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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. I went skiing on the weekend.... wore the helmet. Guess what? I'm pretty sure it saved my life! I got going way too fast and lost control and fell hard directly onto my head. The helmet went flying off from the impact but only after taking the full force of the fall. I really didn't feel a thing. Plus, people look at you like an alien with a Chinese air force helmet on.
  2. Happy super belated bday Lg Mg! Cheers.
  3. I bought this record after seeing them open for Green Day in '95. Deliciously poppy street punk! Link
  4. backbacon


    The Slip fans' boners went down so they got rid of it. End of story.
  5. A golf tournament normally makes for a pretty early start to things. An 8 am shot-gun start has me drinking vodka and powerades by 7 or so. Just ask Swifty how we did in the club championship last year! Holeyfuck! The only other times I'll start drinking super early is when I pass out early on a Friday night so I wake up really early on Saturday and start rocking hard! So 8 am maybe ... And Justice For All is commonly the soundtrack for these awesome occasions!
  6. Prince - Housequake Justice - Phantom
  7. I've been a part time smoker for 17 years now. I'm going to quit for March and win a car maybe. Link
  8. Woo hoo. Congratulations Spencer!
  9. Nice vid, Mike. Great response from the crowd!
  10. Quite a crowd out for it. Good job, MK. It's true though, there are severe sound issues. I'll stick it out. Umm... what's basher doing in that eHarmony add below the video?
  11. THE SET LIST 1969 and 2009 set list: Get Back* Get Back Don't Let Me Down I've Got A Feeling One After 909 Dig a Pony I've Got A Feeling Don't Let Me Down Get Back * The Beatles played some songs more than once because they were recording and wanted the best version possible.
  12. Thanks G. This'll greatly enhance my (practically nonexistent) blues collection.
  13. Yes, I hoping this would make it!
  14. Cut your head, Schwa.; it could save your life!
  15. HAHAHAHAHA!! Are the psychedelaerobics full contact these days? A minimum level of personal contact is mandatory, just like before. The helmet is no replacement for the matching headbands, that's for sure.
  16. I just picked up from ebay one of these Chinese AIr Force helmets: I bought it mainly for wearing around the house on weekends but after this discussion, I think I'll bring it along the next time I go skiing. It's pretty sweet.. it has a clear visor you can pull down and/ or a tinted one.
  17. I knew who you were talking about too. I looked at the bigger picture though: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3484/3180079274_72cfeb9f30_o.jpg
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