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Everything posted by bradm

  1. How about changing it to "Socan to charge Campus-Community Radio for broadcasting over the internet"? Aloha, Brad
  2. What cover will they be using in Canada? Aloha, Brad
  3. It looks like some prayers get answered. Aloha, Brad
  4. I'll probably have dinner somewhere near the hotel (so I can go back and chill there before having to leave for the show), but is there a coffee shop or convenience store near the venue? Aloha, Brad
  5. Will you be using a written-out set list? If so, I'd really appreciate a copy after the show; I'll be keeping track as I record, but I'm sure to hear songs whose titles I don't know. Aloha, Brad
  6. I'll be at the Holiday Inn on Lombard St. (map), arriving mid-afternoon on Friday. Does anybody have any restaurant recommendations near it? Anybody want to hook up for dinner (I'd like to sit down by 5:00pm or so)? Aloha, Brad
  7. Face it: a lot of our culture and its food is based around meat, and if you became a vegetarian later in life, you grew up exposed to recipes that included meat. Yes, there are tasty vegetarian recipes, but some people want (or need, if they're trying to replicate a particular dish) something that looks, tastes, and cooks like meat, but isn't made from animals. I've used veggie ground round a bunch of times, and think it could be substituted for ground meat in most recipes (e.g., pasta sauce) without any problem, probably without anybody (including meat eaters) noticing. It's also more convenient: if I'm having a backyard barbecue, and there'll be vegetarian guests, it's easier for me to throw a few tofu veggies dogs/patties on the grill (since I'm cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for my meat-eating guests) than to have to figure out what other (kind of) meal to make for the vegetarians. Aloha, Brad
  8. Nope. I can feed you a line-level audio signal (1/8" stereo plug, or two RCA plugs), though. Aloha, Brad
  9. How about (For those who don't recognize her, that's American Maid, part of the animated series version of The Tick.) Aloha, Brad
  10. http://ia300808.eu.archive.org/3/items/mmayes2005-06-22.oktava.shnf/mmayes2005-06-22d1t02_vbr.mp3 Aloha, Brad
  11. Thanks, Jay. I'll aim for 9pm, which'll give me plenty of time to get through will-call, get in, and get set up. Aloha, Brad
  12. This is why I wish they would have an LCBO order desk right there in show, so you could at least order stuff (to be delivered) right then and there. Aloha, Brad
  13. I may limit my partying at the show, let alone skipping and after-show festivazation: I'm coming to Toronto on Friday, seeing BNB Friday night, coming back to Ottawa on Saturday, seeing James McKenty And The Spades Saturday night, and rehearsing all Sunday afternoon. Luckily, I'm taking Monday off, but even that won't pay off the sleep debt I'll incur this weekend. Jay, is it doors at 9pm, will-call at 8pm? Aloha, Brad
  14. It looks like Kobayashi is the opener for the Ottawa show (Friday, Nov. 24, at Mavericks) as well. (I found it on the Mavericks calendar, but I don't think the bands' websites have been updated yet.) Aloha, Brad
  15. I don't think I've ever heard that one. Was it pre-PEIPunk? Aloha, Brad
  16. I have some vacation I need to use up by the end of the year, and I'm thinking that the Southern Ontario run of The Slip shows (Thursday, Dec. 7: Guelph; Friday, Dec. 8: Hamilton; Saturday, Dec. 9: Toronto) might be fun, but I'd need/want a ride. Is anybody from Ottawa with space looking to do all the shows? I'd also be willing to split hotel rooms. Aloha, Brad
  17. Ah, the "Eek! Oh, No!" Lodge on St. Dominique. http://www.choicehotels.com/ires/en-US/html/HotelInfo?hotel=CN381&sid=K6rlM.f8fuMgteW.8&sarea=3243&sname=Montreal&sstate=QC&scountry=CA&sradius=40.22&slat=45.5&slon=-73.58333587646484&schain=E&exp=&scity=Montreal&sort=&nadult=1&nchild=0 Aloha, Brad
  18. I looked at it, and frankly, I'd pass. For not much more than that ($100, say) you could get a new Behringer UB802 or UB1002 which has more inputs and can even handle (phantom-powered) XLR-type microphones. Some of their models even have built-in DSP (for reverb and echo). The main thing that one has that those Behringer models don't is inputs for turntables, but this one, which has a suggested retail price of CDN$130, looks like it'll do more than that unit. (Yamaha and Peavey also make small mixers that should be in the same feature/price range as that one.) Aloha, Brad
  19. Do you have/know the make and model #? It might be possible to find a manual somewhere on the web (assuming it doesn't come with one). Aloha, Brad
  20. Assuming it's not a powered mixer (i.e., can't be hooked up directly to speakers), I wonder if the "lo" outputs are microphone level, and the "hi" outputs are line level. If you want to hook it up to a stereo receiver, you want line level (which is what cassette decks and CD players put out), so one left/right pair of "hi" outputs would be what you'd use. Can you test it out? Aloha, Brad
  21. I don't see any Ottawa shows in their calendar; I might be able to see them at The Cameron House on Dec. 19, but I'll be getting to Toronto on Dec. 18 (the day after Lauzon at Swizzles), and going to Sisters Euclid that (late) night, so it's doubtful for me. Aloha, Brad
  22. I can see the police video now... "So, what's this, then." "It's marijuana." "Oh, yeah? How much?" "Two and a half, three ounces, at least." "Well, I'm gonna check. You know that in this county it's illegal to possess less than two ounces, don't you?" A few minutes later... "Well, I weighed it, and it's 1.8 ounces." "What? No, we bought two and a half ounces, I swear." "What happened to the rest of it?" "OK, we smoked a gram, maybe." "The scale doesn't lie. Next time, make sure you're carrying enough. You have the right to remain silent..." Aloha, Brad
  23. You should've been there bouche, they put on a great show. They started early (like 9:40pm), did three sets (the first two about 40 minutes each, the last about 60 minutes with two encore songs, including a repeat of a song from the first set because the crowd was screaming for it ), and got the crowd dancing (including couples actually dancing with each other), even to the point of friends on the floor pulling their friends who were sitting up onto the floor. Add in Belle Guelle and Coup de Grisou on tap, have the show end early (like 1:30am), and I'm just about funned out. Aloha, Brad
  24. I've done that a couple of times now (including the toast-twice thing), and it works as good as (if not better than) using the oven setting. I've done them on the tray and just on the rack, and found one advantage to doing them on the rack: my new smoke detectors work just fine... Aloha, Brad
  25. ISTR Mickey Hart singing one at Vernon Downs in 2003 that was pretty horrid. I didn't recognize it, and, luckily, have wiped (or repressed, deeply, I hope) all memory of it except for its existence. Aloha, Brad
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