all she had access to were the dried pasta manicotti tubes, which had to be boiled until soft, then filled using a spoon. Using flat fresh pasta and rolling them up should be loads easier. Thanks, M.O.B.E.! Edit to ask: is there any problem with the rolled-up tubes coming apart? I'd think that some kind of crimping and/or water/egg sealing would be needed. Aloha, Brad
  3. Hooley's is reviewed in this week's Ottawa XPress, and they did not like the food (except the tartar sauce). Aloha, Brad
  4. You can't. At best, you can use an e-mail service that pre-screens them for you. I use Yahoo! mail, and it gets most of them. Aloha, Brad
  5. It almost reads like the Gertrude Stein "nonsense" poem Arthur A Grammar and so on (that's about 1/4 of it; it was in her book How to Write; I know of it through its inclusion in Douglas R. Hofstadter's collection Metamagical Themas). Aloha, Brad
  6. I like your show reviews, Beats (I doubt I could write about a show the way you do); keep them up! Aloha, Brad
  7. Maybe that's his way of indicating he's, you know, interested in you. Aloha, Brad
  8. bradm

    Herbie Cover

    I think he's referring to the upcoming Moses Mayes shows. Aloha, Brad
  9. If I were choosing for myself, I'd go to the WTTS show/party, not least because Ottawa's Lure is playing at it. Aloha, Brad
  10. So, was that arranged as appetizer, main course, then dessert, or do you consider all three to be part of the same course? Aloha, Brad
  11. No, you'd want to walk up to him, and then, when he asked, "Did you just drive this golf ball at me?!?" you'd reply, "No, I didn't, but I had, here's how I would have done it..." Aloha, Brad
  12. I want to hear "Fast Enough For You", just because Booche won't be there :mad: , and I know he'll hate himself for having missed it. Any word on the/an opener? Aloha, Brad
  13. If you mean the rest of BNB, Mike Filipowitsch is scheduled to play Cafe Dekcuf on Saturday, Nov. 18, so I don't think he'll be there. Aloha, Brad
  14. Remove the "l" from the second-last word of that sentence, and it takes on a whole other meaning... Aloha, Brad
  15. I just saw a listing for a show by the Creaking Tree String Quartet at the NAC 4th Stage on Friday, Dec. 1. I don't think these guys have done a show in Ottawa for a while, and since it doesn't look like anything else is going on that weekend (Friday or Saturday), I'm thinking this could a show to be at. Tickets are $20 in advance. Aloha, Brad
  16. Note to self: de-program CNN Headline News (which hosts Nancy Grace's haranguing diatribes at 8pm) from my TV. Aloha, Brad
  17. Yeah, that's the sound I was talking about, and I think it's the keys (but I could be wrong). It's intermittent, though, and most of the recording is free of it. Aloha, Brad
  18. I know there are places where one of the bassier keyboard sounds seems to be coming out like a wet juicy expelling of gastrointestinal gases; I don't remember hearing it that way during the show, but I think it was coming off the stage (or through the PA) that way. I just finished listening to the whole show, and the bass itself seems OK. Aloha, Brad
  19. On an impulse while shopping yesterday, I picked up a tin of flaked white tuna (in water). Aside from making tuna salad, or spreading it on bread with cheese for tuna melts, I'm at a loss as to what else to make with it. Does anybody have any suggestion? (Note that I don't want to make a full tuna casserole.) Aloha, Brad
  20. I say without. Just finely chopped cooked chicken, mayo, finely diced onions (maybe celery, also diced), and spices. Doing the same thing but with hard-boiled eggs instead of chicken is a whole other/different sandwich; mixing the two wouldn't work, IMO. Aloha, Brad
  21. Not that I know of. I heard at the show that a soundboard recording was to be made, but didn't actually see anybody doing it (I may have missed it, though). Mine was the only mic stand I saw. There were at least three video recorders running, though: Jakis had his beside the soundboard, with my audio feeding it; there was one on the side of the stage; and a third was over against the left wall as you face the stage, even with the soundboard. Aloha, Brad
  22. You'd prefer he bring a real gun to interviews? Aloha, Brad
  23. Argh. I won't be in Toronto until Monday, Dec. 18. Aloha, Brad
  24. You can see the Toronto jambase listings here. The two I'm really excited about are Sisters Euclid at The Orbit Room on Monday, Dec. 18, and James McKenty And The Spades at The Cameron House on Wednesday, Dec. 27. Aloha, Brad
  25. I'm adding "Rocket Surgery Water, Under The Dam" to my song titles list. Aloha, Brad
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