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Rick Moranis Hit By Train


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I hope thats not true... one of the funnier guys out there and all those SCTV guys (and girls) seem like good sorts

shitty way to go if it is, would have to be off your nut to get caught in that situation

[edit] nice to celebrate someone still being alive than their memory for a change :: (searched Reuters and nada)

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That piece you posted is from Yahoo the kings of perpetuating bad news. This link while not that trustworthy has a comment from someone from the town of Chehalis Washington who says he definitely did not die and that the hospital mentioned in the article doesn't even exist.


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Also this (fucking hoaxster dicks- we're just as bad for spreading this shit):



Originally posted by Brian Damage

I hope it is a hoax, that would be awful.


No need to hope. It is. Look at the original site it belongs too.

Yahoo news stories start out as http://news.yahoo anyway.

And there isn't one other article online that tells of Rick dying.

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I don't believe this for a second. The article is written all wrong. Since when do they name the ambulance driver? nAnd the cop says he held on to the pole and found it would be impossible to hold on to the pole - just a hundred things wrong with this one.

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Sorry everybody for kicking up the shit cloud, I serious didn't think it was fake. Why in the fuck Rick Moranis, so obscure so exact and detailed....It just seemed too weird not to be true.

...of course once I read the story again, and saw the source...

PS - This just in Eugene Levy eaten by wolves

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is anyone else gonna admit that it is kinda funny? or am i the only asshole? i mean, come on. rick moranis hit by a train!! thats a hilarious headline!! i like rick, dont get me wrong, but its rick. when was the last time anyone told anyone else they loved rick moranis?

and furthermore, not knowing the man, but knowing he's a comedian, he's got comedy in his blood, goddammit, i think rick would take great joy in knowing that his fake death by train gave at least someone a chuckle.

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