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QotD: 2003.03.31


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What do you like to do to celebrate your birthday? Mine's this week, and so far, all I've come up with is taking myself out to a nice dinner, and then going and enjoying music with some friends. I'll probably also go and buy some musical toy(s) this week, and designate said purchase(s) as "my present(s) to me", but aside from all that, I can't think of much.



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Hey Brad! Usually for my birthday or that of friends, it's pretty causal, drinks and chat. Last year for my wife's birthday I got a hold of a bunch of our friends and we went to Vinnie's in Toronto - basically it's like Chucky Cheese for grown-ups, video games and skee ball and such, but add alcohol to the mix. Much fun - there's nothing like celebrating your birthday with a drunken air hocket tournament!

I don't know if you have something similar in Ottawa, there's also Dave & Busters in Toronto that is basically the same idea.


Mr. M.

P.S. A early "HAPPY BIRHTDAY" to you, my friend! [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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on my birthday i go shopping. i feel allowed to get what i want. i lov eit. i've been known to make dinner for 25 people, but now i share a bottle of wine with doggie and that's the best time i can imagine. after shopping of course.

happy birthday bradm....sounds like you are off for some shopping too..........toys, ladies, beer. the skies the limit.

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Well Happy B-day in advance bradm.

I myself for the last few years have tried and followed through with being in a different city/town/prov/country on the last few of my b-days, somthing different every time.A good show or a mellow evening with friends always makes for a breat b-day.I also share a b-day with a beautiful person and loving friend(Heather) who I try to spend it with every year if possible.Good ol' b-day parties at 707(some of ya know where I mean)

Last crazy b-day I had was kissing goodbye my twenties...whew...glad those are over...

Anyway, do what makes you feel good....best advice I can give.

Cheers and enjoy. [big Grin]


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Guest Low Roller


Originally posted by Kitari:

YES LowRoller! A BareFax $10 pint in the sunshine with a woman on your lap would be just perfect for this occasion!

"This" occasion? Sounds like a pretty damn good resolution for any occasion:

- The war is over, how should we celebrate?

- Clearly this calls for a BareFax $10 pint in the sunshine with a woman on your lap.

- I'm out of cat food. What should I do?

- Go to BareFax for a $10 pint in the sunshine with a woman on your lap.

- HG;owetlkjsndl...

- I don't know what you just said, but it sounds like you need a BareFax $10 pint in the sunshine with a woman on your lap.

(Slow day at work, sorry...)

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-going for a walk in the rain

-lot's of napping

-leaving the province

-spend the day in mens jammys


-watching Reality Bites, High Fedelity or Breakfast at Tiffanys

trying to make it through the day with out crying

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Guest Low Roller


Originally posted by Kitari:

BradM, I'm wishing a nice sunshiney warm day for you so that you can enjoy some pints on a patio somewhere!

Yeah, ditto man. What you should also do is treat yourself to something like a massage or a lap dance. [big Grin]

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OK, I figured out what I can do that'd be special: I'm going Hobbit this year, and give out presents.

The first three people who:

  1. come to open jam at Cafe Dekcuf tonight
  2. stay for at least one jam (if there's a jam in progress when you show up, that counts: just stay until the end of it)
  3. purchase one beverage (non-alcoholic drinks count)
  4. have the first thing you say to me be the special code phrase (detailed below)

will receive a special present. This present is not available in stores. This offer void where prohibited. Employees of BradCorp, their families, people who know their families, and people I just don't like, are excluded. Anybody who tries to guess what the present is, is excluded.

The special code phrase is: "gimmegimmegimme", said quickly, as one word.



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my bday is June 28th.

Not only is it two days after tooly's, our old buddy Kyle was RIGHT inbetween. Dude, i'd kill to talk to that guy!!!!!

Anyways, last year it fell on the Friday of July 1st long weekend, this time is the Saturday of it!!!!!!!! Woo freaking HOO!!!!!

Last year Mr Jose Cuervo and I got very aquainted, finally finishing him at about 6 am the Saturday morning, all my buddies passed out, leaving me LAST MAN STANDING, on MY BIRTHDAY, WITH A KILLED BOTTLE OF TEQUILLA!

It was a b-day to remember.

When i was young, like from the time i was three till about 14, i always went camping and fishing with my pops and brother upnorth. Usually included backpacking and portaging.

Seems like my birthdays were always really cool. Its never the gifts i remember though, but the times...

[big Grin]

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Originally posted by secondtube:

my bday is June 28th.

Which is smack-dab in the middle of the Canada Day CTMF this year.


Last year Mr Jose Cuervo and I got very aquainted, finally finishing him at about 6 am the Saturday morning, all my buddies passed out, leaving me LAST MAN STANDING, on MY BIRTHDAY, WITH A KILLED BOTTLE OF TEQUILLA!

And nobody left to take your picture. Bummer.


It was a b-day to remember.

Why do I feel that sentence has an implied "if only I could..." missing from the end of it? [smile]



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My birthdays are usually just a big drunken mess that continues into 2nd tubes big drunken messes a day later

fuck yeah man i wish we could get ahold of kyle again, he was good people.

just once i want my bday to be on the frontier weekend but i think the 26 is pretty early to start it, wait, did i just say too early for frontier? oxymoron if ive ever heard one.

my last bday was the first time i ate a strawberry in 10+ years. i had a big boycott going on but how can you not eat the fat berry on your own cake?

happy early bday brad

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