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Today I am disappointed in the skanks.....

Northern Wish

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I really can't believe that after all of the rants and raves on some ludicrous topics that get threaded on this board, no one wanted to discuss the incredibly twisted information in the article I posted earlier today under the topic heading "Very interesting article on Music and Politics"....

C'mon now- no one had an opinion on the fact that the corporation that controls basically all of the music venues we know and love, and most of the radio stations that we love to hate- is sponsoring pro-war rallies? Especially with the conflict of interests raised regarding their entrance into the tv market, their contribution to the Bush campaigns and their contribution to the runaway success of bland music on the radio.

I thought that was one of the most thought provoking things posted on here in the last two or three weeks. Not to mention it was factual (unlike a lot of the uniformed ignorant anti war blabbering). This is not to say I am in favor of such a thing, but some of the strings have been just as skewed and biased as Fox News.

Just my .02 to take the heat of off Cheesehead. And yes I thought to remove my public rating before posting this....


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I had missed that one dude but will be sure to check it out when I get a chance, most likely tomorrow morning.

Sometimes, it's just quicker and easier to throw up a photo of a dude with his hand down his pants than to engage in thoughtful, meaningful debate.

Hope RI is treating you well. I bet Phish bombards you come the Fall.

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My only thought was "Is it possible we are going to start seeing playlists/setlists at concerts if we dont already see some form of censorship"

At the time, I was busy, and only could have responded with "wow", not unlike GM's reply.

It was a heavy read while I was at work.........but I am glad you posted it. Timing is everything.

Did you see the Ron Maclean-Don Cherry (Coache's Corner) thread though?

I thought that was the most thought-provocking [Wink]

Anyways, dont let these Fug Sugs get to you. We'll take care of them while you are doing the Rhode Island gig. [big Grin]

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Funny...I mentioned somthing along this lines the other week...and then suddenly it was deleted altogether.......

Guess I shouldn't have mentioned it interfering with our enjoyment...(festivals.....)

I think only one person on both sites had enough courage to actually say what they thought to me about it...and I thank you...(She knows who she is..)

The rest came from made up email addresses and were filled with nothing but idiotoic ramblin' about when they see me and what they will do...funny they wouldn't say who they were.

Greg Risko


Not directed at you NW.

*edited upon request.Wrong choice of words.

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I'm goin down to see what kind of a man greg is this fri


all beatles, all night, all right!!

(ps. - love ya brother)

(pss. - and all the rest of ya fugsug'n Skanks)

(psss. - sorry for stealin your fugsug'n phrase Booche... last time... at least I'm givin ya copyright)

set out runnin but I take my time

friend o' Jerry is a friend of mine

fug the corporates and their crimes

just wanna get some slee-ee-eep toni-ight

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BTW, even though I do love to get the fur flying..... the above post was simply meant to make sure that everyone read the article- just so we know where we stand.

Face it, hippies or whatever we fancy ourselves, we hold in our hands the key to protest- the $$$. If we can infact avoid these venues (like going to Limestone- instead of a Clear Channel venue for example) then we all win in our own little way.

Thanks for responding, I just wanted to make sure the info was digested. That is all....


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Originally posted by Esau13:

[QB]The rest came from made up email addresses and were filled with nothing but idiotoic ramblin' about when they see me and what they will do...funny they wouldn't say who they were.[QB]

In my opinion, if you find yourself making up e-mail addresses just for the sake of getting in a few mean-spirited comments or threats at Greg, you really need to examine your priorities.


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Anyone who does that towards anybody is a coward, plain and simple.

For those that may read my message, and have partaken in these kinds of activities, suck my dirty corn hole.

Just dont let Howler hear you do it.

(actually, screaming to the masses, and not really knowing who I am screaming at isnt the bravest act of bravado either)

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