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Neil Young Supersized

Phunky Cauldron

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That is very cool indeed. I had a dream that the prick security guards at the ACC were telling me to stop dancing at the Prince show and I was like 'it's the motherfucking Purple One himself' to which they were none too impressed.

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I was in Toronto last summer to check out the greendale show and then stuck around to see the film premier at the Toronto Film Festival.

The show was great, the movie was great, but what I loved was just seeing Neil and the boys.. I always love the attitude they seem to carry themselves with. Just regular guys, Neil and Crazy Horse. Who cares if they are responsible for some of the biggest songs around. Who cares if Neil is arguably one of the biggest influences in rock music.

It's like Neil has this attitude of "hey.. I'm a musician.. you are a lawyer.. and you are a retail clerk.. we all have jobs, none of them make any of us better than anyone else".. Know what I mean?

I just find that really refreshing.

After the movie we ran into Tim Horton's to get a drink before hopping on the subway to get back to my sister's house and there in line was Crazy Horse.

I wanted to go up and say thanks for the great show the other night, but I also didn't want to be that guy. I'm sure they appreciate being able to walk into a Tim's in downtown Toronto and pretty much have no one recognize them.

Anyway.. very cool you ran into Neil and very cool that you talked to him.. he seems like a really down to earth guy (possibly even quite shy).

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Pretty cool!

I opened Scott Young's pool about 10 days ago, out on his farm in Omemee, north of Peterborough. (Neil YOung's Dad, in case you don't know). I got to talk to the old boy and Neil looks a lot like his Dad for sure! Scott is getting very old and dare I say senile but he is hanging in there. He's old friends with my boss at Peterborough Pools. Anyhoo so I went up to Scott and said hello, my name is Kevin. He stuck his hand out and said "Scott Young." I told him I enjoyed reading Neil & Me and he said thanks, then I asked him if he'd seen his son's new movie yet. He misheard me and said something like "ohhh well we keep in touch some", so I guess he thought I'd asked if he'd talked to Neil at all. Trying a different angle, I told him that I'd seen his son's new movie in town at the local independent cinema the other week. He brightened up and said "oh yeah? well if i knew if was playing i would've gone and saw it!" then i pet his dog for a bit, then went back to work. What a nice piece of property he's got! The house gives you no indication of riches and fame, actually its crumbling at the foundations, but the view of the rolling countryside is beautiful out there.

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