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What are you going to have for dinner tonight?


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Here is the official dinner menu for tonight.

-Chicken breast cutlet separated into 3 strips

seasoned with cayenne pepper and coated with shake and bake cajun then delicately fried in 1 tbsp of olive oil for approx 2-3 minutes/side

-1 Organic baby green salad with red onion and english cucumber, topped with cubed old cheddar and dressed with a little vinegrette

-1 potato... prep method still undetermined.

Tomorrow, I will be out of chicken, so I may find another type of creature to eat. I may go for some aquatic life or better yet, something that goes moo when it isn't sliced up.

I may save that stuff for when BBQ season opens up. What's the date on that again?

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You mean, you actually put your barbeque away? Dude, that's just wrong. I say dig it out with the car. Nothing says winter like some good ol' chard grubs. Just ask George Forman.

Alas, tonight's cuisine will be pepared sans le grill. It consists of my homemade Green Thai curry, (coconut milk, zucchini, spinach, shallots, and my secret ingredient)accompanied by the most delicate of rice noodles and a bottle of vino.

Mmm. Can't wait.

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Do you have an extra place setting? That sounds quite delicous.

I don't have a BBQ yet. I haven't lived at a place where I could have one, but now....

I have a hugeass patio and big backyard. I'll be getting a BBQ as soon as I can and I will most likely use it every night.

I can't wait.

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Good one treytor.

Just finished my faux salami/brie/tomato/lettuce/mayo sandwiches with Earl Grey tea, and about it wash it down with peach yogurt. Just got a new fridge today, so I'm eating at home again, after about a month of resto reliance. The lettuce was a bonus. I had my groceries delivered this aft and there was a head of lettuce in the box that I hadn't paid for. Bonus!!

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