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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Fair enough (and it makes sense). How much/many of the recordings have you listened to? Aloha, Brad
  2. James McKenty actually uses a Fender Quadreverb: 4 6L6s, 100 or 135 watts, 4 12" speakers (it's a combo), 90 pounds. My little Fender Champ 12 just kind of runs and hides when something like that comes over the horizon... Aloha, Brad
  3. Not quite. According to http://www.neroland.com/logs/logs/2002/103102.html Aloha, Brad
  4. Is it one of the re-issues, or a vintage one? Aloha, Brad
  5. For those who may want to see him in Ottawa, Calamity Jane has an extra she wants to put to good use. Aloha, Brad
  6. I caught The Hour last night, and George S. had Bruce Dickinson and one other IM member on. George pointed out that according to Billboard, IM had the #1 album...on the indie chart. Aloha, Brad
  7. There's also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck#Beck_and_Scientology Aloha, Brad
  8. I've launched an investigation to determine the source of the leak, but since it's out, I can confirm that yes, I will be in costume, and it will consist of items of clothing other than a tucked-in t-shirt, faded jeans, a ratty old belt, and Converse All-Star Hi-Tops. Aloha, Brad
  9. Isn't it "makeup" instead of "mink coat", and "hair" instead of "affair"? Aloha, Brad
  10. No, I didn't. I took a break/chasm/hiatus from taping between the end of April, 2003 to about mid-February, 2004 (except for a show here and there, which I did with dave-O's help and gear), and not having recorded this show is one of my regrets for having been away from taping for those months. I recall somebody recording at least part of it, but don't remember the details. Aloha, Brad
  11. Davey Boy, you know brownies are not on the menu here at RestaurantM. No, what I did was wake up, look at the clock, figure out what bus to take, come downstairs, medicate myself, eat breakfast, check my e-mail, and get ready to leave...only to more closely look at a clock (and the TV) and realize that I had examined only the minutes value, ignoring what hour it was. The hour it was was 2am, not 6am (which explained the programming I saw on the TV, none of which is aired at 6am), and since my medication essentially puts me on a clock, I had just jumped four or five timezones East. I went back to bed, set the alarm for 6am, and tried to get more sleep. I did, got up, checked myself out, got on a bus, and got to work, only to have (a light) lunch at 8am (i.e., about five hours after breakfast). I'll have another light lunch (probably with soup from the office caf) at lunch time, and hope to make it home for dinner. (So far, so good.) Aloha, Brad
  12. So "doing" BNB can mean sex, drugs, or rock'n'roll (or all three, or any two). Where do I sign up? I can see the t-shirts: Aloha, Brad
  13. If you're thinking about renting a costume for Hallowe'en in Ottawa, Malabar on Merivale (just South of Meadolands) has a neat deal: you can pick out your costume, take it home now, return it on/by Nov. 1, and pay only the usual three-day rental fee. They have extended hours in October (until 8pm Monday - Wednesday, until 9pm on Thursday and Friday). I was there last night, and the selection (of both rental and purchase costumes) was still very good. To either buy or rent a full costume, expect to pay $50 - $100. Aloha, Brad
  14. ::shakes magic 7-ball:: I can see us/people walking down Queen St. E., saying, proudly, "Oh, man, we're doing BNB!" and having 'BNB' be taken to be the street name for some new psychoactive compound... Aloha, Brad
  15. I'm listening to a Yonder Mountain String Band show right now, and I can easily imagine the above text being sung to bluegrass accompaniment... Aloha, Brad
  16. I'm planning on being at BNB on Nov. 10, and I'll be staying with my family in Scarborough over Christmas (and probably seeing James McKenty And The Spades at The Cameron House on Dec. 27). Aloha, Brad
  17. http://www.archive.org/details/Drive-ByTruckers Aloha, Brad
  18. If you're talking about the "Benefit For The Bus", it was April, 2002 in Rockport, ON. After nero had done a set or two, it turned into an open jam. I think Jay said to me, "You have to get up and play, Brad." I replied that I didn't have any gear. "Hey, use mine," offered Dave. Anybody remember the cookies at that party? "They were peanut butter flavoured?" was a quote of the weekend for me... Aloha, Brad
  19. As far as I know, DBT have yet to play Ottawa. Aloha, Brad
  20. 2001-12-22 I won a CD, which I traded in on $10 off a t-shirt. Aloha, Brad
  21. As far as I know, you hold the copyright on something you've created the moment you create it; no extra step (e.g., "registration") is required. Doug doesn't need to "copyright" his songs, as he already holds the right(s) to make copies of them. Aloha, Brad
  22. The stories aren't all that you're able to hear. Aloha, Brad
  23. It was one of the best nero shows I ever saw, I know that. http://www.neroland.com/logs/logs/2004/012404.html Aloha, Brad
  24. I just checked the Dusty Owl reading schedule, and it lists Last year's show was a blast, and a wonderfully intimate one (I think Swizzles is smaller than Dekcuf...); this year should be even better. Aloha, Brad
  25. nero2004-12-31, at Mavericks in Ottawa. I suspect it's because he vents any aggression he may have on the drum kit, leaving a pure c'n'c being for the rest of us to enjoy. The run of shows they did opening for moe. in fall 2003 (Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Burlington, VT, IIRC) was a highlight. I also think that the pair of shows they did at Cafe Dekcuf in Ottawa in November, 2004 (nero2004-11-05 and nero2004-11-06) were a highlight. As far as I know, yes. Aloha, Brad
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