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So I've had this problem and i'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat, but everytime i go to get a hair cut I never know what to tell them when they ask me how i want it cut. The time is upon me and i need a cut, any words of advice?

One of the last cuts i got was from a lady that didnt speak english so there wasnt much conversation, i kinda pointed out what i thought she should do and then just stared at the floor. I finally looked up when i thought to myself, man, this is the longest haircut ever, i make eye contact with the hairdresser and she just bursts out into laughter, I'm looking in the mirror going, mmmmmk, a little short ay, oh well, this is fucked i gotta get outta here.

Worst haircut ever.

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just tell 'em to stop fuckin around and be professionals, for christ sake. i mean, its their job. someone comes to me about a camera, i dont give 'em bad advice, so why do hairdressers always get away with giving bad haircuts?

i've been pullin' my hair out over this...

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- shave your head

- take matters into your own hands & provide hours of endless entertainment for yourself and any witnesses (insert picture of that vacccuum hair sucking cutter thing they sell on the tv that i can't remember the name of & therefore cannot take ample advantage of that blessed little invention that is google image search ::)

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Here's what every metrosexual will tell you to do. Get yourself to a real salon, cough up the 30 bucks it will probably cost and walk out of there knowing you got what you wanted. And bring pictures if you can

I hadn't been to a barber/hair stylist in years (always had a shaved head) but I went to an Aveda near here and left very happy.

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you could turn this into a fun game, towns... see, take part of BradM's advice... "try taking in a photograph"... remove the "in"... now, before you go for your haircut, you scour the streets of calgary, camera in hand, taking pictures of actual people who actually have the haircut you want... you could even ask them where they got it done, that way, you could go in that specific place and its pretty much a guarantee. wrap 'er up, buddy. its a done fuckin deal. also, if you can get the guys name, maybe he's a regular and you can score a deal with a little non-chalant name-dropping...

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It's weird but I get very stressed out going to the barber. That's why I rarely go. I'm always worried that I'll get there and i'll have 30 people waiting in front of me (they don't take appointments at Sherwood hairstyles). That's a long wait with only one playboy magazine to skim through.

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I miss boricks, i used to go there all the time.

On a side note, I just found out my dad and some buddies are takin a motorcycle trip down to tenessee this weekend, I told him to stop into manchester and see whats goin on.

As if my dads gonna be there, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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get drunk(+) for 2 - 10 years solid forgetting entirely about that haircut and when the right length is achieved buy some hair ties and tie it back (occasionally chopping off the bottom of your ponytail in either a drunk or sober state, optional)

- years supply of hair ties - $2

- drunk(+) - you were probably gonna anyways

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you could get your own personal stylist

mine doesn't rub her boobs against my head though :(

and she kind of has this rip-cut technique that kind of hurts and gets me a little concerned

the bonus is it's free

as long as i tip her with beers and joints

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if you're going really short, eat some rolls and then go to the barber...say'i want a haircut...then change the haircut to get them to buzz your head with the clippers for a couple of hours and tip the guy $10. i'd suggest bringing a change of underwear.

get the shave and hot towels...come out lookin' sharp.

i used to have a flat top

well you could do that at a salon if you want that and then can hope for the boob-rub. that was my favourite...not like i ever leaned into them but it was always a nice touch. always got the bigger tip and not for any specific reason. such a subtle bribe.

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So I've had this problem and i'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat, but everytime i go to get a hair cut I never know what to tell them when they ask me how i want it cut. The time is upon me and i need a cut, any words of advice?

Story of my life. I dread getting my haircut but sadly I think I too am due.

Thanks for starting this thread c-towns.

What I'll prolly end up doing is going to some relitively chiq place and picking the hairdresser with the coolest hair and just ask her to make my hair look good.

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