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Everything posted by questcequecest?

  1. bluray is HD, and is being compared to regular ol' dvd. cool.
  2. or a new graphic. I hope OutKast is touring soon!!!
  3. no, operator problem. my fault. Thanks again, i was airing faulty grievances!
  4. cheers kevo, merry merry!! (#24 seems to be an empty file, bad link... not sure)
  5. nice pic today on APOD and cheers to Paisley, happy birthday!
  6. decorative balls are the devil's gonads. light 'em up, blow 'em out!
  7. cost of living increases are based on CPI (consumer price index), the increase in how much you pay for stuff... 2.5% this year. http://www.statcan.ca/english/Subjects/Cpi/cpi-en.htm bottom line, ask for more than you want. but don't be ridiculous. "i want $200,000, a car allowance, and hookers on long weekends." good luck! currently, my employer is transitioning to new German ownership... i feel a bit like homer, "we were talking about chocolate?"
  8. valid answers, all of 'em. looks like a fun time, i hope to be there!
  9. fu ck martinez, fu ck fu ck martinez!
  10. sinusoidal oscillate megawatt (i had an energy seminar this week)
  11. is it today? it's here?!?! w000000000000t! hehe, had to hit it, ON your birthday! enjoying my morning, 'cowboy' style. hope you are too...
  12. agreed. worthwhile service that has way more value than the cost of membership. my parents renew mine every year at christmas time. free maps are nice, and so are the stores... good luggage and accessories at a discount price for members.
  13. happy birthday mooooose, hope to see you sooner than later! ceteraheads forever!
  14. haha Chuckles... good ole' Shawnald Mcdonald, the wookiest person i've ever met. was that the day he walked to your house in Waterloo, from Brantford or Hamilton?
  15. holla! i'll be back in the hammer for the ass-end of the steelworkers show... bring your gear and enough beer for a fun weekend! HOLLA!
  16. haha, no pictures. not allowed. reminds me of another comical event(s).. the place was packed, so security was having a hard time getting around to all the little scuffles. the security guy in front of me would push his way around closing peoples cell-cams, and if he couldn't reach, he's shine his flashlight directly at the camera to try and 'overexpose' the picture. this dork was taking his job waaaay to seriously, we had to laugh at his futile efforts.
  17. great show! the costumes were outrageous, and pretty much every song was accompanied by a severed limb or head that would then spew red, green , blue or clear liquid all over the floor crowd. ...like a constant garden hose turned on the crowd. the crowd was all ages and raging! topless chicks, stinking hippies, tattoed goths... everyone. a lot of moshing and crowd surfing, much to the dismay of the security, and delight of the band. the band would occasionally spray security in the back of the heads as they were dragging crowd surfers off the floor. at one point they said "...the violence. it's funny, keep doing it!" good time, very entertaining. fyi, i stayed a safe distance back....
  18. i'll keep that in mind maxwebster. come on down to elements tonight and get covered in blood & guts with me... and bring that guy from your couch too.
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