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Adirondack Music Fest ... not looking good at all

mark tonin

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Well, nothing has been posted recently on the festival web site, but this is posted on Derek Trucks' web site:

**The DTB will NOT be playing at the Adirondack Music Festival on June 25. The festival has been cancelled. The new date on the 25th is listed below.


What a drag. We had such a great time at last year's event, and the festival location is beautiful, but it's a different promoter this year and it has been a much "sketchier" affair than last year. What boggles my mind is that this same promoter is supposedly running another festival (The Secluded Forest Music Festival) at the same location in August, with SCI, Soulive, Yonder Mountain Sring Band, Keller Williams, etc. I don't know how they expect to sell tickets to it after this disaster.

If anybody knows anything more about the Adirondack Festival, please post it here. And if people bought tickets to the festival, I hope they get a full refund. I personally feel bad about this as I raved about this festival to people.

I will be emailing a few key contacts of mine to let them know about this promoter. Please feel free to do the same, and to post on other message boards about this situation.

Unfortunately, I think that there are a number of people out there that think they will get rich promoting shows and festivals, without appreciating the fact that it is a risky business. Not sure of the details of the Adirondack situation, but I know last year's promoter lost money on the event, and I'm guessing that this year's promoter was looking at a loss, which is why they pulled the plug. Having said that, a good promoter that is in it for the long haul will not pull the plug and give bands and customers the shaft if they want to be successful in the future.

Peace, Mark

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IT's quite obvious that all of the festivals are being squashed because of Kung's negative )))vibes((( directed towards me. But, I think he's got the bouche's confused again.

I'm the one with the 'U' !

Thanks for ruining my summer kung and anyone else who had planned on enjoying music festivals. ;):P

Ultimately, I feel disgusted, as Mark said "raving about the festival". I don't know how many people I talked to, sharing our love for the venue and the festival, only for this one to come crashing down before our eyes, merely a week before we took our Friday off of work to head to Lyonsdale, NY.

I saved for months to get a new camera for FESTIVAL season this year, to ensure professional quality pics. It's very disappointing to say the least.

At least there are 3 festivals in August to look forward to.

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The original plan for me was to head to Hamburg, NY (just outside Buffalo) with Liana and the kids to visit friends, and then to head the festival solo (or should I say with Wi!!y and Leanne) from there. My new plan is now that I'll be hanging for the weekend in Hamburg with the family and our friends, and hopefully checking out a couple of free events that are happening in Buffalo:

Thur. evening downtown Buffalo Robert Randolph

Sat. during the day/evening at the Buffalo Niagara Guitar Festival with Derek Trucks and others

Not the same as what I expected, and certainly much mellower and more family-oriented, but perhaps I can make up for things the following weekend at the Come Together Fest :) ::

Peace, Mark

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that's the spirit mark! you're such a positive person, i'm sure fun is awaiting wherever you go.

that sucks for everyone who was planning to go, especially since this is the 2nd festival this summer that's gone kaput (and summer has only begun too). boo to that. you should come on down for canada day ctmf! i'm sure that will help ease some of the pain. :)

oh, and qqc, i fricken almost choked to death laughing while trying to swallow water when i read this:

come to Lindsay for Qu'est-ce que F'est!

the headiest free festival and celebration of life between port perry and peterborough.

official announcement to be made soon.

campsites still available!!

bwa ha ha ha ha ha, you rule qu'est-ce que... heehee that's one heady update i'm looking forward to hahaa

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Did anyone read the announcement on teh AMMF site that links to a page asking the promoter to turn his sorry arse self in?


Dear AMF2004 fans and concert goers...I am the owner of the Moose River Park and I am disappointed to tell you several of the bands that have been listed on our website will not be playing this years festival because the promoter, Jason Flynn (details) has absconded with much of the bands deposit money. The show will go on, we will have 15 or 20 bands, and it'll still be a great time! An accurate line up will be posted shortly."

Is nero still playing? I'm kind of confused as I thought it was pretty much cancelled, but he's trying to make it still happen.

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no, nero is not playing. its been a tough festival season so far. dope spray, permit issues, tornados, monsoons, sketchy promoters. Here's hoping we're out of the woods.

ISTR Velvet saying there was some weirdness/sketchitude from the ScottyPalluza people? How did that fest turn out?



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There was some sketchyness, but it still happened. The venue was beautiful. It was a cold night and my fingers started to sieze up by the end of the set, but the sky was full of stars and I had a nice chill night. Jay and Chris drove home right after the set and Lara and I stayed the night.

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What boggles my mind is that this same promoter is supposedly running another festival (The Secluded Forest Music Festival) at the same location in August, with SCI, Soulive, Yonder Mountain Sring Band, Keller Williams, etc. I don't know how they expect to sell tickets to it after this disaster.

I just got the latest e-mail from SCI Ticketing, which says:

At this time we also regret to inform you that The String Cheese Incident has pulled out of the Secluded Forest Music Festival lineup. The band is concerned about fans' safety & at this point, we are not convinced that ticket buyers will be taken care of in the manner that they should be by the festival organizers.

Despite the promoters placing him in their advertisements, Keller Williams was never confirmed to perform at the Secluded Forest Music Festival in Lyonsdale, NY.



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Hmmmmmm. Must be a lot of disappointed people out there. This is a real shame indeed.

It'll be real interesting to see what happens *next* year, with Phish out of the game, The Dead collectively reaching the age of 5787 and the bad taste of cancelled festivals and shady happenings hovering above the jamband market.

I've had the sense that the bloom is off the rose for some time now. Even just at SPAC last weekend, I saw many a waste-case, way worse off and in bigger numbers than I remember from even 5 years ago.

Not to worry, from these ashes a Phoenix will rise. It'll be interesting, to say the least!

Me, I'll be at home, listening to bluegrass. heh heh......

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